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Roxana Bora, LMA, 2nd year

Assignment no. 1

search (v.) - c. 1300, from Old French cerchier "to search" (12c., Modern French chercher),

from Latin circare "go about, wander, traverse," in Late Latin "to wander hither and thither,"
from circus "circle".

Search meaning - an attempt to find someone or something

- an attempt to find information on a computer, on the internet

e.g. I always search my car keys.

Compound words - searchlight (n.) also search-light, 1882, from search (v.) + light (n.)

searchable (adj.)1550s, from search (v.) + -able

searchingly (adv.) from search (v) + -ingly

search engine

search warrant

search box

Sources –, last accessed on October 16th, 2020, last accessed on October 16th, 2020

re-search(v.) - 1760, from re- + search (v.)

Related: Re-searched; re-searching

re-search meaning – to search again

e.g I have to re-search the information in the last year calendar.

Sources –, last accessed on October 16th, 2020, last accessed on October 16th, 2020

Roxana Bora, LMA, 2nd year

research - 1570s, "act of searching closely," from Middle French recerche (1530s, Modern
French recherche), back-formation from Old French recercher (see research (v.)). Meaning
"scientific inquiry" is first attested 1630s.

Research meaning - a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new)

. information or reach a (new) understanding

e.g. My husband is doing a research regarding insomnia disorders.

Compound words - research assistant 

- research manager
- research method
- researcher

Sources –, last accessed on October 16th, 2020, last accessed on October 16th, 2020

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