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19 Must Read Articles to Help Your 2019

Fitness Goals

Lock down your 2019 goals and head into 2020 as the best
version of yourself by reading and applying the fitness tips from
these 19 must-read articles.
We’re a few weeks into 2019 and have felt the presence of all of you with health and
fitness related resolutions.

Welcome to Muscle & Strength. I hope you’ve found our website helpful so far in
achieving your goals.

Today, I want to take things a step further and provide you all with 19 articles I think will
help you achieve those 2019 New Year’s resolutions.

They’ll cover different topics, and together, will give you a great base of knowledge to
make 2019 your best year yet.

1.  7 Habits of Highly Successful & Motivated Gym-Goers

Achieving success in anything requires you creating habits that’ll breed success.

The 7 habits listed in this article are not only easy to create but will lead to gym-longevity
and will give you a sense of optimism that living a fitness lifestyle isn’t as hard as some
make it out to be.

Give the article a read and start small. Adopt one of these habits at a time and watch as
your 2019 fitness journey quickly becomes one of the easiest journey’s you’ve ever
embarked on.

Read Article: 7 Habits of Highly Successful & Motivated Gym-Goers

2. Setting Goals: A Realistic Approach to Consistent

Sometimes the hardest part of achieving your goals is setting realistic goals.

Everyone wants to set the bar high, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You should want
to strive to become the best you that you can be.

That said, it takes time.

It’s not a quick process.

So, setting realistic goals in a time sensitive manner is the best approach to goal setting.
And the article below outlines how you can do just that.

Read Article: Setting Goals - A Realistic Approach to Consistent Gains

3. How to Build Muscle: 5 Step Guide to Lean Gains

The next two articles are not really articles, but our master guides on the two most
popular goals people getting into fitness generally have.
This first one teaches you everything you could possibly need to know to get started with
building lean muscle mass.

This guide outlines dieting strategies, supplementation, workout recommendations, and

lifestyle tips to help get you going in the right direction.

Read Article: How to Build Muscle - 5 Step Guide to Lean Gains

How to Build Lean Muscle

4. Learn To Lose Fat with Diet & Training

The second of the two expert guide articles I’ve included on this list is one that teaches
you everything you need to know about fat loss.

Fat loss is becoming an increasingly popular goal and has probably surpassed those
looking to strictly build lean muscle.

Much like the previous guide listed, this guide will outline dieting strategies,
supplementation, workout recommendations, and lifestyle tips to set you up for success
with your fat loss goals.

Read Article: Learn To Lose Fat with Diet & Training

5. Muscle & Strength's 10 Most Downloaded Workout Routines

of 2018
It might be just a little bit cliché to include another listicle within a listicle, but when it
comes to listicles that’ll help you reach your 2019 goals - this isn’t a bad one to read

Within the article are the top 10 most downloaded workout routines on Muscle &
Strength last year.

And there’s a reason why they’ve reached the total number of downloads they have -
they work. And they’re free!

So, give this article a read through, find yourself a solid plan, and get after it!

Read Article: 10 Most Downloaded Workout Routines of 2018

6. 4 Pillars of Dietary Success for Any Fitness Goal

I’d say the hardest part of being successful with fitness-related goals all starts in the
kitchen and ends in the bathroom.

We’re talking about concepts ranging from learning what to cook, how to cook it, and
how your body digests it to use it as fuel.
And that’s why the next several articles are all about nutrition and digestion.

To kick things off, we have the 4 pillars of dietary success for any fitness goal. This article
breaks down the hierarchy of what’s truly important when it comes to successful dieting.

Read Article: 4 Pillars of Dietary Success for Any Fitness Goal

7. How to Calculate the Perfect Macros for Your Fitness Goals

From there, it’s important to know how to calculate your macronutrient goals.

Your macronutrient requirements will differ slightly based on your individual goal and
your individual response to certain macronutrient sources.

This article will give you a good baseline on how to determine how many grams of
protein, carbohydrates, and fats you should be eating per day.

Read Article: How to Calculate the Perfect Macros for Your Fitness Goals

8. The Easy Grocery Checklist for Athletes

And now that you know what’s important when it comes to dieting and how many grams
of each macronutrient you need, the next step is heading to the grocery store.

Take out the guesswork and get the proper sources of fuel by snagging some of the
items outlined on this comprehensive guide to grocery shopping for athletes.

This guide breaks down every section of the grocery store and what items you should
consider purchasing to fulfill your macronutrient needs.

Read Article: The Easy Grocery Checklist for Athletes

How to Meal Prep

9. Meal Prep - The Ultimate Guide & Recipes

You’ve got your priorities in check, you know your macros, and now you’ve purchased
the recommended items to cover your nutritional needs from the past article.

Now it’s time to put it all together.

This article will show you how to prep all of that food - all while covering the reasoning
behind meal prepping, tips and hacks, and even recipes you can try out.

Read Article: Meal Prep - The Ultimate Guide & Recipes

10. Is Poor Digestion Wreaking Havoc on Your Gains?

The last step in all of this… actually digesting your food.
You can have the best diet known to man, but if you have poor digestion it’ll be all for

Check out this article to learn about some signs that may indicate you have poor
digestion. From there, utilize some of the helpful tips provided in the article to get it in

The end result will be worth it and significantly impact your results in 2019.

Read Article: Is Poor Digestion Wreaking Havoc on Your Gains?

11. 3 Simple Strategies to Get Leaner Without Lifting

Up next, we’ll cover a couple of lifestyle factors outside of the kitchen and gym that will
have a serious impact on whether you accomplish your goals in 2019 or not.

This first article provides 3 simple strategies to get leaner without weight lifting.

Give this article a read and think about truly prioritizing the factors that will help you
reach your goals.

Read Article: 3 Simple Strategies to Get Leaner Without Lifting

12. Science Tells All: Get Shredded While You Sleep

Sleep plays a critical role within the fitness hierarchy and directly affects nearly
everything else within it.

This article demonstrates how getting enough sleep can be a game changer in your
overall appearance.

It’ll also provide some helpful tips on how you can maximize the quality of sleep you get
each night.

So, read on and don’t miss out on another crucial “Zzz”!

Read Article: Science Tells All - Get Shredded While You Sleep

13. The Secret to Training for Both Physical & Mental Health
You're going to struggle with consistency if you don’t factor both your mental health and
physical health when adopting a training regimen.

This article covers that struggle and provides strategies on how you can get the best of
both worlds.

The end result is consistency and a stronger body and mind.

Read Article: The Secret to Training for Both Physical & Mental Health

Progressive Overload

14. 4 Ways to Achieve Progressive Overload

If you’re not new to the gym, you already know. And if you’re new, you’ll soon learn.

Progressive overload is the key driver and indicator of making progress within the gym.

And the article below shows you several ways you can achieve progressive overload.

Learn what they are and incorporate whichever you feel most comfortable with in your
workout routine.

Read Article: 4 Ways to Achieve Progressive Overload

15. 50 Tips & Tricks to Build Muscle & Burn Fat

The following article makes the list because there are 50 helpful quick tips within it. All of
which will help you along your fitness journey.

Some of the tips are more advanced than others, but reading through them from time to
time will keep you on your toes and primed to tackle any goal you may have throughout
the year.

Read Article: 50 Tips & Tricks to Build Muscle & Burn Fat

16. 4 Golden Rules That Will Keep You Lifting & Healthy for
The whole point in all of this is establishing good health and maintaining it for decades.

While some of the previous articles will have already set you up for success in that
regard, this article will reinforce it.

Follow these 4 golden weight lifting rules to stay injury free this year and beyond.

Read Article: 4 Golden Rules That Will Keep You Lifting & Healthy for

17. 25 Fitness Youtube Channels You Should be Subscribed to

Some people are visual learners and do better by consuming their content through

And continuing your education is extremely important when it comes to accomplishing

your fitness goals.
This article will give you an idea of some of the best Youtube channels to follow to
continue your fitness-related education.

Check them out and subscribe to some of your favorites.

Read Article: 25 Fitness Youtube Channels You Should be Subscribed to

18. 11 Mindset Tips for Focus and Motivation

You can have all of the tools in the toolkit, but if you’re not motivated to crush your goals,
you certainly won’t crush them this year.

This next article provides some tips on how to focus and kick up the intensity of your

Read them. Review them. Implement them.

And crush your 2019 goals!

Read Article: 11 Mindset Tips For Focus and Motivation

19. 4 Things I Wish I Would’ve Known When I Started Training

And we wrap up this list with some key takeaways from one of the most knowledgeable
writers we’ve featured on our website, Mike Wines.

In this article, Mike breaks down 4 key things he wished he had known back when he
first started training. This article will leave you with plenty to think about and consider as
you begin your fitness quest in 2019.

Read Article: 4 Things I Wish I Would’ve Known When I Started Training

Outlined above are 19 key articles I believe anyone with fitness-related goals in 2019
would benefit from reading.

The articles cover almost everything you’d possibly need to know to be successful with
your goals.

This includes fat loss related content, muscle building specific content, tips on nutrition,
digestion, sleep, and other lifestyle considerations. It also covers topics such as habit
building, motivation, and goal setting.

Give them all a read and prepare to go into 2020 as the best version of yourself.
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10 Tips To Help You Reach Your 7 Tips To Help You Set Amazing 9 Tips To Help You Reach Your Diet
Health & Fitness Goals Fitness Goals And Exercise Goals
10 Tips To Help You Reach Your Goals 7 Tips To Help You Set Amazing Fitness Avoid Common Pitfalls & Reach Your
Goals Goals

Do Your Workouts Scare You? If Not, Beyond Bodybuilding Motivation: Pro Tip: How to Accomplish All of
You Might Want to Read This Stay Hungry & Reach Your Goals Your Goals
Do Your Workouts Scare You? If Not, Read Gym Motivation: Stay Hungry & Reach Pro Tip: How to Accomplish All of Your
This Your Goals Goals

About The Author

Josh England
Josh is a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports
Medicine (NASM-CPT), holds a specialization in women’s specific health &
fitness (WFS) and a specialization in fitness nutrition (FNS), and has his eyes
set on becoming a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS)
View all by Josh England »
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