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All Ryans life he has been living in the shadows. Everyday Ryan
goes home and hears his parents argue with each other. He
never gets a friend over all the kids call him mean names like
weirdo or tell him you don`t belong here and you look like you
came out of a pill of poo. Well one good thing happened to him
the cutest girl in the school was his girlfriend, but you know all
good things must end. She cheated on him.

That day Ryan ran home crying and yelled I wish I was the only
person a live with all that energy he used to yell those simple
words he fell into a comma that lasted 9 ½ years. Ryan woke up
in hospital only to find that the whole human race had ceased
to exist! Ryan had a little smile he knew he could do anything in
the world since there are no bullies no cops no parents but
sadly no friends, he was happy but sad. Ryan left the hospital
and went for a walk he found his favorite song and turned it on
and listened to it. The year is now 2034 but Ryan doesn't know
Ryan I now exploring the Arizona Forrest. He was in the river
and Ryan saw a shark in the river? Then the shark hit a pebble
and it hit Ryans nose and it started to blead then the shark
smelt the blood from Ryans nose and then it started swimming
faster than a jet! Ryan ran out of the water and climbed the
thinnest tree and suddenly, the shark ran out of the water and
it used its head to break the tree down and then the tree fell on
the dorsal fin and snaped it in half the shark swam of in pain.
Ten days later the shark came back but this time with the head
of a crocodile then the shark chased Ryan to this crater and
then bit his arm Ryan then Ryan fell into the crater and he saw
a crystal and he hit his head on the crystal and broke it.

Ryan woke up in hospital again

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