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The Calamities of Consensus

1. Is Consensus a good way for groups to make decisions? Why or Why Not?

The group consensus helps increase group productivity and also increases the trust
and collaborative nature of the members within the group. It helps clearly present all
the ideas of the group.
But, if a group member has an abstract idea which may be out of the box and unique,
he might feel the need to conform with the group. This is one of the major negatives
of using consensus method to arrive at a decision.

2. Can you think a time when a group of which you were a part of relied on consensus?
How do you think the decision turned out?

The IGB exercise, where each team had to divide the incentive amongst the member,
we had used consensus method to arrive at answer. The group had already started
dividing up the incentive. I had then suggested that let the members divide the
incentive themselves as this would curb any chance of dissatisfaction. This was not
accepted by the members. I had to conform with the group for the consensus.
The solution arrived through consensus turned out to be wrong.

3. Martin Luther King Jr. once proclaimed “A Genuine leader is not a seeker of
consensus but a modeler of consensus” What do think he means by that statement?
Do you agree with it? Why or Why Not?

Martin Luther King Jr. meant that a genuine leader is the one who facilitates the
decision-making process of the group rather than impose his own decisions. He
directs and guides the group to the best possible decision. He makes sure that the
decision arrived doesn’t leave anyone dissatisfied in any way. This is to avoid any
chance of future conflicts.

Mehul Chauhan

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