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news item 8: EARTHQUAKE 1

In timpul cutremurului de ieri mari suprafețe ale Ishmadului complet distruse.

Seismul, cu o putere de 7,7 pe scara Richter a fost cel mai puternic seism înregistrat
pe acest teritoriu în ultimul secol. Catastrofa a fost precedată de o serie de socuri
resimțite în decursul ultimelor doua săptămâni. Potrivit relatărilor, trei sate au fost
măturate de pe suprafata pamantului. Cutremurul a provocat deplasări de teren
cauza ruperii liniei de înaltă tensiune, o treime din tara a ramas fara curent electric.
Jumătate din capitala lohmad zace sub dărâmături.

Trupele de salvare incearcă să se strecoare printre grămezile de ruine in cautarea oamenilor

aflaţi sub dărâmături. Cel mai mult au suferit blocurile inalte. Putine clădiri au rezistat undelor
de soc. Multe dintre ele s-au prăbuşit peste locuitori şi au cauzat numeroase victime. Multe
clădiri au fost mistuite de foc.


During yesterday's earthquake large areas of Ishmad are completely destroyed. The
earthquake, with a power of 7.7 on the Richter scale, was the strongest earthquake recorded in
this territory in the last century. The catastrophe was preceded by a series of shocks felt
during the last two weeks. According to reports, three villages were swept from the surface of
the earth. The earthquake caused landslides and flood. Due to the breakdown of the high
voltage line, a third of the country was left without electricity. Half of the Iohmad capital lies
under the rubble.

Rescue troops try to sneak through the piles of ruins searching for people under the rubble.
The tall blocks suffered the most. Just a few buildings withstood the shock waves. Many of
them collapsed on the inhabitants and caused numerous casualties. Many buildings were
burned by fire.

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