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Subject : English Language

Year : 3 Alpha

Enrolment : 30 pupils

Date / Day : 19th February 2019 (Tuesday)

Time : 09.45 a.m. – 10.45 a.m. (60 minutes)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Fresh Fruits (Unit 12)

Focused Skill : Grammar

Previous Knowledge : Pupils are already familiar with nouns.

Content standard : By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be

able to:

5.1 use different word classes correctly and appropriately

Learning Standard : 5.1.3 Able to use adjectives correctly and appropriately:

(a) colour

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1) write three adjectives on the board based on the role

play activity

2) answer at least three questions correct regarding the

adjectives of colour via Kahoot!

Vocabulary : red, yellow, green

Cross Curricular Elements : Language, Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT)

Educational Emphases :

Moral Values : Cooperation, stay fit

Thinking Skills : Evaluate, apply, analyse

Multiple Intelligences : Interpersonal, kinaesthetic

Entrepreneurship : Creativity

Resources / Teaching Aids : Realia of fruits, ‘My Calculation Board’, Kahoot! website, script

sample of the role play on the slideshow

Stages/ Time Content Activities Remarks

Set Induction To arouse pupils’ interest 1) Teacher brings a Preparation Phase

(5 minutes) through the realia of basket of fruits.

fruits. 2) Students have to Tools

name the fruits in the - Real fruits in a

basket. basket.

3) Teacher asks the

students some

questions related to the

Example of questions:
1) What is your favourite


1) Have you eaten

dragon fruit before?

Presentation To give students a clear 1) Teacher explains Imagination Phase

(18 minutes) information on the about the adjectives to - Generating ideas

definition of adjectives the students. - Synthesizing ideas

and the adjective of 2) Teacher uses ‘My

colour. Calculation Board’ to Tools

-My Calculation Board explain the adjective of -My Calculation Board

colour to the students.

3) Teacher

demonstrates a short

role play regarding the

adjectives of colour.

4) Teacher shows the

script sample on the

slideshow to the

5) Teacher picks a

student at random to

be his/her partner in

-The script sample demonstrating the role


6) Teacher and the

student perform the

role play by reading the

script sample aloud.

Practice To encourage the 1) Pupils have to work Development Phase

(20 minutes) participation of all in pair.

students in the activity. 2) Each pair has to do Tools

-The script sample: a short role play by - Script sample on the

using the same slideshow

script (in

Presentation). Assessment for

3) However, each learning objective (1)

student have to

change the name of HOTS

the fruits and the - Analyse

colour of the fruits - Apply

according to their

preferences. PAK 21

4) For instance: - Teaching through

 ‘Watermelon’ games
changed to - Collaboration and

‘pineapple’ communication

 ‘Red’ changed to - Discussion

‘pink’ - Creativity

5) In 5 minutes, the

students have to

discuss and

practise the role

play with their pair.

6) Teacher chooses

pair at random to

perform the role

play in front of the


7) While the pair is

performing the role

play in front of the

class, other

students have to list

out at least three

adjectives of colour

stated by that pair.

8) The teacher

randomly picks

student to write the

answers on the

1) Activity 6) to 8) is

continued with

another pairs.
Production To check the 1) Teacher divides Action Phase

(15 minutes) understanding of pupils in a group of 5.

students in adjective of 2) Teacher shows Tools

colour. Kahoot! website to - Kahoot! website

Eg: the students.

-Kahoot! website 3) There are 15 Assessment for

questions on learning objective (2)

Kahoot! regarding

the adjective of Moral values:

colour. - Cooperation

4) In groups, they

have to discuss

which one is the HOTS:

correct answer. - Evaluate

5) Teacher claps 3 - Analyse

times, then the

fastest group that PAK 21:

raises up his hands - ICT

will get the chance - Discussion

to answer the - Critical thinking


6) When a group has

the chance to

answer it, other

groups will have to

wait for the next

question to answer.

7) If the answer is

correct, 2 marks will

be given to the

group. If the

students answer it

wrongly, 0 mark will

be given.

8) The group with the

highest mark will be

announced as the

winner of this

Closure To recap lesson and 1) Teacher chooses Moral values:

(2 minutes) instill moral values. students at random. - Eat fruits to stay

Eg: 2) Teacher asks the healthy.

1. Why we should eat students regarding - Cooperation

fruits? today’s lesson.

2. What have we learnt 3) Teacher

today? summarises the topic

and highlights moral

value throughout the

whole lesson.

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