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Isra, you are an amazing girl. Your language is developing so well! Masha Allah!

You have such

a good memory and you love singing. All the nursery rhymes we usually sing in our classroom
you could easily memorised those. In our mat times you are the main student who would
choose one after another songs and request the teacher to sing those songs. I love to hear
you sing naturally while you are busy with any activity, even if you are in the kitchen corner
doing cooking.
The other day you decided to explore the farm animals. You took the basket of animals and
sat at a table. No surprise! You started to sing “Old MacDonald had a Farm”.
Isra, you sat there for a while exploring all those little plastic farm animals. You not only
singing the farm animal song you were also making animal sounds. Every time you picked an
animal you would say the name of the animal and make the sound that animal makes. You
also pair them as you found some of the animals are exactly same.
Isra, It was wonderful to see how you have been concentrating while you were exploring with
those little animals.

Learning possibilities
There are so much to learn from farm animals. Isra, you were learning the names of all the
farm animals as well as what sound each of those animals make. To extend learning and
increase your knowledge we discussed about the food we get from animal? For instance
“Where do you think eggs come from?” “Where do we get milk from?” and meat” and wool?
So much to learn! Isra, as you grow older you will be able to learn a lot more information
related to animals in sha Allah.
What’s next?
Isra, we will make sure that you get enough opportunities to choose you own learning
experiences to explore and learn and become a confident learner.
Hadith about animal: Our Prophet Mohammad (saws) said,” All creatures should be treated
with kindness and mercy”.
Te Whariki goal: “Children experience and environment where their play is valued as
meaningful learning and the importance of spontaneous play is recognised”.
Written by – Teacher Rosy, October, 2020

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