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Cristian Salgado Castañeda


Second midterm exam

Explain the differences between Monocultural studies, Cross-cultural studies and

intercultural studies. What are the challenges in the field of Intercultural Management?

Monocultural studies: According to the reading globalization and intercultural

management, we can find three levels in cultural studies, the first is: monocultural studies,
the second is cross-cultural studies and the last is intercultural studies, the author says that
Monocultural or single culture studies are common in anthropology and sociology, it is part
of the facility to adapt, due to the culture, being unique, does not converge with anything,
which makes interpersonal relationships easier, and a joint panoramic visión.

Cross-cultural studies : I consider it to be one of the main studies, because its

management depends on whether a situation arises or not, this mainly because cross-
cultural is seen as a comparison of cultures, where no detail can be omitted from any
culture, because that detail that you ignore, may be the basis of the other culture, if the
behavior of that culture is completely different from the behavior in your culture, this does
not mean that one of the two cultures is doing something wrong, it means that you must
adapt to the conditions, in which the context and the conjuncture have a very important
role, you can know what is currently happening with that culture, what challenges they are
facing, what they like, what they do not like, what their characteristics are, you must know
everything about that culture. "The most negative outcomes in cross-cultural collaboration
typically occur when the partners hold radically different assumptions about the situation
(objectives, task, resources ... etc.) and are fully unaware that this is the case. "

Intercultural studies: In intercultural management, it is very similar to cross culture, since

it works (or studies) two different cultures. We can give the definition given by the author
of lectural, globalization and intercultural management. It says: Intercultural Management
can be described as a combination of knowledge, insights and skills which are necessary for
adequately dealing with national and regional cultures and differences between cultures at
several management levels within and between organizations
(Burggraaf, 1998). It is not a separate subject but an integral part of general and
international management.

Intercultural management can mean to achieve goals with professional means by persons of
other or different cultural influence. It is the composition, steering and development of
structures and processes in order to achieve the goals of an organization in a context that is
shaped by the coincidence of at least two different cultures.

Challenges in intercultural management: One of the main challenges in intercultural

management is cultural integration, although the cultural variety gives a fairly rich
approach to knowledge of different cultures, making that integration to this day remains a
challenge. Today there is a growing concern about leadership and management styles, when
three or more cultures come together to carry out an activity for a business, which culture
should predominate? Should others adapt to a culture? the challenge increases when none
of the cultures is host. On the other hand, another challenge that must be faced is time,
normally we say that we should know everything about the other culture, but what happens
when we do not know anyone from there and we do not have enough time to know more
about that culture, it is A risk, because with the eagerness, you can even get false
information about the culture. And finally, another challenge is trust or establishing a
friendly relationship to cope with the situation, in any circumstance you have to humanize

Examples from your experience in the class: I consider that a great example is the
socialization with the classmates of China, because they have a totally different culture
from the culture of Colombia, however the interest by Colombians to know more about the
culture and the emotion of meeting people from such a different culture, it is evident, we
can also see the emotion in each class of China's classmates, they are quite curious, they
like to ask about various things, sometimes we create unnecessary cultural barriers, because
they are different cultural, but also We have things in common, one of the things that
Colombians have to adapt to is communication, they do not have the same social networks
that exist in the rest of the world, the main social network there in China is WeChat, the
social context is that in China they already have much more experience in the matter of
Conclusions: Finally we can say that the power that culture has in the way we relate is very
great, because our behaviors and customs say a lot about the way we think and act, these
characteristics can influence when carrying out any activity with someone from a different
culture, taking into account a business, for example it is said that Colombians are very
untimely, but the English for example are very punctual, so if in a meeting with an
Englishman, a Colombian does not arrive on time, surely not there will be business

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