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2: present perfect and money questions

Find Someone who… Use “ever” and ask follow-up questions

Example: NAME
A: “Have you ever invested money in the stock market? ___JOSE _____
B: “Yes I have.”
A: What did you invest in?
B: I bought stock in Ecopetrol.

1. has invested money in the stock market Maria

2. has borrowed money from a sibling ___________________

3. has wasted money that wasn’t yours ___________________

4. saved money for a vacation ___________________

5. used a credit card or a debit card ___________________

6. won any money ___________________

7. earned any money ___________________

8. raised any money ___________________

9. bought something online ___________________

10. sold something ___________________

11. owed any money ___________________

12. been charged too much for something ____________________

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