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The catalytic activity of synthesized AgNPs

on the degradation of MB was tested by UV–

Vis spectroscopy. The UV–Vis spectrum of
MB in water shows two absor- bance peaks at
612 and 664 nm in the visible region and
display dark blue color. The degradation of
dyes can easily monitor through visual
observation and UV–Vis spec- troscopy [50,
51]. The degradation of MB did not occur in
presence of NaBH4 alone in the control
reaction (without AgNPs). However after
addition of AgNPs to the solutions containing
MB and NaBH4, the degradation of MB com-
mences immediately which was identified
from gradual disappearance of blue color and
UV–Vis spectra. The time dependent UV–Vis
spectra on MB degradation are shown in Fig.
8. From the figure, it can be seen that, after
addition of AgNPs, the absorbance intensity of
MB was gradually decreased upon increasing
of reaction time, which sug- gested the
catalytic activity of synthesized AgNPs [52].
After 30 min the degradation was fully
completed, which
Fig. 6 a–c HR-TEM images of
synthesized AgNPs by the C.
racemosa extract at different
scale; d SAED pattern of
synthesized AgNPs

Fig. 7 EDS spectrum of

biosynthesized AgNPs using C.
racemosa extract

could be identified from the decolorization of blue color pseudo first order kinetics. The degradation efficiency of
and its absorbance intensity. The degradation of MB by MB in presence and absence of AgNPs at various reaction
NaBH4 in assistance of noble metal nanoparticles follows times were depicted in Fig. 9. The linear relationship was
DOI: 10.3109/1040841X.2014.912200 Silver nanoparticles 4

2.0 min
Absorbance (a.u.)

1.5 min
8 min
10 min
15 min
20 min
0.5 25 min
30 min

500 550 600 650 700 750

Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 8 UV–Vis spectra of MB degradation using NaBH4 reducing agent and synthesized AgNPs as catalyst

observed between degradation of MB (optical density) and reaction time. The mathematical equation for
the linear line is Y = -0.00114 X ? 0.0553 (Y = mX ? C), where m is
the slope of the line, C is the intercept of the line and the
DOI: 10.3109/1040841X.2014.912200 Silver nanoparticles 5

plays two differnt roles as electron donor and hydrogen provider. Owing to the high negative
potential of AgNPs (-1.80 V vs. NHE), it act as electron transfer mediator
between BH4- ion and MB. After addition of NaBH4 to the
solution containing MB and AgNPs, the concomitant adsorption of BH4- ion and MB takes
place in the surface of AgNPs and also the simultaneous electron and hydrogen transfer takes
place. The diffusion between adsorbed spe- cies leads to desorption of the colorless
product, which
maybe due to the large surface area of AgNPs, it provides more catalytic site towards the
degradation of MB [53, 55].

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