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Morne Van Der Westhuyzen

Morne Van der Westhuyzen

0157 Centurion

Reddam House Waterfall

Gate 6, Waterfall Country Estate, Country Estate Dr, Waterfall Dr
1682 Midrand

13 February 2024

Re: Application for College Director Of Music position with Reddam House Waterfall

To whom it may concern,

Upon reading the role advertised for the College Director Of Music position, I immediately jumped at the chance to apply. I am a motivated
and driven professional with knowledge of the field combined with top skills in communication and collaboration.

The experience and skills I bring have fully prepared me to succeed in this position. I have a solid knowledge of the industry and have
demonstrated competencies in critical thinking, delegation and collaboration.

I firmly believe that my background is an excellent match for your business, and I could confidently contribute to your team.

I'm confident that we would make an effective team, and I look forward to hearing from you in the next few weeks.

Morne Van der Westhuyzen

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