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Subject : ENGLISH
Day/ Date : Rabu 10 Juni 2020
Nature of the Test : Final Test
Hours : 14:00 - 15:30
Venue : Room 19/20
Group :F
Lecturer : Dra. Ermyna Seri,M.Hum


Complete the dialogue with the words given below (Sore : 20)
see would what occupied like am tell made can have

A : Good Morning. How ………………..(1)I help you ?

B : Good Morning. I …………………… (2)……………………(3) to report about my case.
A :………………(4).is your case about ?
B : Someone has ………………………(5) on my land.
A : Wait for.a moment Sir. Have you…….…(6). an appointment with our Lawyer ?
B : No, This is why I …….(7) coming to see the Lawyer to consult my case with him.
A : Well, Could I ……………(8) your name Sir, please ?
B : It is Mr PP
A : OK Mr PP, I will call Mr Lawyer and …….(9)him that there is a client want to ………(10) him.
B : OK. Thank you
A : Mr. PP, Mr Lawyer is expecting you in his office. You can go inside his office.
B : Thank you.
A : Thank you


Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (Score : 30)
1. The police ………………… three arrests during the demonstration.
A. did B. took C. made D. gave
2. As he was caught in ………………. Of an offensive weapon, he was immediately a suspect.
A. possession B. ownership C. handling D. control
3. He was …….of forgery and sentenced to two years in prison.
A. charged B. convicted C. accused D. confirmed
4. Research suggests that heavy penalties do not act as a ………… to potential criminals.
A. deterrent B. safeguard C. prevention D. distraction
5. He has finally been ……………………… guilty of tax fraud.
A. arrested B. detained C. caught D. found
6. The punishment should ………………. the crime
A. fit B. be related to C. appropriate D. be given to
7. That seems rather ……………………………. for juvenile offence.
A. a harsh punishment B. pleased C. unforgettable D. unjustifiable
8. At the police station he was charged ………………… money under false pretenses.
A. in B. for C. at D. on
9. Thieves got away with a …………jewelries worth hundreds of pounds.
A. catch B. haul C. snatch D. loot
10. The police have ……… to the public to come forward with any information which might help
them in their enquiries.
A. urged B. claimed C. appealed D. called
11. The newspaper was ordered to pay hi IDR 100 million ……………….for printing the libelous
story about him.
A. damages B. refund C. penalty D. restitution
12. My hopes of becoming a lawyer …………….. when I failed my “A” levels.
A. cracked B. crumbled C. crashed D. smashed
13. The prisoner was ……………………as he rushed towards the gate
A. recaptured B. escaped C. avoided D. arrested
14. He accused me ………… a liar.
A. as B. of C. at D. on
15. Have you thought what the ………. might be if you didn’t win your case in court ?
A. situation B. case C. condition D. environment


Directions : Make the correct statements about what you must or musn’t do in motoring law in
Indonesia to the following phrases of 1-10 . (Score : 20)
1. drive / left-hand side / road:
2. park / double yellow line
3. drive / more / 70 m.p.h/ town center
4. do / U-turn / motorway
5. cross / zebra crossing / road
6. park / in front of / the gates
7. fasten / seat belt / drive
8. proceed / the car / in the solid line road
9. pick up or make / phone call / drive
10. stop / toll road

Report the following direct Speech into Indirect Speech. If you can answer all the questions correctly
you will get 15 scores.
1. He said “the burglar breaks into his house through the dining room window.: He said that The
burglar was Broke into his house trough the dinning room window
2. Lawyer says : I will help you to prepare suit paper.: Lawyer says that he would help me to
prepare suit paper
3. The Judge said my statement is in conflict with the result of the evidence.: the judge said my
statement that the evidence was in conflict with the result
4. He will bring the suit paper against the accusation of bribery scandal.:the suit paper would
brought by his that againts the accusation of bribery scandal
5. You must give the right evidence at the hearing session. The right evidence had given by me
at the hearing session

Write an essay expressing your opinion about 100 words or 2-3 paragraphs to the following
statement (Score : 15). “What have you learned from the Covid 19 Pandemic related to the aspect
of law ” ? (Rules applied by the govrnment, Do people obey what have been regulated ?)

GOOD LUCK----------- EMS

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