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Hill Side School

Civics and ethical education Lesson note and exercises for grade 10
Week one summarized note

Unit 7
work hard and be on time
 you work to produce something useful.
Well-being is the enjoyment /happiness/that we get from hard working
 work is any productive activity which is a source of income.
 People first worked so they could eat. work makes your life better.
 You must respect all kind of work.
 There are different kinds of works basically two types. These are 1. blue collar
workers 2. white collar workers
 Blue collar workers are workers that involve in physical labor. Example daily
laborer and factory workers.
workers White collar are people that do not involve in manual labor and who
work in office .example bankers, manager, lawyers etc

Home work
Answer the following question
1.Why we all need to work? list at least 3 uses of work
2.what is a carrier? Give one example
3. list at least 5 types of works.
4.what is the difference between needs and wants?
5.Do you agree on the idea that stealing is work? write your reason briefly .
for more information read your text on page 109-111 .

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