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Our presentations - Things to consider

1. Posture, position of arms and hand movement:

- formal posture
- arms above the waist
- control the movement of arms - only move when necessary
- use suitable hand movement to emphasize the speech
- avoid using finger to point at the slide or your students, use your palm instead
2. Eye Contact: At least looking at some students in both rows; avoid looking up or down or fake EC
3. Facial expression: try to express enthusiastic facial expression
4. Slides:
- use different colors/ font type/ font size/ capital letters to emphasize the key ideas
- be more careful in choosing the color of the text when you choise the dark background ( it can be
high- contrasted in your laptop but low-contrasted on the screen because of the quality of the
- choose suitable photos or icons to attract your students more; remember to avoid using photos with
copyright images
- use simple animations and let each idea appears when you explain
5. Encourage more interaction: instead of providing information all the time, you can change the
atmosphere by asking an easy question, asking std to make a simple choice between 2 ideas. For
example, instead of stating "the reason is that..." you can ask "Do you know why....?"
6. Give more explanation when necessary: when you present, if you guess that your students don't
undertstand your information, try to repeat or paraphrase the idea in an easier quay
7. Summary: In order to help your students remember the information you present, it is a good idea
for you to summarize the key ideas using keywords or even images to provoke thinking and finally
leave them a final thought
8. Introducing members of your group: instead of facing the slide and reading the name of each
member, why don't you face your group members and use your palm to introduce their names
9. Maximize the voicing techniques your learnt in Presentation Skills class: at least vary your tone,
rate, stress and pause at the suitable place.
Those are some concerns I took notes from our presentation in the morning. If you can realize any
thing else, please leave the comments. Please help you, your friends and ME!!!!!! We are a family
and we learn from each other.
Do you want A BONUS?

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