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Directions: Always add your new journal entry on the TOP of the document. (Most recent to oldest.)

Week 7
1. Set a speaking/conversational goal. 
A goal I have for myself is to make sure that I share at least once in every group. I also want to find ways 
to keep the conversation going, so maybe to ask others questions. 
2. What is your reaction to the Kennedy/Nixon debate? 
The Kennedy/Nixon debate seemed to be very professional and extremely informative. They didn’t take 
personal jabs at their competitor; they seemed to just share what they could do better than one another. 
3. Takeaway from your small group: 
Everyone shared which was great, we agreed that the debate was much more civilized than the 
Trump/Biden debate. 
4. Does watching the CNN-polled undecided voters and the world headlines affect your feelings around 
the debate and/or the importance of voting? 
It makes me feel better that the past Trump supporters could see that Trump interrupting biden like that 
was extremely rude and shameful, and how the whole debate was insane. But when people raised their 
hand thinking that Trump won I was upset on how they could fall for all his lies and embarrassed for 
5. Takeaway from your small group 
We were all very talkative and shared our frustrations with each other. Georgianna had a lot of very good 
6. What is the greatest (or a major) challenge facing your generation? 
I think that the greatest issue facing out generation is global warming. If we don't find a way to save our 
earth we won't be able to grow up and have resources to raise our future kids. 
7. Takeaway from your small group 
Other group members thought cyberbullying was the greatest challenge we deal with. Ja’nai shared that 
she feels that us having no voice in politics is a challenge and I highly agree. I also agree with Etienne who 
shared that the Isolation we are dealing with will have negative impacts. 
8. If there was a movie made about your life, what kind would it be? 
The movie would probably be an awful documentary since so far my life has been pretty boring, it would 
have the background sound of water trickling while I stay in bed watching netflix. 
9. What is your earliest memory and/or an early embarrassing memory (if you're comfortable sharing)? 
I shared that one embarrassing thing that happened to me was that my pants fell down when I was jump 
roping in elementary school. 
11. What is something that bugs you? 
Something that really bugs me is Trump supports because they basically admit to being racist and 
misogynistic. Also people that chew with their mouth open. 
13. Reflect on your speaking goal for the day. 
I actually think I did really well following my speaking goal for today. I shared more than once in every 
break out group, and when things got awkward I brought up a different subject and asked other people 
how they feel. 
9/30: what is the best time of the year. I personally enjoy thanksgiving/winter time. It's usually
the time where I get to see the most friends and when we usually have family over. It also
seems to be a time where you get to stay home under warm blankets and drink hot chocolate,
plus thanksgiving is always fun. This year though I am going to have to figure out something
else to eat for thanksgiving because I am now a peskitarian so that will be interesting. The only
stressful part in this time is buying people gifts.

Week 6
9/23: what is something you wished more people paid attention to? I wish more people would
pay attention to littering. I see a bunch of trash everywhere and it gets me very upset, it's not
that hard to just throw things away or bring your trash with you if you can't find a trash can.
Another thing people need to pay more attention too is washing your fruit before you eat it. They
put all kinds of chemicals on plants to keep bugs away and when you don't wash them it goes
into your system. When you eat apples you can feel the wax that they coat the apples with and
it's disgusting.

Week 5
9/18: Tattoo: I noticed that the poem started off with representations of being strong then ended
being soothing almost. I wonder why this old man's heart has gone soft and blue, and why it
seems like a bad thing.
The honest poem: I noticed that it almost seemed as if he was doing a comedy show rather than
reading a poem. I wonder what the meaning of this poem was supposed. I liked the part of him
trying to convince his shadow that he is worth following.
I think that there used to be more people living on that island and something killed them off.
Predictions based on images and graphs: It seems that all the statues seem to be around the
edge of the island.
1. Why did people settle there in the first place? People originally settled on Easter island to find new land 
and cultivate crops. 
2. What are some of the challenges the civilization faced? Easter island was very isolated and had a 
fragile ecosystem which resulted in the over exploitation of resources. 
3. What could have contributed to population growth? Easter island actually has a very small population 
due to the fact that there weren’t many resources and that disease later killed many of them. 
4. How do you think this civilization lived? I think that this civilization lived very behind on more modern 
methods and that they were probably all related. They're lives were probably very rural and consisted of 
working in crop fields. 
5. What could have contributed to its decline? Overuse of resources, deforestation, diseases, and 
isolation must have contributed to Easter Islands decline.
9/16: One time where I had a minor success was in my biology class last year where we had a
test on plants and stomata. The test was super hard and I didnt know all the answers and I had
to guess a few times, but I ended up getting an A which I was really proud of. I have seen some
videos of the west coast and it's insane how everything looks and the crazy red sky. And
somehow with all of this some people still don't believe in climate change.
9/14: The highlight of my weekend was probably going to see my friend Guillia for the first time
in forever. The low light of my weekend was probably having to work because it’s very tiring.
Week 4
9/11: My stress and delights these days probably include having to do school work, which some
of my acellus work is really hard to figure out on my own. My delights probably come from going
to the beach and seeing some of my friends.
9/9: WHat is something everyone loves but you just don't get? Something that a lot of people
love that I don't understand is Boba drinks. Personally to me the boba pearls don't taste good
and it's kinda weird to actually drink them. Plus the drinks are always way overpriced and are
only good while the cold. I don't like boba but I only rarely drink them and when I do I always get
lychee jelly instead of the Boba because they taste better to me.

Week 3
9/4: weekend plans?
This weekend I am planning to see my friend that I haven't seen in months because of Corona.
Hopefully we get to go to the beach because it's also been a while since I've done that. But
starting off my weekend I have diving practice at 7am saturday morning where I usually freeze
my butt off in the freezing water.
9/3: ​Who's your oldest friend? How did that friendship start and how has it evolved over time? 
My oldest friends are these two sisters. I met them in kindergarten and right away we became really good 
friends and were always at each other’s houses. But then for middle school we went to different schools 
and I was always doing gymnastics so I didn't get to see them much. Ow we still talk but we don’t really 
hang out anymore
9/2: ​Journal: What are your current obsessions? 
Right now I am into learning how to wing foil. I only tried it twice so far and i'm pretty awful at it, but it 
seems that if I figure out how to do it I will have a lot of fun doing it. Besides that I am doing diving again 
which is mostly fun when I'm not back splatting on the water.
9/1: What are the ingredients for a great conversation?
The ingredients for a great conversation is a shared interest in that topic, A good
conversation also consists of listening to others talk and then sharing your ideas. Some of the
most fun conversations are about very open topics like the universe and how weird it is that
people exist. I find those fun because there are so many different theories people have and just
listening to other people's crazy thoughts is super fun.
week 2
8/26: ​What are your major takeaways from this talk? What would you ask the speaker? What 
would you like to add to the conversation? 
My major take away from this talk is that in order to be a good leader you have to be self
aware of your actions and how they make other people feel. You should also determine what
situations might come up during the day and have a plan to deal with them.

8/24:​ ​The United States feels more politically polarized than I can ever remember in my lifetime.
What does that mean to you? Do you agree or disagree? How do you feel about politics?
I agree that the United States feels more politically polarized than ever right now. I tend
to stay away from politics right now since I can’t even vote, but it seems that politics are a game
where candidates use disgusting methods of getting what they want. For example I see a few
Trump ads and it's scary how inaccurate they are.

Week 1
8/20:​ It’s a new school year and we got off to a weird and wild start! PROMPT:
List​ three words​ to describe your week.
Confusing, anxious, Slow. I felt confused this week because I just switched to Charter
and I don't really know what I’m doing and what classes I should pick.

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