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Unsatisfied With Results? Make A Plan,

Take Action

So you're not satisfied. Now what? Eric Brown helps you to

create a simple plan of action for each obstacle that is
preventing you from reaching your fitness and health goals.

These are the realest words I've ever written.

What if?

You are out of shape. You are broke. You are weak. You are unhappy.

You hate your job. You are with the wrong person. You are frustrated.

You are stressed. You are overweight. You are underweight.

You are aging faster than you should. Your life as a whole is not where you want it to be.

My question to you is:

What in the blue sky are you going to do about it?

Are you going to complain to your friends and family about how your life is just so awful?
Are you going to just talk about change all day and then take absolutely no action?

Are you going to go to the local bar during "happy" hour and drink your sorrows away in
a river of good ole Jack Daniels? Or worse yet, are you going to take some mood-altering
drugs to take your mind off of things?
The problem with today's culture is a major lack of accountability. The easy way out is
more popular than the number one song on the Billboard's Top 100. The majority of
folks will turn to the above scenarios when they are faced with adversity. Complain, talk
that talk, drink excessively or do harmful drugs. And this all too common pattern of
action has absolutely, positively, no value.

A call to action - do you have a plan?

A wise man once said the ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments
of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Essentially every man and woman on the planet feels great when they are comfortable.
But your true character is ultimately revealed when you face adversity. At this point you
will either swim to the surface and move forward or you will sink into the ocean of
oblivion and go backwards.

What will allow to thrive when you face adversity head-on is having a solid plan of action.
In order to make progress in life you must have a plan. I know I was a Grade-A jabroni
before I developed a plan for my life in 2008.

A plan of action does not have to be complicated, nor require a lot of effort to design.
But you must develop it in order to change your situation from negative to positive. A
plan without action is just a dream. You do not want to be Dave Dreamer because
anyone on the planet can dream. It takes a different type of person to put the dream into
motion, take action, and turn the dream into reality.

Eric Brown

Are you going to complain about how your life is just so awful? Are you going to just talk about
change all day and then take absolutely no action?

Where to start?
Are you out of shape? Start exercising today.

Are you broke? This is America. There are many crafts, hustles, and professions that you
can get into on. When I had no consistent income I started a career as a personal trainer
and barber. If I could make something out of nothing, you can too.

Are you weak both mentally and physically? Start to embrace challenges. A tough
challenge will make you tough. Train hard and enter some competitions. You will be
mentally and physically better for it.

Are you unhappy? Get involved with something that consistently makes you happy. I love
fitness and I am involved with it daily. You may love art, music, or even stamp collecting.
Make time for it every day.

Do you hate you job? Most Americans do. Find you passion and follow up on it. Plan this
out smartly so that you are not flat broke at the beginning like I was. It will be rough in the
beginning, but it will pay off in time if you stay with it and work hard.

Are you with the wrong person? You want to start a family now and he/she says let's wait
5 years? Do you both constantly argue over everything and I mean every little thing? If
you have serious philosophical and life differences then it may be time to move on. I'm
no relationship counselor but if you are unhappy and stressed then it's not worth it. Trust
me I have been there.

Are you overweight? Then it is time to drop the fast food and junk food. Start eating
correctly and begin an exercise program. There are endless resources available on this
great website known as Muscle & Strength, and even another fantastic site called Check it out.

Are you underweight? Stop complaining about being a hardgainer and start to lifting
and eating for real. Lame machine workouts and pathetic cardio will get you nowhere.
You may never be as big as Arnold but you can maximize your small frame. I've been
where you are at.

Are you aging faster than you should be? A lot of smoking, drinking, sleepless nights
and poor nutrition are the likely cause. Begin a plan to slowly cut down your
consumption of the smokes and tonics until it is minimal. While there is nothing wrong
with a social drink, pounding like a frat boy will only add years to your body and definitely
to your face. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep and eat correctly too.

Are unsatisfied with where your life is? I know that by addressing the above health,
career, and relationship issues your satisfaction with your life will grow like a freshly
planted tree.

I do not have all of the answers to help you develop a plan of action for every scenario,
but I think you are seeing the bigger picture here. I can (and want) to help you develop
your plan of action when it comes to training, nutrition, and creating a positive mindset.
Adversity and stress impacts us all. But like Rocky Balboa said, "Life is not about how
hard you can hit. Life is about how hard you get hit and keep moving forward."

Today is a great day for you to develop a plan, or find someone to help you develop a
plan of action that will help you move forward. To help you get motivated, watch my
video "Plan of Action".

Fitman presents...Plan of Action. 1080HD.

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About The Author

Fitman is the owner and head performance coach of The Fitman
Performance Center in Roslyn, PA located right outside of Philadelphia. He
is also a two-time Men’s Health Next Top Trainer Finalist and his
groundbreaking first E-Book, Use Speed To Get Lean, is available at
View all by Fitman »

4 Comments + Post Comment

Posted Sat, 07/12/2014 - 03:23 LIKE 17
Pic David
Great article, sometimes you know what you need to do but just need to be told anyways


Posted Mon, 07/14/2014 - 09:31 LIKE 16
Pic Eric Brown
Hey David. I could not agree more with your statement. Everyone including me needs a
push at times even if you know what you need to do. Thanks for reading.


Posted Fri, 07/11/2014 - 14:11 LIKE 21
Pic Mike Martin
Totally agree man!! This was my life to the T a few years ago, before I took action. I was
miserable, broke, unhealthy. Hell, I got out of breath climbing one set of stairs. I made small
changes over time and urtilized the info given on muscle and strength as well as other sites to
guide my journey. It absolutely changed my life. I always love seeing motivational articles like
this one because I know it's going to change someone's life out there. Keep it up!!

Posted Mon, 07/14/2014 - 09:30 LIKE 17
Pic Eric Brown
Hey Mike. I am glad you were able to make positive changes in your life. I wrote this not
only to inspire you all to develop a plan of action but also to remind myself where I was
just a few short years ago. I had no plan of action and was going nowhere fast until I
developed one for my life. If I can have a positive impact and help someone else
improve their situation than I am beyond satisfied. Keep moving forward and making



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