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C.C. Ugoamadi, O.K. Ihesiulor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike,

This research involves the design and construction of a plastic recycling machine
that minimizes the limitations of the already existing (imported) ones to a great
extent and at the same time ensuring effective waste management.The results of
experimental analysis show that for every used plastic fed into the hopper, about
temperature of 200oC is required to melt it. The machine employs the principle of
conveying and heating to effect shredding and melting of the materials fed through
the hopper, and requires only two persons to operate. The machine is designed
using locally available raw materials which make it cheap and easy to maintain and
repair. The performance test analysis carried out defines the characteristics of the
machine and shows that at a speed of 268 rpm the machine functions effectively
and efficiently in performing its task producing a high finishing recycling efficiency
or recyclability of 97%, takes 2 minutes to recycle a batch of plastics and has a
recycling capacity/throughput of about 265 kg/hr which translates to a significant
time. It is cost and energy saving since its specific mechanical energy consumption
is low at about 30.23kJ/kg. Experiments also show that for a batch process, power
requirement of the machine is proportional to the time in process.
Keywords: recycling machine, plastics-recycling, recyclability/efficiency, throughput/capacity,
specific-mechanical-energy-consumption, cost

1. Introduction als, therefore its accumulation after use gen-

erates an environmental problem [1]. This re-
A recycling machine is that which per-
search project will contribute in the improve-
form the function of melting plastic materi-
ment of the technology used in designing and
als into granules for the production of new
manufacturing of recycling machines for the
products. Recycling is an aspect of envi-
purpose of creating job opportunities and at
ronmental engineering. Environmental engi-
the same time ensuring effective waste man-
neering deals with the development of tech-
agement system. Therefore, plastics recycling
nically reasonable solutions to environmental
is where our hopes for the future lie in terms
problems by designing, building, and main-
of waste management [2, 3].
taining systems (machines) to control wastes
produced by municipalities and private in- Recycling is, contrary to popular belief,
dustries. The manufacturing of pure plastic cheaper than reproducing the good from
raw material consumes large quantities of en- scratch in most cases. Recycling also takes
ergy, and plastics are not degradable materi- care of the enlarging waste disposal crisis that

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 3, October 2011.

68 O.K. Ihesiulor & C.C. Ugoamadi
our society is heading toward. For this, there • Just adequate for a low-grade low-cost re-
is a need for an expansion of the recycling cycling process. Low-grade here refers to
program, as well as cheaper machinery to fix the moderate concern given to some cer-
all the problems of recycling. The fundamen- tain kind of contaminants (pigments used
tal goals of any recycling system are to collect in impressing manufacturer’s information
the wastes so as to divert it from landfill on the waste plastics).
or hazardous disposal, and process it such
that its component materials are recycled
[4]. The performance of a recycling system Plastics are one of the most commonly used
is therefore characterized in terms of both materials in the world today [7]. The huge
environmental efficiency (e.g. the amount quantities of plastic products currently being
or percentage of waste recovered or reused) marketed will ultimately find their way to the
and economic efficiency (e.g. the costs waste dump sites [8]. This is creating a very
of the recycling system). Retrieved from serious problem at dump sites for a number
“ of reasons. The inert nature of plastic materi-
Plants” Thus, the need to recycle plastics als renders them resistant to bio-degradation
is to be clearly understood, especially with which leads to an increase in the amount of
regard to the economic and environmental plastic wastes in dump sites [9]. Moreover,
issues raised by the use of plastics in devel- the presence of plastic wastes in the environ-
oping countries [5]. Raw materials used in ment is considered to be a hazardous affair
the production of plastics are imported and for they are liable to catch fire easily, burn
very expensive [6]. Recycling machines that for long periods of time and thus pollute the
exist are using Germany and Japan advanced atmosphere. They also abuse arable soil for
technology, high degree of automation and farm work. Consequently, action should be
manufactured in China. They are also used taken to promote recycling of plastic materi-
for continuous production with high produc- als. Plastic recycling is bound to realize a lot
tion efficiency. Producers of plastics in the of saving in production costs, conserve limited
informal sector are running a high-cost op- resources, and alleviate environmental pollu-
eration. This high cost of production affects tion [6].
the prize of the product which is available to Volumes of waste equipment needing pro-
the consumer. Recycling some of the plastics cessing are increasing rapidly in both the
thrown away as waste and reusing them as industrialized and industrializing worlds [5].
raw materials in these operations will reduce Developing countries, like Nigeria have to im-
cost of production, if the recycling process is port virgin plastic at high cost. Recycling ac-
designed to deliver product to the producer tivities are usually low in these countries. The
of plastics at a cheaper rate, against the prize informal sector is always ready to undertake
of imported ones. any economically viable venture. Machinery
The machinery for this recycling process available to them for plastic recycling is usu-
must be: ally of very high cost, and bulk. This to a
great extent imposes serious restrictions to the
• Affordable to those working in the infor-
recycling of plastics in the developing coun-
mal sector.
tries. Therefore, in order to overcome these
• Less complex and hence easy to operate, shortcomings, it was necessary to develop a
bearing in mind the technical ability of machine specialized in its application in order
those involved in the informal sector. to achieve the set objectives of reduced cost
and size optimally using locally available ma-
• Cheap to maintain. terials.

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Optimization of a Plastic Recycling Machine 69
2. Materials and Methods tion of the individual units. The bulk of the
parts of the plant were fabricated using mild
2.1. Description of the recycling ma- steel, this is because it is the easiest to be
chine joined among all other metals. It is a very ver-
This machine is ideal equipment for recy- satile metal, necessitating its use by many in-
cling plastics, e.g. Polypropylene, Polyethy- dustries for fabrication of process unit equip-
lene film scrap, High Density Polyethylene ment. Apart from its versatility, it is also very
and Low Density Polyethylene. The criteria cheap and readily available compared to other
for material selection of the materials for the metals.
various components of the machine is based
on the type of force that will be acting on 2.2. Operation of the ma-
them, the work they are expected to perform, chine/principles of operation
the environmental condition in which they will Recycling machine has been the main plas-
function, their useful physical and mechanical tication and pumping device for polymeric
properties, the cost, toxicity of materials and material. This type of device is capable of
their availability in the local market or the melting out and pumping a polymeric mate-
environment. The main important compo- rial with good control of the heating and of
nents of the machine are; frame, barrel, heat- the pumping speed. In the recycling of plas-
ing compartment, screw shaft, hopper, screw tics, raw thermoplastic material in the form of
sprocket, the feed hopper and cover plate, small beads/pellets (often called resin in the
the main housing, the drive shaft (conveying industry) is gravity fed from a top mounted
shaft), the die set with hole/opening diameter hopper into the barrel of the extruder. When
of 1mm and 6 holes, chain sprockets, the bar- the material enters through the feed throat
rel, machine base supports and electric motor (an opening near the rear of the barrel) and
base, etc comes into contact with the screw. The ro-
The main function of the machine frame is tating screw forces the plastic beads forward
to support, guide and hold in accurate align- into the barrel which is heated to the desired
ment all the moving members of the oper- melt temperature of the molten plastic. A
ating machine. The frame was constructed heating profile is set for the barrel in which
from 45x80x45mm channel and 45x45mm an- three or more independent controlled heater
gle bar to give rigidity and stability that will zones gradually increase the temperature of
withstand load and vibration. The outlet is the barrel from the rear (where the plastic
located at the end of the die set where the enters) to the front. This allows the plastic
conditioned materials are compressed and the beads to melt gradually as they are pushed
content forced out through the outlet slots. through the barrel and lowers the risk of over-
The heating compartment is where the incom- heating which may cause degradation in the
ing material heats up and passed through an polymer. Extra heat is contributed by the in-
enclosed passage in the barrel. The machine is tense pressure and friction taking place inside
powered by an electric motor via chain drive the barrel. If the extrusion line is running a
connected to the main shaft that turns the certain material fast enough, the heaters can
screw conveyor. The hopper into which the be shut off by the thermocouple and the melt
plastic material is fed is located at the top temperature maintained by pressure and fric-
of the housing. The design of a waste plastic tion alone inside the barrel. At the front of
recycling plant included the determination of the barrel, the molten plastic leaves the screw
the volume of the hopper unit, heating cham- and travels through a screen pack to remove
ber and heating elements and also the selec- any contaminants in the melt. The screens are
tion of a convenient material for the construc- reinforced by a breaker plate (a thick metal

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 3. October 2011.

 O.K. Ihesiulor & C.C. Ugoamadi

 Figure 1: Sectional view of the recycling machine.

 with many holes drilled through it) since
puck the recycling machine to enhance its perfor-

the pressure at this point could be very high. mance. The technological improvement em-
 screen pack/breaker plate assembly also
The ployed in the present project includes:

serves to create back pressure in the barrel. 1). Modification of the end part of the heating
Back pressure is required for uniform melting system to improve the extrusion process
and proper mixing of the polymer, and how by adding a heater to the die set.
much pressure is generated can be tweaked by 2). Modification of the feeding system by de-
varying screen pack composition. After pass- signing a hopper to aid the feeding process
ing through the breaker plate molten plastic and to ensure operators safety and injury
enters the die. The die is what gives the final from the rotating screw.
product its profile and was designed so that 3). Incorporation of a mechanical control to
the molten plastic evenly flows from a cylin- the system instead of an electronic control
drical profile, to the product’s profile shape. for the speed control to reduce cost.
The product must now be cooled and this The machine with new design modifica-
is usually achieved by pulling the extrudate tions, reasonable configuration in size, steady
through a water bath. Plastics are very good operation, low noise, low energy consumption
thermal insulators and are therefore difficult and high output offers many basic design ad-
to cool quickly. A sealed water bath is acted vantages that enable it to be used for mini-
upon by a carefully controlled vacuum to keep mizing energy and process costs, like; versa-
the newly formed product in spaghetti like tility, high productivity, low cost, ability to
form from collapsing. produce irregular shapes (spaghetti like form),
The variables of barrel temperature, screw high product quality.
speed, and the addition of the polymer into Other advantages include;
the machine can all be controlled to optimize
the machine performance. 1. It is very efficient.

2.3. Modifications made in the design 2. It saves time.
and operation of the plastic recy-
cling machine 3. It is environmentally friendly.
The objective of the present project is to
contribute in the improvement of the technol- 4. It consumes less energy since the SME is
ogy used in designing and manufacturing of very low.

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Optimization of a Plastic Recycling Machine 71
5. Little or no technical knowledge. 5. The capacity should be higher compared
to manual operations.
6. It lacks no ergonomics.
7. Cheaper and easy to maintain. Having the electric motor on the frame
meant a favorable consideration to the com-
8. High efficient force feeder ensures high pactness of the machine. The presence of
capacity material feeder, low power con- rotating parts (the shaft) raised the issue of
sumption. friction and wear. Lubrication had to be ap-
plied and restrained from entering the heating
9. Single screw extruder with specially de-
chamber. The sealed bearing seemed the best
signed screw and barrel, venting system,
option. It can be easily mounted without spe-
ensure good quality final products.
cial design for mounting. There will be forces
10. It removes the impurities that will mix acting on the shaft. These forces will intro-
with the output. duce torsion into these members, which will
tend to twist and deform them. We had to
Thus, to accomplish the above, the follow- carefully select the shaft and metal rod ma-
ing design considerations are taken for the terials and dimensions. We were restricted to
development of the machine; sizing of the choosing dimensions since we had in mind of
shafts, selection of the chain and determina- using materials available in the market for the
tion of transmitted speed, rating of the prime machine. And the cost factor restricted our
mover/power, selection of bearings, choice of choice to the cheaper metal in the market.
belt/chain, capacity of the hopper, volume of
the chamber, force needed for recycling, shear 2.4. Alternative solutions/options for
force and bending moment on the shafts, de- the design: What follows is a
termination of torque acting on the shafts, de- number of options that were pro-
sign for screw conveyor, selection of the ma- duced by engaging in this creativ-
terials for the various components of the ma- ity
chine, analysis of various components, opera- Option one: Four electric heaters project
tion and maintenance of components, design from a cylindrical barrel welded to a shaft.
of thermocouple for temperature regulation The barrel also has a cavity for air blast. The
and control and design of heating power of shaft enters through the centre of the barrel
the heaters. after passing through two bearing in the bear-
In order to obtain high efficiency, and reli- ing hub mounted on the shaft. The shaft is
ability, the machine is designed based on the driven by an electric motor through a chain
following conditions: drive arrangement.
1. The equipment should be relatively cheap Option two: This option is much the same
and be within the buying reach of the lo- thing as the preceding one except for the heat-
cal farmers. ing elements. The difference is that this de-
sign has its heating elements surrounding the
2. The equipment should be able to recycle heating chamber.
different types, varieties, shapes and sizes Option three: This option is simply an al-
of plastics. ternation of option one. The heating element
3. The equipment should be made with is positioned on inside surface of the barrel.
readily available materials. Where the heating element in option one is a
long straight cylindrical heating element. An
4. It should reduce the labour input in tra- extra heating element is positioned near the
ditional methods of recycling. bottom of the heating chamber and the die

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72 O.K. Ihesiulor & C.C. Ugoamadi
set. This element is the long straight type 2.6.1. Selection of the drive and determina-
bent into a ring round the drum. tion of the speed of the drive
Choice of a drive will depend upon pitch,
2.5. Analysis of the design number of chains and sprocket size. In belt
and rope drives, slipping may occur. In order
Right from the start, it was our intention to to avoid slipping, steel chains are selected for
make our design incorporate already available the drive to ensure that perfect velocity ratio
components instead of requiring the produc- is obtained. The system requires two sprock-
tion of part which will add to the cost of the ets (big and small) for the drive; one on the
machine. The machine should be able to at- end of the shaft and the other on the end of
tain operating temperature within the short- the gear box.
est possible time. Operators wouldn’t want to The relationship below is used to determine
wait all day waiting for the machine to warm the transmitted speed;
up to operating state. “Option one” failed the
functionality test. It took the available heater Speed of rotation of smaller sprocket in rpm
Speed of rotation of larger sprocket in rpm
suitable for the design quite a considerable
time to heat up. This result also removed a Number of teeth on the smaller sprocket
= Number of teeth on the larger sprocket
great deal from the competitiveness of the de-
sign. The heating elements in design options Thus; From [10];
one and two are not satisfactorily positioned,
they obstruct the inlet through which the ma- N1 T1
V.R = =
chine receives the plastic to be recycled. The N2 T2
unavailability of a very long heating element Where: N1 = Speed of rotation of smaller
suitable for “Option two” meant the design sprocket in rpm N2 = Speed of rotation of
to be modified or redesigned. Thus, we took larger sprocket in rpm T1 = Number of teeth
the latter option and were left with “Option on the smaller sprocket, and T2 = Number of
three”. teeth on the larger sprocket. Where N1 is the
speed of primary driver sprocket of the gear
2.6. Procedures and analyses on the box.
design of the plastic recycling ma- It should be noted that a motor gear box is
chine used to reduce the speed of the electric motor
at 101:15. Speed reduction is necessary to re-
The specification process was rather itera- duce the speed of the motor and to increase
tive in nature. We had to set a target tem- torque. Thus for the electric motor with gear
perature value for the heating chamber, and box gives;
then employ engineering equations to work N3 101
backwards to obtain the other parameters and N1 15
specifications for the component. The de- Where; N3 = Speed of the electric motor =
termination of the minimum force needed to 900rpm Hence;
drive the machine and hence, the specifica- 15 × 900
tion for the electric motor followed the same N1 = = 134rpm
process. The following was determined; ma-
chine production capacity, recycling speed, The intended ratio of the speed and number
recyclability/yield/finishing efficiency of ma- of teeth of the driven sprocket to that of the
chine, power consumption, energy require- driver is 1:2 Therefore,
ment/specific mechanical energy consumption N1 × T1
and diameter of screw conveyor. N2 =

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Optimization of a Plastic Recycling Machine 73
Choosing N1 to be 50 teeth and N2 to be 25 2.7. The screw conveyor design
teeth i.e. The Heart of the system is the screw design.
= 50
= 12 The required velocity of the screw conveyor is
N2 = 268rpm 15mls. The diameter of the driven sprocket of
this unit is 200mm. The free body diagram of
The method applied for the selection of the
screw shaft is shown below in Figure 2.
chain is to rate each standard thickness of the
Wp = weight of plastic material Ws = screw
chain in power capacity per unit length of the
weight = 20N WD = Die weight = 300N Wk =
width at several different velocities.
weight of sprocket = 16N Centrifugal tension
The chain is selected based on the nature in the chain, Fc = M × V 2 (in newtons) and
of the load it carries, type of driving unit, tension in the chain due to sagging, Fs = K ×
horse power rating, the speed of the driver m × g × x (in newtons) Where; m = mass of
and driven units and the plant layout. the chain in kg per metre length x = Centre
Horsepower rating = 3hp (= 3 X 0.746 = distance in metres, and K = constant which
2.238KW = 2238W). takes into account the arrangement of chain
The service factor (Ks ) is the product of drive = 2 to 6. Hence, Fc = m × V 2 Where,
various factors, such as the load factor (K1 ), m = 1.158kglm Fc = 1.158×15.672 = 284.35N
lubrication factor (K2 ) and rating factor (K3 ). Fc = T1 = 284.35N Fs = K × m × g × x =
The values of these factors are taken as fol- 2 × 1.158 × 9.81 × 0.745 Fs = T2 = 16.93N
lows: Load factor (K1 ) = 1.25, for variable Where, g = acceleration due to gravity Thus,
load with mild shock Lubrication factor, K2 power required to drive the screw conveyor
= 1.5 for periodic lubrication Rating factor,
K3 = 1, for 8 hours per day Thus, service fac- P = (T1 − T2 )V1 = 4190W
tor, Ks = K1 K2 K3 = 1.25 × 1.5 × 1 = 1.875
Design Horsepower = rated horsepower × ser- The torque transmitted by the screw con-
vice factor = 3 × 1.875 = 5.625 hp. veyor,
Actual design power rating = rated horse-
T = (T1 − T2 )r1 = 26742N · mm
power * service factor * 0.746 = 5.626 × 0.746
= 4.19625 kW = 4196W Tangential driving force acting on the chain,
For 5.625hp and driver speed of 900rpm and
Power transmitted (in Watts) P
above, type Simplex Bush Roller chain is se- FT G = Speed of chain in m/s
= V
lected. 4190
= 9.4
= 445.74N
Forces exerted on the shaft of the
machine (fs & fc): The weight of the plastic material required to
Pitch, p = 25mm Roller diameter, d = fill up the machine hopper chamber is given
15mm Minimum width of roller, w = 17mm by;-
Pitch circle diameter of the smaller sprocket Wp = Vh ρpg
or pinion, d1 = p csch 180T1
i = 25 csch 180
i = Where; Wp = weight of the plastic material
199.5mm Pitch circle diameter of the larger in N Vh = volume of the machine hopper unit
sprocket or gear; d2 = p csch 180
i = 25 csch 180
i ρp = Bulk density of the plastic material As-
= 398.15mm Pitch line velocity of the smaller suming, low density polyethylene (LDPE), ρp
sprocket; = 925kg/m3.

πd1 N1 3.142 × 0.1995 × 900 2.7.1. Geometrical possibilities

V1 = = = 9.4m/s
60 60 The maximum volume of plastic material
that the machine can handle in one operation
πd2 N2
Thus, V1 = V2 ; V2 = 60
is calculated thus;-

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74 O.K. Ihesiulor & C.C. Ugoamadi





 Figure 2: Free body diagram of the screw conveyor unit.

Figure 3: Figure 3 (a) & (b): Frustum of a cone for the hopper.


Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 3. October 2011.

Optimization of a Plastic Recycling Machine 75
In the frustum of a cone shown in figure 3 Estimated distributed load = 195.5N/m,
(a), the top diameter should be 3 times the m= ML
= 19.33
bottom diameter. By similarity: - m = 19.93kg/m = 195.5N/m
Force at point A = 301.28 + 16 = 317.28N
y h+y y 0.21 + y Force at point E = 300N P
− = = = = 0.105
r r 0.1 0.3 Taking moment about B; MB = 0
0.3y = 0.1(0.21 + y) = 0.105
RD ×0.84+317.28(0.07) = 209.65(0.42)+300(0.9)
Hence, the volume of the frustum or hopper;
RD = 399.8.N
i ofh the ibig cone − Volume of the small cone
= hVolume X
πR2 h πr2 y Fy = 0;
= 3
− 3
(Vh )max = 0.0209m3 RB +399.8 = 317.28+209.65+300 = 427.13N
The resultant bending moment on the
Assuming LDPE of the plastic type is to be shaft;-
gravity feed, then;- Mass of polyethylene to
fill the volume of 0.02093 is given by;- MB = 317.28 × 0.07 = 22.2096N m
mp = ρhVh = 925 × 0.0209 = 19.33kg Therefore, maximum bending moment on the
screw shaft = 22.2096Nm at B.
Weight of the polyethylene material required
to fill the hopper is thus 2.7.3. Diameter of the shaft
Choosing shaft material of 0.26 carbon steel
Wp = ρVh g = 19.33 × 9.81 = 189.7N, (B5 070m26) cold drawn with maximum per-
missible working stress, σb = 84MPa [10].
Where, g = acceleration due to gravity =
The maximum bending moment, Mmax =
MB = 22.2096Nm For rotating shafts with
gradually applied loads [10],
2.7.2. Shaft design consideration
The shafts are cylindrical with circular cross Km = 1.5 and kt = 1
sections and sprockets and bearings mounted
on them. The shaft will be subjected to fluc- Using the methods of equivalent twisting mo-
tuating torque and bending moments, and ment (Te ) and equivalent bending moment
therefore combined shock and fatigue factors (Me ) to determine the shaft diameter and tak-
are taken into account. ing the larger of the values to be determined.
Since the feeding of the plastic materials, (1) Using equivalent twisting moment:
pellets or resins is gradual and steady, thus

Km = 1.5 and kt = 1.0[10] Te = (Km × MB )2 + (Kt × T )2

Te = 26.742N m
Where; Km = combined shock and fatigue fac-
tor for bending Kt = combined shock and fa- Te = (1.5×22.2096)2 +(1×26.742) = 43.72N m
tigue factors for twisting or torsion. 3
But; Te = πτ16d Where; τ = maximum safe
Bending moment and shear force bending shear stress for shaft with provision for key-
can occur as a result of the applied loads ways = 42N/mm2 = 42Mpa = 17.3mm
on the shaft and chain tensions. Chain ten-
sion, TT = Fc + Fs = 301.28 Weight of chain
3 16Te
(sprocket), Wc = 16N d= = 17.3mm

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76 O.K. Ihesiulor & C.C. Ugoamadi
(2) Using equivalent bending mo- that will be lost through the walls of the heat-
ment: ing chamber.
Heat supply by source = heat lost through
the walls of the barrel + heat used in raising
Me = 12 {Km × MB + (Km × MB )2 + (Kt × T )2 } the temperature of the material. Heat lost
Me = 21 [1.5 × 22.2096 + 42.72] = 38.02 through the walls of the chamber (barrel) by
conduction is given by;-
But, equivalent bending moment (Me ) is given
π L = length of the heating chamber (bar-
by Me = 32 (σb d3 ); d = 16.6mm Taking the
rel) which is cylindrical in shape = 0.84m thf
larger of the two values, we have d = 17.3mm
= temperature of the heating chamber (in-
say 20mm for standard diameter shaft.
ternal) = 200◦ C tcf = external temperature
2.7.4. Selection of electric motor for the op- of the heating chamber = 25◦ C KA = ther-
eration of the plastic recycling machine mal conductivity of the inside steel layer =
45W/mK KB = thermal conductivity of the
The power required to drive the recycling
insulating material of the heating elements =
machine is determined as; P = 4190W.
0.23W/mK KC = thermal conductivity of the
2.7.5. The heat source outside steel layer = 45W/mK r1 = inter-
nal radius of the heating chamber = 0.27m
The processing temperature of most plas-
r2 = internal radius interface between the
tics is between 163◦ C and 200◦ C, even though
outer steel layer and the insulating layer =
that they melt between 108◦ C -121◦ C.
0.07018m r3 = radius of the interface between
We choose 200◦ C as the target tempera-
the outer steel layer and the insulating layer
ture of the heating chamber. The materials
= 0.07232m r4 = outer radius of the heating
must be raised from room temperature (25◦ C)
chamber = 0.0725m
to 200◦ C. Assuming a low density polyethy-
lene (LDPE) of mass 19.33kg as calculated, 2π × 0.84(200 − 25)
So, the quantity of heat needed to raise the Q C = ln(0.07018) ln(0.07232)
= 275W
+ 45
temperature of this mass from 25◦ C to 200◦ C
can be calculated thus; Q = (Heat needed The above value accounts for the heat lost ra-
to raise the material to its melting point) dially through the walls of the cylinder (bar-
+ (Heat needed to melt the entire mass) + rel)
Heat needed to raises the temperature of the For the heat lost through the base Qb and

mother polyethylene to 200 C). lid QL of the heating chamber, we employed
the relation;
Q25−200 = M cp ∆t1 + M L + M cp ∆t2
A(t1 − t2 )
Q = dA
Where, M = mass of the material cp = specific h KA + KdBB + KdCC i
heat capacity of material = 2.004KJ/KgK ∆t
= temperature change M has been calculated Where, A = area of the base or lid t1 =
as 19.33kg and cp has been determined from temperature of the inside surface of the in-
standard tables as 2.004KJ/KgK [11]. ner steel wall. t2 = temperature of the outer
∆t1 = 121 − 25 = 96◦ C ∆t2 = 200 − 212 = surface of outer steel wall dA = dB = dC =
79◦ C L is the specific latent heat of fusion, diameter of the three layers of the composite
given to be 74.8KJ/Kg. wall KA , RB and KC retain their definitions
Therefore;- Q25−200 = (19.93×2.004×96)+ and values as before, But area of the cylin-
(19.33 × 74.8) + (19.33 × 2.004 × 79) = 8225KJ drical shape of the barrel Ac = 2πrL Diam-
The heat source must be able to generate eter of the long pipe of the barrel = 0.07m
this amount of heat and the amount of heat = 3.142 X 0.072 = 0.0154m2 Ac = 2πrL =

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Optimization of a Plastic Recycling Machine 77
2 × 3.142 × 0.07 × 0.84 = 0.37m2 t1 = 200◦ C, The test runs were carried 8 times to obtain
t2 = 25◦ C dA = dB = dC = 0.07m the performance of the machine in table 1.
A(t1 − t2 )
Q= = 1.154W 3.3. Performance evaluation proce-
h 0.07+ 0.07 + 0.07 i
45 0.03 45 dure
The quantity of heat accounted for the heat Polyethylene plastic type collected from
lost through the base; The dimension of the plastic wastes was used for evaluation of the
lid is the same with those of the base. We machine. Evaluation of the machine was car-
neglected the cut-out on the lid used as the ried out at speeds 268 and 536 rpm and
inlet. The heat lost through the base Qb temperature of 200oC. The motor power and
and the lid QL then becomes; 1.154 × 2 = heating power are designed to be 2238W
2.3073W Hence, the total heat lost from the and 3704W respectively. The screw diam-
cylinder = 2.3073 + 275 = 277.31W It is eter and length are given to be 20mm and
expected that Q25-200 will be generated in 970mm respectively at angle of helix of 18oC.
40 minutes, which requires a Power input of The polyethylene materials samples were then
= 3.427W weighed to determine the weight before load-
This brings the total heat supply rate or ing into the machine. The weighed sam-
heating power to the heating chamber to 3.427 ples were allowed to pass through the heated
+ 0.27731 = 3.7043KW Therefore, the heat- chamber to melt the material as it moves in
ing source must supply a heating power of the screw conveyor along the passage before
3.7043KW discharge. The material was also weighed af-
ter recycling to know the quantity of polyethy-
3. Results and Discussion lene recycled; and the polyethylene yield was
3.1. Sources of waste
The wastes used in this study are the used
3.4. Calculations
plastic products (polythene bags, film, sheet,
PET bottles, etc) from, Aku Plastics Indus- The effects of screw speed, temperature,
tries Ltd, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria. Waste power and torque parameters on system re-
plastic/synthetic materials were collected and sponses: specific mechanical energy (SME),
used for this experiment at a temperature of recycling efficiency and throughput were in-
200◦ C. vestigated. The temperature at the time of
recycling was recorded by a thermocouple em-
3.2. Performance test for the machine bedded by the barrel. Torque increases for all
In actualizing the aims of this project, the screw speeds due to a proportional increase in
performance test was carried out after the extruder feed rate as screw speed is decreased.
equipment has been assembled. The machine The objective was to understand the effect of
was started and different samples of equal screw speed and extrusion system variables
weighted mass of crushed waste plastic ma- (Power, speed, temperature and torque) on
terials (polyethylene nylon bags and HDPE the performance of the machine.
plastic bottles) fed through the hopper, each From table 1, the following independent fac-
time. A stop watch was used to monitor the tors or variables were considered; Temper-
time taken for recycling per batch. A 3-Hp- ature, Motor power, helix angle, screw di-
3-phase motor was used as prime mover. The ameter, heating power, screw speed, torque,
average performance of the machine is esti- etc. The dependent variables/responses of
mated to be 96.84% efficient and the capacity the machine were; recycling efficiency (RE),
of the machine is approximately 285 kg/hr. throughput (TP), specific mechanical energy

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 3. October 2011.

78 O.K. Ihesiulor & C.C. Ugoamadi

Table 1: Performance test for the machine (Effect of process variables on the machine responses).
S/N Input Continuous Variables/ Responses
mass Parameters
(kg) (I) Screw Torque Time SME Total Recyclability/ Throughput
speed (Nm) (secs) (t) (KJ/kg) mass Recycling Ef- (kg/hr)
(rpm) (T) Output ficiency (%) (TP)
(S) (kg) (Q) (RE)
1 8 268 79.73 104 30.23 7.7 96.25 265.54
2 8 536 39.87 119 40.35 6.6 82.5 199.67
3 8 536 39.87 123 43.01 6.4 80.0 187.32
4 8 536 39.87 117 37.95 6.9 86.25 212.31
5 8 536 39.87 114 35.44 7.2 90 227.37
6 8 268 79.73 111 33.57 7.4 92.5 240.0
7 8 268 79.73 119 36.48 7.3 91.25 220.84
8 8 268 79.73 107 1.93 7.5 93.75 252.34

consumption (SME). Thus, Finishing of Re- demonstrated in figures below drawn from the
cycling Efficiency or Recyclability plots of table 1.
Often screw length is referenced to its di-
RE = Output mass of the recycled plastic waste resins (Q)
Input mass of the waste plastic resins (I) ameter in terms of an L: D ratio. Modern
×T hroughput, T P machines use 32:1, or higher ratios, which al-
= Output mass of recycled waste plastic resins (Q)
Time taken for recycling (t)
low better mixing at higher throughput. Each
zone will be equipped with one or more ther-
Specific Mechanical Energy, mocouples for temperature control. It was ob-
Power (P ) × Time (t) served that the length per unit diameter, L/D
SM E = affects the mixing shear and residence time
Output mass (Q)
of the plastic material in the extruder. The
Screw Conveyor Efficiency, higher the ratio, the indication of a longer ex-
trusion barrel and the higher the mixing of
tan α
SCE = plastic inside the barrel.
tan(α + φ)
3.5. Discussion of results
Where, α = helix angle = 18◦ and φ = The results of the performance test show
tan−1 0.22 = 12.41◦ ; SCE = 55.4◦ . that the machine performed above 90% ef-
Where, φ = coefficient of friction for PE- ficiency as required to be patronized by en-
Polyethylene. trepreneurs. The machine was designed and
60P developed in the department of Mechanical
T orque, T = Engineering, MOUAU, and powered by a 3Hp
and 900 rpm electric motor, while the con-
Where, S = screw speed Putting equation 3 veyor shaft runs at 268rpm. The design, fab-
into equation 6 gives; rication and testing of the machine was done.
60 × SM E × Q Analyzed data from the test runs define the
T = characteristics of the machine, which showed
2πS × t
that the machine is 97 percent efficient in per-
60 × SM E × Q forming the task at low speed (S1) and high
2πT × t torque (T2), (Figure 9), and has a throughput
Equations above show that Speed and Torque of 265kg/hr and a low specific mechanical en-
is inversely proportional to recycling time as ergy of 30.23KJ/hr was achieved as expected

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 3. October 2011.

Optimization of a Plastic Recycling Machine 79




 !  "




Figure 4: The effect of mass conc. on the SME Figure 6: The effect of mass conc. on the through-

under the influence of screw speed and torque. put of the machine under the influence of screw
By varying the screw speed and torque while speed and torque. Decrease in screw speed
maintaining a constant temperature, a plot of the and increase in torque while maintaining a con-
drop in SME with increasing mass concentration stant temperature results to a plot of increase in
is generated and the dependence of the drop in throughput with corresponding increase in mass
weight could be examined as a function of time. concentration.








 Figure 7: The effect of mass
Figure 5: The effect of mass conc. on the efficiency  conc. on the SME of

of the machine under the influence of screw speed the machine under the influence of screw speed
and torque. Decrease in screw speed and increase (rpm) and torque. Decrease in screw speed and
in torque while maintaining a constant tempera- increase in torque while maintaining a constant
ture results to a plot of increase in efficiency with temperature results to a plot of decrease in SME
corresponding increase in mass concentration. with corresponding increase in mass concentra-
to save running cost and high energy con- 
sumption. Figure 2 illustrates that the higher 

the output mass, the lower the SME at low


speed (S1). Similarly, experiments show that 

for a batch process, the output of the machine 
inversely proportional to the time in process 
at different speeds (SI & S2) as shown in Fig-    
ure 16.   

Figure 8: The effect of recycling
 time on the ef-
4. Conclusion and and Recommenda- ficiency of the machine under the influence of
tions screw speed (rpm) and torque. Decreasing screw
speed and increasing the torque while maintain-
4.1. Conclusion ing a constant temperature results to a plot of
A low technology, low cost machine de- increase in efficiency with corresponding decrease
signed specifically for recycling low-density in recycling time. This shows that dependence of
polyethylene for use in particular applica- the efficiency could be examined as a function of
tions. These are applications in which con- time.

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 3. October 2011.

80  O.K. Ihesiulor & C.C. Ugoamadi

ness operators. The modifications introduced

  in the design and operation of the plastic re-
 cycling machine, if implemented, will be ben-

 !  "

 eficial and advantageous in the following:

 1. The processing of waste plastic materials

    will be enhanced to achieve the produc-
   tion of high quality plastic products on

 relatively large scale for domestic and in-
 dustrial uses.
Figure 9: The effect of recycling time on the
throughput of the machine under the influence of 2. The national economy will be boosted
screw speed (rpm) and torque. Decrease in screw since adoption of such machines will help
speed and increase in torque while maintaining a in reducing the importation of similar
constant temperature results to a plot of increase machines, maximize the use of local ma-
in throughput with corresponding decrease in re- terials, save cost and conserve foreign ex-
cycling time. This shows that dependence of the change.
efficiency could be examined as a function of time.
3. Promotion of technology transfer and
adoption for the production of recycling
machine from small to medium scale
tamination may be overlooked to some ex-
tent. The low-density polyethylene recycling
machine performs satisfactorily in these con- 4. The machine is recommended for local
ditions. It is efficient, cheap, easy to operate entrepreneur because of its cost effective-
and cheap to maintain. These features make ness, simplicity, and availability of parts.
it particularly suitable for the informal sector It reduces drastically the labour, fatigue
where there is little or no technical knowledge. and cost involved in the production of
Its low cost when compared to existing ma- plastic products under very conducive en-
chinery also makes it competitive. It removes vironmentally friendly conditions.
the restrictions posed to recycling by the high
cost of existing machinery, consequently in- 4.2. Recommendations
creasing recycling activities. One great advan- This machine is very suitable for the de-
tage to be derived from the use of this machine veloping economy and environment. It is not
is that the cost of running it is minimal com- only helpful to the setting up of recycling ac-
pared to what it takes to run a full imported tivities which in turn affect the environment
plant. The simplicity of operation of the ma- and economy; it is also a very good source of
chine ensures that no too much technical skill self-employment. It has the capacity to re-
is needed to operate it. When the machine duce unemployment in developing countries
is well maintained, its durability is guaran- like Nigeria. I recommend this machine to the
teed. The machine is compact, less complex informal sector of the Nigerian economy and
and requires no special expertise. Its mainte- other developing nations. I also recommend
nance cost is also lower when compared with it to the young entrepreneur and those who
existing imported machinery. The machine are unemployed. It is cheap to obtain and
will propel the recycling of plastics in devel- easy to maintain and possess ability to gen-
oping countries to a high rate. The machine erate substantial income in a period of time.
will also contribute favorably to environmen- I therefore recommend that subsequent work
tal and economic issues. It is affordable for on plastic recycling should be focused on fur-
small scale plastic recycling processing busi- ther improvement and incorporation of this

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 3. October 2011.

Optimization of a Plastic Recycling Machine 81
equipment. The following suggestions can be References
1. Brandrup, J., Recycling and recovery of plastics.
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4. Pringle, R. and M. Barker, Starting a waste plas-
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3. The previous process preceding the re-
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should be efficient so that the plastics will vices in developing countries. 1994: World Bank.
be dried before recycling to aid easy re-
6. Bruvoll, A., Factors influencing solid waste gen-
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4. The use of belt and pulleys and chain 156-62.
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5. A cooling system should be incorporated recovery and recycling operations in Turkey.
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6. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) should
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7. The Response Surface Methodology

(RSM) and Neural Networks (NN) should
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ditions/points that gives optimum re-
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of the machine to obtain the best op-
timum settings to maximize the perfor-
mance of the machine at a reduced cost.

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 3. October 2011.

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