Alaow) : Ring: Local Area Network in Which The Devices, Nodes, Are Connected in A Closed Loop

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I will presentt the telephone networks

Communications network: It is a set of elements connected to each other. The networks that
allow(alaow) are advanced and complex equipment, computers had their on interfaces and have their
own structure.

Elements of a communications network:


Transmission medium

Transmission Media:
Optical fiber: (optical fayba)

Fiber optics is the technology used to transmit information in the form of pulses of light through
fiberglass or plastic strands, over long distances.

There are several different types of telephone networks:

dere ar sevral diferent tayps of telefon networks.

A network of fixed lines

A Network of fikst lain

A wireless network
A private network


Topology, branch of mathematics that studies certain properties of geometric figures.


Star network, in computing, local area network

local area network in which the devices, nodes, are connected in a closed loop


Computers communicate over networks

there are 7 layers of the osi model

1 – Física
2 – Enlace de datos
3 – Red
4 – Transporte
5 – Sesión
6 – Presentación
7 – Aplicación

7 - Application The application layer contains protocols used for process-to-process


6 - Presentation The presentation layer provides a common representation of the data

transferred between the services of the application layer.

5 - Session the session layer provides services to the presentation layer to organize
its dialogue and manage the exchange of data.

4 - Transport The transport layer defines services to segment, transfer and

reassemble data for individual communications between end devices.

3 - Network The network layer provides services to exchange individual data across
the network between identified end devices.

2 - Data link Data link layer protocols describe methods for exchanging data frames
between devices through a common medium

1 - Physical Physical layer protocols describe the mechanical, electrical, functional

and procedural means to activate, maintain and deactivate physical connections for a
transmission of bits to and from a network device.

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