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The Story of the Passageway

In a school call hocus – pocus senior high. A student called Aisha was having lunch for lunch
she had a banana bread sandwich. When the bell went to go out to play. But Aisha did not want
to play she wanted to go for a walk around the school. When she was walking past the year nines
classroom see saw an old burnt map in front of the door. Of the year nines classroom. She picked
it up and put it in her school bag.
she went home, she looked at it again it was a map of her school she did not want to tell her
mum. The next day she told her teacher that she was sick, and she had to go home. When she left
the classroom, she did not have to go home she just wanted to see what the map led to. When she
read the map, she went passed the year 12s upstairs and past the music room.
When she followed the map, she saw a tunnel. She looked at the tunnel. Before she went tunnel,
she looked to see if anyone was around her, there was nobody around her, so she went in the
tunnel. When she was looking at the map, she saw different parts of the map, there were two
parts of the map left right and straight on. She chosen straight on because on the other side she
saw lava on both sides while she was walking, she saw a dead-end all a sudden a monster walked
right past the dead-end. A so they were walking back to the full or about dead-end, she also went
through the dead-when Aisha walked through the dead –end she was in Candyland. In the tunnel
she dropped the map and her friend Luke saw the map and went into Candyland. While Aisa was
walking around Candyland she reached a point where she was lost, and she did not know the way
to go. While she was thinking of what to do Luke came along.” Luke what are you doing here’’
said Aisha ‘’ I found a map that lead me here and I don’t know where to go I don’t know the way
back to school can you help me please’’ sure let's go and help someone that live here’’ they
asked a monster that lived here they asked a monster if th4ey know the way back to the school
the monster used to go to the school, and he could help them to get back to her place and his
schools that's when they reached the tunnel and they went through the dead end they went
through the tunnel and back to school they went back to class but the class was over so they went
home and they promise to not tell anyone about the secret that they went to Candyland naked
kept on going to the tunnel every week and they were best friends forever.

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