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GRADE 5 (for practice)

Task 1. Read the text. Choose the correct answer A, B or C: (10 points)
My sister and I enjoy living in the country. That is why we usually spend our summer holidays at our
grandfather’s house. He lives and works in the forest. He is a forester. He lives in a small house. He has a garden.
Different plants grow in his garden.
It’s very beautiful there. There is a lake near the house. The lake is full of fish. Near the lake, there are high
green hills and large fields. The forest is full of mushrooms and berries. Different birds and animals live on the hills
in the forest. Grandfather knows and loves them all. He knows a lot of things about animals: where they live in
winter or in summer, what they eat, what they like to do, how they teach their children and play with them.
He knows all about the birds, too. When a bird is singing, he can say what bird it is. In winter, when there is
not much food to eat in the forest, he gives the birds something to eat.
Grandfather likes the forest. He always says that the forest is full of wonders.
We like to listen to grandfather’s stories about the forest’s wonders.
1. There are a lot of _____ in the forest. 4. Where is the lake?
A. fish and mushrooms A. near the house
B. plants and mushrooms B. next to the house
C. berries and mushrooms C. near the forest
2. We usually _____ our holidays at our grandpa’s 5. Where does grandfather work?
house. A. in the garden
A. visit B. in the forest
B. spend C. in the field
C. go

3. He _____ says that the forest is full of wonders.

A. never
B. usually
C. always

Task 2. Guess the meaning of the word according to the description: (30 points)
Sample: A person who helps sick people: A. a doctor B. a teacher C. a policeman

6. A person who lives in a space station. A. an astronaut B. a doctor C. a farmer

7. It is an animal. Its ears are big and grey like flags. A. a monkey B. a cat C. an elephant
8. You can wear it when it is hot. A. a coat B. a T-shirt C. a jacket
9. Words that someone sings. A. a song B. a story C. a riddle
10. When we want to cut something, we use it. A. sticks B. glue C. scissors
11. It is big and round. It is noisy too. A. a ball B. a drum C. a lamp
12. This can be white and cold. A. butter B. rain C. snow
13. At night, you can see stars in it. A. sky B. ground C. sun
14. We write on it. A. paints B. paper C. pepper
15. Children like it very much. They ride it. A. a bike B. a room C. a car
Task 3. Choose the odd one A, B or C. (30 points)
Sample: A. parrot B. tiger C. lion

16. A. banana B. apple C. onion

17. A. parrot B. cat C. dog
18. A. cup B. spoon C. knife
19. A. brother B. sister C. friend
20. A. coffee B. cheese C. bread
21. A. sofa B. coat C. table
22. A. milk B. petrol C. water
23. A. cap B. helmet C. bag
24. A. June B. Sunday C. July
25. A. football B. bottle C. basketball

Task 4. Choose the correct answer. (30 points)
Sample: Those _____ are expensive. A. book B. books C. a book

26. It is ____ milk. A. _ B. a C. an

27. Dan has ____ big room. A. a B. _ C. an
28. They _____ to the cinema now. A. goes B. are going C. go
29. Does he play tennis? Yes, he _____ . A. do B. does C. is
30. The dog _____ very friendly. A. were B. are C. was
31. He _____ juice every morning. A. drinks B. is drinking C. drink
32. We _____ going to work together. A. was B. are C. is
33. He often _____ to the cinema. A. go B. going C. goes
34. A plane is _____than a helicopter. A. fast B. faster C. fastter
35. _____ books are there on the desk? A. Where B. Who C. How many

ANSWERS: 1)C 2)B 3)C 4)A 5)B

6)A 7)C 8)B 9)A 10)C 11)B 12)C 13)A 14)B 15)A
16)C 17)A 18)A 19)C 20)A 21)B 22)B 23)C 24)B 25)B
26)A 27)A 28)B 29)B 30)C 31)A 32)B 33)C 34)B 35)C

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