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Buy on Amazon Flipkart Kindle Poti human beings very rarely express themselves in their dampness, doing what they actually want to do, and doing it exactly the way they want to do it. Social conditioning, as well as gathering information, processing them to simulate results, make them hold back. We
always try to become what we think we should be if others did not know certain realities of our lives. There is a constant theatrical attempt to make others believe what we want them to see in us. In the darkest corners of our hearts we are waiting to open up. This continuous experience, over a period of
time, suppresses that dampness, and we tend to behave in a socially acceptable way. We forget about the lows and highs of our ability to do bad things. We begin to underestimate the cruelty, mental and physical, we are capable of. That's why when we hear that someone put a rod in their uncle's head
because of a little argument, we usually use the word inconceivable. There will be no love is a collection of short stories that talk about the raw mi0ness of humanity when faced with certain circumstances. The name itself was chosen to convey the lack of love in the usual way. I'm not a dark person, but I
like to bring out stories about the darkest hours of human life when we struggle the most. Stories where the struggle of self dealing with ideas of alienation, vengeance, social view, sexual exploitation, extreme violence, etc. are presented in their original and vivid form. After my two books, a collection of
satire (Bakar Puran) and a novel about age (Gar Vapasi), I wanted to work on a certain struggle of people who were missing in these books. These stories didn't start with the current topic in mind, but as I wrote them, they went for a broader line of thought. The main characters in some of them struggled
with the idea of revenge after being offended by people or circumstances. The process through which they go to fight inside, plan and execute, was something I wanted to bring to the fore. What would you do if five members of your family were shot a little more trivial by the question of your cow grazing on
someone else's farm? What would you do if the son of a village leader not only tried to rape your wife, but also once got drunk in your house and shot a pregnant wife in the stomach, killing the son she was holding on her lap? How would you cope with the idea of abandonment if you were found almost
dead on the doorstep of an orphanage and have nowhere to go as an 18-year-old orphan? What would you do if you knew someone was raping and molesting women and people were looking at you for justice? How could you commit organized murders if your 7-year-old son was punched head-on on a
rock with his legs tied? What your plan will be like have been molested and raped by someone you trusted after he invited you to dinner at his house? Would you consider death if there was nothing to hold on to or was there no reasoning to live on this planet? Do you care about the social look when you
are in the most intimate moments with your loved one? These are the questions that you will encounter when you read the following pages. You might understand things in a clearer perspective as to why some girls who feel exploited don't always find a police station. Or maybe you wouldn't because the
book doesn't give you these answers. These stories will tell you what's going on and how the characters react to situations. The stories are not entirely fictional, as many of them have traces of truth. Some of the situations in these stories are real. However, the brightness of the stories may seem unreal
and workable, but not always so. Imagination is never pure because we can't take anything out of nothing. Imagination is a combination of everything we experience in our lives. You take something from somewhere and you create with imagination. There has to be a base. In this case, the base of the
stories that we hear, read or witness around us. As an author, you live through the words you enter. Each paragraph provokes you to think about the next step, and each story changes you. There will be plots that are alien to the experience, but you write it trying to make sense. These stories may seem
fantastic to some people, but believe me, these stories exist. Time and characters may change, but these stories live around us. We live among those people who may be the character in these stories, but we don't know them. We don't know them because they express themselves the way they want to.
But the question is, do we know ourselves? Can we know for sure we will not react in a similar way when faced with a similar situation? Buy on Amazon Flipcard Infibeam उन िव थािपत लोग क कहानी है जो बेहतर भिव य के ल य का पीछा करते हुए Kindle 'घरवापसीअपने समाज से दरू होने के बावजूद, वहाँ से पूरी तरह िनकल नह पाते।
ये कहानी िबहार-उ र देश आिद के गाँव , छोटे शहर से श ा और नौकरी क तलाश म िनकले युवाओं के आं त रक और बा संघष क कहानी है। अपने जड़ क एक चता से जूझते हुए िक मगर वो वह So maybe some changes are coming. A conflict that keeps your new family, including wives and children, and their future, or an old family that
plays a big role from parent to society. Society is also a family, a parent that invests in you. In pursuit of the response to 'What Should I Become', the main character is definitely in a better position in today's time, but an indirect 'improvement'. In the speed of depth and sensitivity of the relationship, the
characters 'return' flow. From personal relationships like father-son, husband and wife, underage lover-girlfriend, friendship, the history of the relationship between society and man is a 'return'. The main character of the story is part of the same in the subconscious of Ravi, scratches, screams ... But the
expansion of his conscious, the brightness of his present, suppresses this stigma, making it inaccessible. Ravi continues to seek an answer to the question posed as a child, living his imperfections, fighting them, who he should become. When the successful Ravi comes into his subconscious in his
current social environment, finding himself weighing two ends of the long journey, and deciding whether to go home, or return home, It's a soul. Buy on Amazon Flipkart Infibeam E-book on the Play Store Kindle Bakr Purana is a book of the life of every bachelor boy who leaves home and comes to study
in cities like Delhi and then becomes part of these cities. In its pages, the story of every boy who ever loved, foolishly, discussed India's foreign policy in a tea shop. The Bachelor's Bakr Purana Londono has a history, a present and no changing future. His language and style is what happens in the
bachelor room, not the decor or confession of the elite. The same. Read the research paper published on Bakr Purana here, so you know why this book was written, what it is, why it is styled. Dainik Jagran During a discussion on Lok Sabha TV on India says Program: Daily newspaper New World New
Authors Book Discussion in Public Opinion News Review Prabhat Khabar Hindustan Feminastan Times Patrika Plus India Today Femina Dainik Jagran show-reviews pseudonym testi-now'' alias





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