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Choose the correct answer

Question 1: When you need to withdraw cash while traveling, you can use an _____.

A. exchange rate B. bargain C. ATM D. deal

Question 2: Always _____ when shopping in local markets to get a better price.

A. exchange B. bargain C. deal D. rip-off

Question 3: It's often useful to have some _____ on hand when traveling in remote areas.

A. foreign currency B. exchange rate C. cash D. ATM

Question 4: Getting a lower price on a hotel room during the off-season is a great _____.

A. rip-off B. cash C. ATM D. deal

Question 5: The _____ will help you understand how much your money is worth abroad.

A. bargain B. exchange rate C. foreign currency D. ATM

Question 6: When traveling abroad, it's necessary to use the _____ for transactions.

A. cash B. foreign currency C. deal D. bargain

Question 7: Paying too much for a souvenir is often considered a _____.

A. bargain B. exchange rate C. deal D. rip-off

Question 8: This is the _____ dress I've ever bought.

A. more expensive B. most expensive C. expensivest D. too expensive

Question 9: That laptop is good _____ to buy.

A. too little B. enough C. so much D. much too

Question 10: That car is _____ expensive for me to consider.

A. too B. enough C. the most D. very

Question 11: Among all the stores, this one has the _____ prices.

A. lower B. lowest C. lesser D. least

Question 12: I don't think this suitcase is _____ to carry all my shopping.

A. big enough B. too big C. biggest D. more big

Question 13: This is _____ deal I've found all day.

A. the better B. best C. the best D. good

Question 14: The hotel was _____ luxurious for our budget.

A. too B. very C. enough D. the most

Question 15: She has _____ many clothes; she can't even close her closet.

A. enough B. the most C. too D. less


Form the complete sentences with the given cues.

Question 1: This is/ big/ bookstore in town (using “superlatives”)


Question 2: This bag / heavy/ to carry (using “too”)


Question 3: The new iPhone/ affordable/ to buy (using “enough”)


Question 4: Which car/ expensive (using “superlatives”)


Question 5: the Continental/ luxurious/ hotel in the city (using “superlatives”)


Question 6: The dress/ big/ for me (using “enough”)


Question 7: My wallet/ small/ for this cash (using “too”)


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