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PFHE - 5.4 lbs. (2.5 kg) 

Weight of Complete Round HE-T - 5.3 lbs. (2.4 kg) 
40 3P - 5.5 lbs. (2.5 kg)
Length of Complete Round 21.0 in (53.34 cm)
PFHE - 1.94 lbs. (0.88 kg) 
Projectile Types and Weights HE-T - 2.12 lbs. (0.96 kg) 
40 3P - 2.15 lbs. (0.975 kg)
Bursting Charge HE-T - 0.254 lbs. (0.115 kg) 
40 3P - >3,000 fragments propelled by PBX (0.120 kg) 
Projectile Length 8.3 in (21 cm)
Complete Round Length 21.4 in (53.44 cm)
Propellant Charge 1.07 lbs. (0.485 kg)
Cartridge 40 mm x 365R
HE-T - 3,297 fps (1,005 mps) 
PFHE - 3,363 fps (1,025 mps)  
Muzzle Velocity
40 3P from L/70 - 3,320 fps (1,012 mps) 
40 3P from Trinity - 3,610 fps (1,100 mps)
Working Pressure 21.8 tons/in2 (3,250 kg/cm2)
Approximate Barrel Life Mark 3 and Mark 4 - up to 5,000 rounds
Model 1948 - N/A 
Sea Trinity - 99 rounds per magazine 
Ammunition stowage per gun 
Mark 3 - 101 rounds per magazine 
(see Note 1)
Mark 4 - 30 rounds on gun plus 70 rounds in a ready-use
1) The Mark 3 uses a dual compartment 101-round magazine.  The magazine can be rapidly switched
to provide options between the latest Bofors 6 mode programmable 3P rounds and other 40 mm L/70
ammunition types.  The Mark 4 has a 30-round magazine on the gun which is automatically
replenished by a 70-round intermediate magazine.
2) Bofors 40 mm 3P ammunition fuze options allow 3 proximity modes as well as settings for time,
impact and armor piercing requirements. 
3) Proximity fuzing is greater than 33 feet (10 m) for aircraft, 16 feet (5 m) for missiles and 10 feet (3
m) for sea skimmer targets.
4) Tracer burns for about 4 seconds.

Sea Trinity Range

Effective AA range 3,280 yards (3,000 m) against low flying aircraft
Effective CIWS range 2,740 yards (2,500 m) against a sea skimming missile

Mark 3 and Mark 4 Range

Maximum 13,670 yards (12,500 m)
Effective range against surface targets 9,140 yards (10,000 m)
Effective CIWS range 2,740 yards (2,500 m) against a sea skimming missile

The 6-mode programmable 40 mm 3P Insensitive Munitions (IM) ammunition provides Bofors 40 mm Guns
with the highest combat flexibility and new capabilities to deal with threats that previously were impossible to
 Programmable for optimized effect and tactical flexibility
 Air-burst capability
 Immune to ECM
 Powerful pre-fragmented shell
 Maintained fuze triggering distance even at long firing ranges
 Qualified as IM with PBX explosives and LOVA-propellant
Each 3P fuze is automatically and individually programmed by a Proximity Fuze Programmer (PFP) which
continuously receives data from the Fire Control Computer. Immediately before firing the fuze is programmed
to the selected mode.
The following modes can be selected:
 Gated proximity mode (aerial targets)
 Gated proximity mode with impact priority (large aerial targets)
 Time mode (soft ground targets and concealed targets)
 Impact mode (ground targets)
 Armour piercing mode (armoured targets)
 Proximity mode (default mode)
Some direct benefits with 3P:
 always the right ammunition for any target
 greater combat endurance with lower ammunition consumption
 fewer ammunition types required
 simplified transport and storage



Ditta Costruttrice: BOFORS (SVEZIA).

BREDA, su licenza BOFORS (ITALIA).
Periodo di servizio: dal 1955 circa al 1996.
Dati numerici :
- calibro, 40 mm;
- lunghezza complessiva del complesso in batteria, 538 cm;
- lunghezza della canna, 70 calibri pari a 280 cm;
- peso del complesso in batteria:
. 4.570 kg, BREDA-BOFORS;
. 4.970 kg, BREDA-GALILEO;
- peso del complesso al traino:
. 4.800 kg, BREDA-BOFORS;
. 5.200 kg, BREDA-GALILEO;
- settore verticale di puntamento da - 5° a + 90°;
- settore orizzontale di puntamento, 360°;
- velocità di brandeggio in elevazione:
. 45° al sec., BREDA-BOFORS;
. 110° al sec., BREDA-GALILEO;
- velocità di brandeggio in direzione:
. 85° al sec., BREDA-BOFORS;
. 110° al sec., BREDA-GALILEO;
- velocità iniziale, con granata HE e spoletta autodistruggente, circa 1.000 m/s;
- peso del proietto HE con tracciatore (HET) e con spoletta meccanica-autodistruggente 903 gr;

Cannone Automatico BREDA-BOFORS e BREDA-GALILEO da 40/70

- gittata massima teorica sull’orizzonte circa 12.000 m;

- gittata massima utile sull’orizzonte (fino all’autodistruzione) 4.755 m;
- altezza massima teorica di tiro circa 6.000 m;
- altezza massima utile di tiro circa 4.000 m;
- tiro utile c/a fino a circa 4.500 m, normale 2.000/3.000 m;
- celerità di tiro:
. fuoco automatico, 240 colpi al minuto;
. a colpo singolo, 60 colpi al minuto.

Affusto: a piattaforma a crociera con affustino a falso piedistallo e piattaforma con scudi blindati a canestro,
con organi elastici idraulici ed equilibratori verticali a molla.
Caricatore: a tramoggia, con meccanismo spostatore a cremagliera elastica e cucchiaia di caricamento
automatica, alimentato da clips contenenti 4 cartocci-proietto, inseribili successivamente o unibili tra di
Il BOFORS da 40/70, di progettazione e realizzazione svedese, venne inizialmente acquisito dall’Esercito
Italiano intorno al 1955 e successivamente venne costruito su licenza in due differenti versioni dalla BREDA
(BREDA-BOFORS da 40/70) e dalla GALILEO (BREDAGALILEO da 40/70).
Meccanicamente identico al 40/56, tranne che per la sistemazione degli equilibratori meccanici a molla
(verticale nel 40/70), e per la bdf più lunga, che consentiva al medesimo munizionamento di raggiungere una
V0 di circa 1.000/1.021 m/s, a differenza del predecessore, il pezzo L70 nasceva già dotato di dispositivi
elettroidraulici che permettevano sia l’asservimento a una centrale di tiro (comando distante), che il
brandeggio da parte di un solo puntatore, quello in elevazione posto a sinistra del pezzo, mediante una
“cloche” di comando, la quale agiva su dei sincromotori e pompe elettroidrauliche dei congegni di punteria
(comando locale).
L’energia elettrica veniva fornita da un gruppo elettrogeno esterno, ed in caso di avaria il puntamento
avveniva manualmente grazie all’azione dei due puntatori, uno per la direzione (quello di destra), e l’altro in
alzo (quello di sinistra, che era anche tiratore), sulle apposite manovelle.
I congegni di puntamento, inizialmente erano costituiti da due collimatori a riflessione per il puntamento
diretto, sia per il tiro terrestre che per quello contraerei, con griglie circolari.
Successivamente vennero sostituiti con degli altri, di costruzione GALILEO, dotati di due griglie, una ellittica,
basata sulla velocità apparente del bersaglio aereo, e l’altra iperbolica per il puntamento diretto contro
bersagli terrestri e/o navali sia fermi che in movimento.
Per L70 furono sperimentate diversi tipi di centrali (la f.90 e la CT/40-D) fino all’adozione, intorno al 1961,
della centrale di tiro elettronica e radar tiro di sezione CT/40-G della CONTRAVES, che asserviva due
Da notare che la versione costruita dalla GALILEO, nota come BREDA-GALILEO da 40/70, differiva dal
BREDA-BOFORS essenzialmente per la sistemazione del telecomando e dei servomotori, che erano tutti
portati sulla piattaforma dell’affustino, anzichè all’interno della testata della crociera d’affusto (i servomotori)
e all’esterno del pezzo (il telecomando).
Si trattava degli stessi congegni riciclati che avevano equipaggiato il 90/53 mod. ‘39.
In entrambe le versioni ha equipaggiato, unitamente al cpls. quadruplo M. 55, alla centrale di tiro CT/40-G ed
ai radar AN/TPS-1E, e, successivamente, LPD/20-J (l’insieme è noto come Sistema d’Arma L70) i
reggimenti di Artiglieria c/a leggera fino alla loro trasformazione in reggimenti missili a corta portata
Aveva a disposizione un’ampia gamma di munizioni, HE, HET e AP, con spolette di vari modelli a
percussione extra sensibile ed autodistruggenti.

Oto Melara has also developed an Automatic Feeding Device (AFD), which can be fitted to single versions of
the 40-mm L/70 anti-aircraft gun, as well as naval weapons of this calibre. The AFD can be provided by Oto
Melara in kit form, installed on new production guns or fitted when the guns are returned to Oto Melara for
The conversion consists of substituting parts of the elevating mass to increase the cyclic rate of fire from 240
to 300-rds/min - where this has not already been done - and installing the ammunition feeding complex on
the platform. The performance of the gun is not affected by the modification and loading and firing rates
remain constant through all the elevation range.
Main advantages of the system are the higher rates of fire and the reduced manning requirements as only
one person is required on the mount when the optical fire-control system is being used.
Loading is simple and quick and only one loader is required. The magazine, which comprises three layers,
rests on the traversing platform and four-round clips of 40-mm ammunition are fed into the magazines via
prepared ramps. The magazine holds 144 rounds of ammunition.
When firing, the rounds are automatically fed along the layer and taken up in threes by the elevation chain to
a fanshaped shifter at trunnion axis level. This, through differentials, adjusts to barrel elevation and conveys
the rounds to the feeder. The power to carry out this operation is provided by an electric motor. Oto Melara
has also developed additional improvements for this system, such as a new digital servo system using buffer
batteries for emergency silent operations.
The Oto Melara 40 mm L/70 anti-aircraft gun can fire all natures of 40 mm ammunition, with the exception of
the latest Bofors Defence developed 3P round.

Weight: (travelling order) 4,800 kg

Length: (travelling) 7.28 m
Width: (travelling) 2.289 m
Height: (travelling) 2.655 m
Axis of bore: (travelling) 1.735 m
(front) 1.77 m
(rear) 1.796 m
Wheelbase: 4.025 m
Elevation/depression: +85º/-5º
Traverse: 360º
Traverse speed: 45º/s
Elevation speed: 85º/s
Rate of fire: (cyclic) 300-rds/min
Crew: 1 (on mount when operating in local mode; none required when gun being operated under remote

Bofors Defence AB 40 mm L/70 modernisation package

The Bofors Defence 40-mm L/70 Renovation and Modernisation (REMO) programme comprises a basic
package, mainly for extending the gun's technical life span and several upgrading kits for increasing the
effectiveness of the weapon. The REMO programme is modular and renders step-by-step upgrading
possible as funding becomes available or the threat evolves. The REMO work can be carried out by Bofors
Defence in Sweden or in the user's own facilities.
The basic package comprises:
1. A mechanical renovation
2. Installation of a new 48 V DC electrical laying system with digital servo-amplifier
3. A new electrical installation With the new electrical laying system, the hydraulic system and most of the
original laying transmission system are discarded.
The main power supply for the laying system consists of batteries that are located in the lower mounting.
These batteries are dimensioned for several hours of operation without charging. A smaller 220 V/50 Hz
power supply unit or mains, can be used for compensating charge of the batteries. As an alternative to the
new electrical laying system the original electro-hydraulic laying system can be modernised and retained.
With the basic package, all difficult to obtain spare parts are replaced by easily accessible ones, so granting
a considerable extension to the weapon's technical life span. The basic package design can be furnished
easily with the upgrading modules.
The major upgrading module comprises:
1. An integrated fire-control system
2. A family of 40 mm L70 ammunition
3. 3P programmer
4. A kit for increased rate-of-fire and kits for increased firing endurance
The integrated fire-control system, which converts the gun to an autonomous firing unit, consists of the SAAB
Tech Vetronics UTAAS (Universal Tank and Anti-Aircraft Sight) sight and fire control computer. Details of the
UTAAS firecontrol system are given in the Towed anti-aircraft gun sights section. This sight is already in
volume production for the CV-9040 (Sweden) and CV-9030 (Norway) armoured vehicles. In this application
the sight is fitted in a two-man power-operated turret.
The 3P programmer enables current 40 mm L/70 light anti-aircraft guns to fire the new, programmable 3P
ammunition. It consists of the operator's panel, programming electronics and the antenna unit located in the
feed device front guide.
The ammunition function mode is from the operator's panel. Programming data is fed from the programmer
via the antenna unit to the fuze immediately before ramming. To use all 3P modes the necessary data input
to the programmer is range to estimated intercept point by the integrated fire-control system or connection to
an external fire-control system is necessary. Some 3P modes can, however, be used by the installation of a
laser range finder.
The high rate-of-fire kit, which comprises:
a. conversion kits for the original feed device and automatic loader
b. new extractors
c. new operating cam and a replacement recoil buffer, increases the cyclic rate-of-fire from 260 to 300-
The kit for increased firing endurance comprises a 26-round magazine and a 96-round ammunition rack. The
26-round magazine enables three to four engagements to be carried out without reloading. It is fitted to the
breech casing and the feed device is loaded with clipped ammunition. Each clip of four 40-mm rounds is
connected to the next clip by a further clip on the opposite side. As the rounds are fed into the feed device
the clips are automatically ejected.
During transportation of the gun the magazine is kept in a folded-down position.
The 96-round ammunition rack increases the combat load of ammunition. It consists of two compartments,
each containing 48 rounds of easily accessible clipped ammunition and replaces the original 48-round rack.
Personnel standing on the ground can refill from behind the ammunition rack.
Further upgrading options are available including a muzzle velocity radar, optical target designator for
enhanced target acquisition, integrated power supply unit and a device for automatic conversion from the
travelling to the firing position and vice versa.

Ammunition type PFHE Mk 2 HCHE HE T APC T P T

Weight of complete round 2.4 kg 2.4 kg 2.5 kg 2.5 kg 2.5 kg
Weight of shell 0.88 kg 0.87 kg 0.96 kg 0.92 kg 0.96 kg
Weight of explosive 0.12 kg 0.165 kg 0.103 kg none none
Type of explosive octal octal hexotonal n/avail n/avail
Round length 534 mm 534 mm 534 mm 534 mm 534 mm
Muzzle velocity 1,025 m/s 1,030 m/s 1,005 m/s 1,010 m/s 1,005 m/s

Types A and B
Calibre: 40 mm
Number of barrels: 1
Barrel length: 2.8 m
Recoil mechanism: hydro spring
Breech mechanism: vertical sliding
Carriage: 4 wheeled with outriggers
Shield: yes
Weight in travelling order:
(BOFI all weather) 5,700 kg
(BOFI fair weather) 5,500 kg
(Type A) 4,800 kg
(Type B) 5,150 kg
Length: (travelling) 7.29 m
Width: (travelling) 2.225 m
Height: (travelling) 2.349 m
Axis of bore:
(travelling) 1.735 m
(firing) 1.335 m
Ground clearance: (travelling) 0.39 m
Track: 1.8 m
Wheelbase: 4.025 m
Elevation/depression: +90º/-4º
Traverse: 360º
Rate of fire: 260 rds/min
Feed: 4 round clip
Number of rounds:
(in ammunition stay) 26
(in racks) 96
Effective anti aircraft range: 3,000-4,000 m
Crew: 4-6
Towing vehicle: 3 t (4 × 4 or 6 × 6) truck

The system will be able to acquire, track and engage targets under passive conditions and using the 3P
ammunition, already in production for Brazil and Sweden, will have a significantly higher kill probability than
current Bofors Defence 40 mm/70 towed systems.
The 3P round is programmable in six different modes for the engagement of land, sea and air targets. It has
a muzzle velocity of 1,012 m/s and a maximum range of 5,000 m. The 3P round is effective not only against
fixed-wing aircraft but also attack helicopters and cruise missiles.

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