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How does each of the Climatic Controls affect where WE live: Vancouver?

Solar Radiation: ​Solar radiation received at higher latitudes are less intense than at the
equator. This is because the same amount of solar radiation is disspersed over a greater
area. Therefore, vancouver expierences less solar radiation as it is located further away
from the equator. T​he variation in the amount of incoming solar radiation also impacts
Vancouvers climate. ​The major climatic effects of these variations directly impact
temperature, air pressure, and wind and ocean currents.

Altitude​: Vancouver has low altitude as it is near surface level. Air temperatures
increase as altitude decreases, therefore Vancouver has a warmer climate compared to
other regions around the world.
Mountains: ​A mountain has one side that can be defined as a rainy side, and another side
that can be defined as the non-rainy side. Vancouver is located on the rainy side of a
mountain which accounts for our rainy climate. Due to mountains surrounding Vancouver,
wind is also sometimes blocked.

W​ater Bodies and Continentals:​ ​Vancouver is located near a water body. As a result, the
climate of Vancouver is more moderate. Water bodies also absorb extra heat during warm
periods and release it during cooler periods. Therefore, Vancouver does not experience
extreame winters.

Ocean Currents:​ Vancouver experiences moderate temperatures and high precipitation

because of its location. Vancouver is affects by the warm Japan currents. When a warm
ocean currents sweeps by a coastline the result is an increase in temperature and

Wind Systems: ​Jet streams impact the climate of Vancouver by affecting the rate of winds.
Vancouver is impacted by the westerlies which result in the emergence of warm air.

Local influences: ​Vancouver’s climate is heavily impacted by both the mountains and the
water bodies that sourround this region. The moderate temperatures and the high
percipatations are a result of these two influences. Bodies of water absorb heat and then
release it when the temperature decreases and the mountains directly affect the amount of
precipitation Vancouver experiences. Pollution also affects climate as it can alter the
radiation balance, photosyntheis and ​evapotranspiration.

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