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Sai Divine

Vol. 23 October 2020


In Association with



Ananta Samsara Samudra Tara, Naukayitabhyam Guru Bhaktidabhyam |

Vairagya Samrajyada Poojanabhyam, Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam ||

Biswaranjan Jena

Dr. C B Satpathy


Renuka Arun

Biswaranjan Jena


Plawan Rath

Deepak Varshney


Bubu Tripathy





1700 JACE DR


IN ASSOCIATION WITH All rights are reserved with the publisher. The publisher is not
responsible for the views and opinions expressed in articles, features
and essays etc. The views expressed in the articles in this magazine
are of the authors and in no way the trust associates itself with their
views, opinions, conclusion and convictions. 

Copyright © SAI AMERICAN FOUNDATION . All Rights reserved 


The new world order has already set in. Aftermath of Covid-19 wave which swept the entire
world, new order is being lined up gradually. People don’t trust their own, and God has gone
hibernation mode. The temples are closed for last six months and all religious activities are
now made virtual. The systematic displacing some of the strongest pillars of our societal
norms and our values are now being redefined. Whether we like it or not, the fact is now
setting in with the conviction- that Coronavirus is going to stay with us as long as we live. So
we have to make our mode of life style to adjust the truth- bitter yet real. Such is the force of
this pandemic and its tentacles of devastation, human kind is so powerless and so meek that
mere surrendering to it is nothing but bare truth. We’ve been helplessly watching devastation
all around us. So many young lives have been lost, so many people around us have perished
that, we now have lost the count. May be the death is no more a frightening anymore, as it has
become a regular phenomenon. Every household, every society, every state and every
country in this world is now in a panic mode as the human lives are getting depleted
everyday. Nothing could stop this pandemic to halt or atleast give a respite to people. Those
areas which have witnessed terrible losses of human lives are now seeing it reappearing again
as the dark clouds of obliteration again lurking in the horizons. No sign of relief, no sign of
pain going away, no sign of mayhem getting contained, at all.

The odds are heavily against us as humans and we pitifully are so frightened that any issues
related to our health is now perceived as death bell. The sounds of sirens blasting our streets,
the flashing lights in the dark nights remind us of only faith in God as we pray fervently for the
soul and its well being. So helpless, so meek the human race has been since its evolution
that, we don’t have any option but resort to Sai Baba to protect us. Friends, relatives, family
members far and near have started realizing that the only way to save oneself is to distance



themselves from others and be close to Sai Baba in every possible way. Whether by reading
Shri Sai Satcharita or reading Shri Guru Bhagavat, the soul is being peaceful when its getting
tormented otherwise. I’ve seen most of us now are now resorting to daily Shri Guru Bhagavat
reading and praying Sai Baba on daily basis. He is the one who is protecting us during this
time and will continue to save us from this greatest disaster humankind ever faced. He will
protect us from loneliness and stress, as long as this pandemic continues.

Always remember when Sai Baba used to say – “ why fear, I’m here”. This singular assurance
of Sai Baba not only gives us strength to live but show us the way to maneuver during this
crisis. What a massive test of faith for all of us here about Sai Baba and his eleven sayings and
what an immense test of patience we have to undergo. Staying away from all- friends,
relatives, fellow devotees and above all staying away from temples have been truly appalling
and psychologically overwhelming. The true devotees of Baba will lose nothing and fear
nothing in this pandemic time except for obeying the rules and norms of local governments.
Life is teaching us new lessons so also our mother nature. We need to adapt them fast and
move on as the new world order sets in. Guruji is also appearing in Zoom meetings and
addressing us be safe and abide by the social contact rules. He is the source of your faith and
let us all pray Guruji to give us strength and mental support to overcome this terrible crisis.
Let Baba be with us and protect us while we pass through this world of mundane existence.

On the eve of Vijaya Dashami, Sai American Foundation wishes you and your family the
blessings of Sai Baba and Guruji to protect all. Let everyone in Sai family pray for other
devotees to bring mental peace and strength to overcome the crisis. Through prayers and
meditation we can surely overcome insecurity, depression, anxiety, anger and fear of death.
We need to learn to live with Coronavirus for rest of our lives and keep increasing our faith
with Guruji ad Sai Baba.

Jai Shri Sai

Biswaranjan Jena



This year, the holy day of Dussehra falls on

the 25th October, Sunday. For all the Sai
Devotees it is an auspicious day as it is the
Mahasamadhi day of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba,
besides being the day of Dussehra. Till last
year Dussehra used to be celebrated in
temples and by devotees with pomp and
ceremony. However, this year it is not going
to be so. The effect of the global pandemic
Covid-19 has so comprehensively affected
our society that all functions and activities of
the temples have been altered to contain the
Corona pandemic. Such changes have been
instructed by the central and state
governments and the municipal, civic and
police authorities.

In this context, my instructions dated 19th

March, 21st March and 7th June 2020 are
extremely relevant as they indicate the
actions to be taken when the local authorities
permit the opening of temples. During
Dussehra, the Shirdi Sai Baba temples like
other temples have to follow the instructions

of the concerned authorities in letter and spirit. The observation of such instructions is
essential in order to lessen the contamination of Corona and arrest its further spread.
Instructions regarding the opening of temples may vary from state to state and place to
place depending on what the authorities permit.



Usually, during Dussehra day hundreds of devotees visit the temple during the four ‘aartis’.
However, it is difficult to allow a large number of devotees to conglomerate these days as
social distancing, hand sanitisation and use of masks is a must for saving oneself from

Thus, those who cannot get the benefit of worshipping Baba in the temples should worship
Baba at home, read Shri Sai Satcharita, do ‘Naam Jap’, offer prasad to Baba and perform all
the four ‘aartis’ on this day, if possible. Those who get permission to enter the temple
premises should wear a mask, maintain social distancing and avoid physical contact like
hugging and shaking hands with other people. They should cooperate with the temple
authorities and follow the instructions of the governmental bodies. Earlier many people
used to offer poor feeding, langar, distribution of clothes to the poor and the needy in
temples. Under the present conditions, it may not be possible and desirable to do so. They
can, therefore, donate such amount to temples which can carry on with such activities on
their behalf with due caution later, in a better situation.

Remembering the magnificent spiritual personality of Baba and the noble deeds performed
by Him for the cause of humanity, the devotees can share such interest with each other
through social networks (through different applications on internet). We should pray Baba
to give relief to those affected by Corona and bless all to remain Corona free.

Jai Shri Sai.

Dr. C. B. Satpathy,
Gurugram (India)



Developing Spiritual Intelligence


The COVID-19 outbreak has been stressful and has disrupted the lives of many people
across the world. The worldwide rapid increase of infected cases has created a sense of
uncertainty and anxiety about what is going to happen next. It has also caused a tremendous
level of stress as business have made losses and many have lost their jobs. Fear and anxiety
about this new disease and what could happen have been overwhelming and have caused
strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions such as social distancing can
make people feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress, anxiety and aggravate mental
health issues. As an experienced educator, I have witnessed how this stress has also led to
unfavorable effects on the learning and psychological health of students and young adults
from all over the world as they have shifted to online and remote learning platforms. Many
young students have been finding it hard to cope up with the new changes and incidents of
mental health issues like depression and suicides are at an alarming rise. International
students staying far from home are not only worried about their health, safety, and
education but they also have a huge number of concerns for the wellbeing of their families.
Faced with new realities of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling
of children, and lack of physical contact with other family members, friends and colleagues, it
is important that we look after not only our physical health (PQ) but also take care and pay
attention to our mental, emotional and spiritual health as well.

In our culture, a high value is placed on our IQ’s and mental intelligence (mathematical and
verbal). While a sound mind is essential, other aspects of the self are also essential for our
full potential. I believe that, regardless of culture, language or religion, all people share a
Primal Spirituality—an original connection with the power and intelligence within us—that we
hold in common. In our roles as teachers, educational leaders, coaches, and trainers, we



With this in mind, it can be illuminating to ask how schools, colleges and educational
institutions are helping students cope up with the difficult and challenging situation they are
in. Our current educational system is mainly a place for the cognitive experience provided by
science and the physical world. There is no place in schools for emotional or spiritual
intelligence. Spiritual intelligence, which is unique to the human spirit and vital to its growth,
is banned from the centers of learning while all other forms of intelligence which have to do
with the lower nature and its appetites, such as love of power, money, status, comfort, etc.,
are ushered in to fill up the vacuum. The result is that the student’s heart is robbed by these
lower loyalties and identities. Herein lies the seed of the epidemic of emotional problems and
disabilities in our youth. Real education must consider the whole child and must
acknowledge the spiritual and emotional development of the child. An integrated education
and curriculum of this nature will enable the students to connect through shared emotional
experiences and to reach their full potential as the images of their higher selves, the divine.

Spiritual masters like Shri Shirdi Sai Baba taught through

examples about the meaning and purpose of life and
strove to improve and evolve the mindset of his
devotees. As we read through the Shri Sai Satcharita, we
see many examples of how Baba was trying to develop
EQ and SQ in all his devotees. His dictum on Shraddha
and Saburi was to help his devotee build on their mental
and spiritual strength so as to be automatically equipped
to handle any challenges, situation and circumstances
that comes into our life with ease and grace. He
teachings propel his devotee to endure hardships with
faith and patience and approach life with more
compassion and make greater effort to find solutions to
their problems. In Chapter XXVI we see the plight of the
devotee Gopal Narayan Ambadekar from Poona who
was depressed when faced with many calamities and
hardships. He in desperation decided to commit suicide



and end his life. Baba’s timely intervention through Sagun Naik who gave him a book on
Akkalkot Maharaj revealed to him that one must endure hardships and disappointments with
faith and patience and finish up one’s karmic deeds and face life with strength and fortitude.
We are told at the end of the chapter that he faced his difficulties with faith and courage and
that with Baba’s blessings his prospects began to improve and he later on led a life of
comfort and ease. All the experiences of devotees mentioned in Shri Sai Satcharita lifts out
the mire of everyday life and allows us to see things from a fresh and enlightened
perspective. Many instances in the Sai Satcharita show how Baba encouraged the
purification of the mind and heart which was essential in developing our emotional and
spiritual intelligence. Without this everything thing else He said was useless show and pomp.

As we face these unprecedented times in the history of mankind it is high time for
educational institutions to review its academic curriculum and incorporate components of
EQ and SQ in their curriculum planning. Curriculum modules must address aspects of moral
science, art of self reflection, meditation, yoga, and reading of interfaith prose and texts to
name a few. Spiritual and emotional intelligence can be fostered by effort, exploration, and
training and should be incorporated at a young age in schools to help develop a holistic
individual. Humans need spiritual and emotional intelligence to achieve proper judgment in
decision-making, which improves self-esteem and mental health. This will help our youth and
young adults to gain a deep insight of the life events, encounter difficulties of life with
patience and meditation, deal with them and find reasonable humane solutions. Spiritual and
emotional intelligence increases flexibility and self-consciousness, so that individuals become
more tolerant against difficulties and hardships of life. As in the words of French philosopher
and priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” We pray to our beloved Master Shri Shirdi
Saibaba to bless us with true inner peace, health, wisdom, and strength leading us to a path
of spiritual awakening and transformation.

Jai Shri Sai. Peace be to All !

Hamilton Ontario



Enlightenment of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa


There is an episode in Ramakrishna’s life.... For

his whole life he had been worshiping Mother
Kali, But at the very end he began to feel, ”It is
duality; the experience of oneness has still not
happened. It is lovely, delightful, but two still
remains two.” Someone loves a woman,
someone loves money, someone politics; he
loved Maa Kali – but love still was divided in
two. Still the ultimate non-duality hadn’t
happened and he was in anguish. He began
looking out for a non-dualist, a Vedantist – for
Some person to come who could show

him the path. A Paramahansa named Totapuri was passing. Ramakrishna invited him to stop
with him and asked, ”Help me to have darshan of the one." Totapuri said, ”What’s difficult in
that? You believe there are two, so there are two. Drop the belief!” Ramakrishna replied, ”But
dropping this belief is very difficult – I have lived with it my whole life. When I close my eyes the
image of Kali is standing there. I drown in that nectar. I forget that I am to become one; as soon as
I close my eyes there are two. When I try to meditate, it becomes dual. Help me out of this!”

So Totapuri said, ”Try this: when the image of Kali is before you, pick up a sword and cut her in
two.” Ramakrishna said, ”Where will I find a sword?”

What Totapuri said is the same as what is said in Ashtavakra’s sutra. Totapuri said, ”From
where did you bring this Kali image? – bring a sword from the same place. She too is imaginary.
She too is an embellishment of your imagination. Through nurturing it for your whole life, through



continuously projecting it for your whole life, it has become crystallized. It is just
imagination. Not everyone sees Kali when they close their eyes.”

After years of effort a Christian closes his eyes, and Christ comes to him. A devotee of
Krishna closes his eyes and Krishna comes to him. A lover of Buddha closes his eyes and
Buddha comes to him. A lover of Mahavira closes his eyes and Mahavira comes to him.
Christ doesn’t come to a Jain, Mahavira doesn’t come to a Christian: only the image you
project will come. Ramakrishna’s effort was with Kali, and the image became almost solid. It
became so real from constant repetition, from continuous remembering, that it seemed Kali
was standing in from of him. No one was standing there.

Consciousness is alone. There is no second here, no other. ”Just close your eyes,” Totapuri
said, ”raise the sword and strike.” Ramakrishna closed his eyes, but as soon as he closed
them his courage vanished. Raising his sword to strike Kali! – the devotee has to raise his
sword and strike God – it was too hard. To renounce the world is very easy. What is worth
holding onto in the world? But when you have established an image deep in the mind, when
you have created poetry in the mind, when the mind’s dream has become manifest, then it
is very difficult to renounce it. The world is like a nightmare. A dream of devotion, a dream of
feeling is not a nightmare, it is a very sweet dream. How to drop it? how to break it?

Tears would start flowing from his eyes and he became ecstatic... his body would begin
shaking. But he didn’t raise his sword – he would completely forget about it. Finally Totapuri
said, ”I’ve wasted many days here. It’s no good. Either you do it or I’m going to leave. Don’t
waste my time. Enough of this nonsense now!” That day Totapuri brought a piece of glass
with him, and he said, ”When you begin to be absorbed in delight, I will cut your forehead
with this piece of glass. When I cut your forehead, inside gather courage, raise your sword
and cut Kali in two. This is the last chance – I am not staying any longer.”



Totapuri’s threat of leaving... and it is difficult to find such a master. Totapuri must have been
a man like Ashtavakra. Ramakrishna closed his eyes and Kali’s image appeared to him. He
was about to bliss out – tears were ready to flow from his eyes, overwhelmed, joy was
coming – he was about to become ecstatic when Totapuri held his forehead and, where the
third eye chakra is, made a cut from top to bottom with the piece of glass. Blood began to
stream from the cut, and this time

Ramakrishna found courage. He raised the sword and cut Kali in two pieces. When Kali fell
apart he became non-dual: the wave dissolved in the ocean, the river fell into the ocean. It is
said that he stayed immersed for six days in this ultimate silence. He was neither hungry nor
thirsty – there was no consciousness of the outside, no awareness. All was forgotten. And
when he opened his eyes six days later, the first thing he said was, ”The last barrier has fallen!”

Shri Guru Bhagavat

Vol. 3



Significance of Shri Sai Satcharita

The significance of ‘Shri Sai Satcharita’ is:

• This is the first and foremost book based on
the life-story of Shri Sai Baba, which was
originally composed in Marathi verse form. The
writing of the book started in the lifetime of
Baba with His blessings. It is like a standard
text for all Sai devotees.
• The divine truth imparted by this book is even
greater than the knowledge contained in the
Vedas and Gita, because all the characters
and events in it are real and authentic as also
recorded in details by many devotees.

• Because of the expression in simple language it is easy for everyone to comprehend it. Had
it been written in Sanskrit it would have been difficult for most of the people to understand it.
Today there are very few people who can understand Sanskrit language properly and absorb
the meaning and substance easily.
• The spiritual essence contained in all the religious scriptures like Vedas, Gita, Yoga Vashisht
is found in the life-story of Shri Sainath.
• The concepts on God and spirituality are explained in such a simple yet comprehensive
manner in ‘Shri Sai Satcharitra’ that no additional book or commentary etc. is required to
understand it. It has a natural flow so the readers start feeling as if they had been closely
associated with the events described in it, in their past life.
• The foremost duty of a Sai devotee is therefore to read ‘Shri Sai Satcharita’ and absorb it by
heart if possible. The more they read this book, the more it will bring them closer to Baba
and all their doubts and apprehensions will be cleared.



• It also has been experienced that during a crisis, if any devotee is searching for an answer
and randomly opens ‘Shri Sai Satcharita’ praying Baba sincerely and with faith, his answer
can be found in that open page.
• Many people have got their desired benefits after reading ‘Shri Sai Satcharita’ for a week or
so in a parayana form.

‘Shri Sai Satcharitra’ can be utilized by all Sai devotees in the following manner:
1. Get the book, ‘Shri Sai Satcharitra’ in whatever language one chooses to read as translated
versions are available in the market in most of the Indian languages. Neatly wrap it up in a
piece of new cloth, and place it near Baba’s statue or Pooja place with due sanctity.
2. Whether at home or elsewhere, one should always try to read a few pages of the book
every night before going to sleep. Every devotee should try to keep Baba as the last thought
in mind before entering into sleep.
3. During crisis or in order to get rid of any serious problem(s) one should read with devotion
for a week in the form of Parayana, as is mentioned in ‘Shri Sai Satcharita’. If possible, such
Parayana should begin on a Thursday or on some other special day, such as Ramnavami,
Dussehra, Gurupurnima, Janmashtmi, Mahashivratri, Navratri, etc. After its completion on the
seventh day one should feed the poor and destitute either in the temple or home or wherever
4. One should read it sitting in some isolated corner in the temple or in front of Baba’s statue
or Photograph or painting. If other people are present, then it can be read out to them or with
them as well. Group reading should always be encouraged.
5. ‘Shri Sai Satcharita’ should be read to the devotees - sick, old aged and those nearing
death as much as possible. They will surely get peace and blessings of Baba.
6. At times, of distress and agony if one will sincerely search for answers from ‘Shri Sai
Satcharita’ he will not only find the answers but also solace. Consequently his faith will grow in
Baba. Shri Sai Satcharita should be taken by all Sai devotees with as much seriousness as one
takes Gita or Bible.

Source: BABA May I Answer by Dr. C B Satpathy



Shradha Saburi


Shradha Saburi, Sai Baba’s main mantra of Faith

and Patience are two words that hold more
prominence now in the middle of a global
pandemic than ever. We read about Baba and his
life and hear these two words often but although
these are two simple words, actually applying
them in day to day life takes continuous effort
and mindfulness. We are in the middle of a
disease that is airborne and it has no cure. Almost
40 million people around the world have
contracted the disease and over a million people

have died from it and according to health experts the best way to slow down the spread of the
disease is to be patient and stay indoors as much as possible. We need to have faith that like
everything else, this will also pass and there will be a vaccine soon.
There is this tendency for someone to think that they can just get on with their life and Baba
will protect them from COVID because they do their prayers to Baba daily when Baba has already
given the tools to help combat this virus. His main mantra of Shradha and Saburi. If we follow
Baba’s philosophy and apply that to combating this virus we will be protected from this virus and
Baba would have saved us from the disease. So if someone chooses to ignore the health experts
to stay indoors or not wear masks or wash their hands regularly, they in essence are refusing
Baba’s help and if they have refused his help. So even if they are praying to Baba for their safety,
are they really listening to what he has to say ?
I think if we all follow Sai Baba’s teachings of Shradha and Saburi we can all do our part and
slow down the spread of this virus to save lives.
San Francisco



Devotee's Experience


All spiritually elevated souls work in unison

towards guiding the mankind to a spiritual
path. I have been reading this in Shri Sai
Satcharita since 2010 where we see
examples of such behavior in various
chapters. By Baba’s grace I experienced this
phenomenon in my own life in the year

I had moved to Arizona in Mar 2013 and

sometime in Jul 2014 we became friends
with a Sai devotee family who were from
Odisha. They had a picture of Guruji (Dr.
him still amazes me and gives me goose bumps.
C.B. Satpathy) at their home and from them
Around 3rd week of Jan 2016, one night I got a
we came to know a lot of things about Him.
dream in which I was in a room with my wife
We were so much attracted by His spiritual
and my mother and Guruji was sitting on a
grandeur that we started researching about
chair surrounded by a lot of devotees and I was
Him and read lot of literature written by
standing in front of Guruji and crying. When I
Him. We became internally linked to Guruji
woke up in the morning, I was delighted that I
in 2014 but till Feb 2016 we did not have
saw Guru Ji in my dream and took His blessing
the fortune of seeing Him in person or
but I was not able to understand why I was
meeting Him. I intensely longed to see him
crying in front of him. But then I was happy
in person and seek His blessings. The turn
that I met him even if it was in a dream!
of events that took place before I really met



Within a week of this dream, I was shocked by the news that my father passed away in India
due to a sudden heart attack! I was heartbroken at his sudden demise. I was not even able to
reach India for his last rites. I reached there after the cremation had already been done. We
stayed in India for less than a month and I wanted to go to Shirdi for Baba’s Darshan because
it is our custom to always have Baba’s darshan at Shirdi whenever we make a trip to India. We
had a return flight from Delhi to US on Mar 2, 2016 and I wanted to go to Shirdi around Feb
25. But my wife did not like the idea of travelling so close to the departure date as we had a 6
months old daughter. Shirdi visit with the whole family was not feasible at the last moment
and I was not happy about it.

I called our friend in US and told her about my mental agony, then she suggested that if we
cannot go to Shirdi we can go to ‘Sai ka Aangan’ in Gurgaon which is a replica of Shirdi and the
best thing was we can meet Guruji there!. My wife was also happy by this idea as we revered
Guruji a lot though we hadn’t met him and she thought that it would be almost like visiting
Shirdi! I want to give one more fact here, my wife had given up rice for something and had
taken a vow that she would only start it after she visits Shirdi and nevertheless to add that she
loves rice! This India visit was her chance to visit Shirdi and resume eating rice but that was
not possible. It had so happened that one of our close friend had given up drinking tea and she
was supposed to go to Shirdi to resume it but when she visited ‘Sai ka Aangan’, even without
her telling anything Guruji asked her to drink tea there only and said that ‘Sai ka Aangan’ is no
different than Shirdi! so our friend resumed drinking tea from that day without visiting Shirdi.
Going with the example of our friend, my wife thought that she will also resume eating rice
after she visits ‘Sai ka Aangan’ n meets Guruji!

New Hampshire



The Draftsperson of Destiny


When Das Ganu Maharaj met Baba for the

first time, he was in police service as a
Havildar. He used to take great interest in
Tamashas (village plays) and take part in
them. Also, he used to compose poems
impromptu, in lavani and other metres.
While Das Ganu Maharaj was in service,
Nana Saheb Chandorkar was Collector's
chitnis, and he took Das Ganu to Sai Baba.
Even from the outset Sai Baba foresaw his
future and wanted Das Ganu Maharaj to
give up his profession and hobbies.
However, Das Ganu maharaj heed Baba's
Ahmednagar districts. For three years the
advice under some pretext or other. The
police were on hunt, but could not catch him.
following incidents narrate how in 1903 Das
Das Ganu and three others were put on
Ganu Maharaj was forced to give up his
special detective duty and directed to watch
profession after several disasters took place
and report the movements of the bandit. Kana
in his life in which Baba's grace saved him
Bhil was so cunning and desperate that he
from punishment, disgrace, trouble of
spotted the three men and killed them one
various sorts, and even death.
after another. At that time Das Ganu was
replacing for a Ramadasi and was doing
Around 1898 or 1899 there was a notorious
Kirtans in the Ram Temple at Loni Varni. The
bandit named Kana Bhil who was robbing
headman (Patil) of the village was a friend and
British and Native States, in parts of
was receiving visits from the bandit.



Kana Bhil found out all details of Das Ganu and one day came to shoot him. He went and
bowed to Sri Ram and prayed for life. The bandit left the place with a warning to him that he
was being watched. Das Ganu was really watched by the bandit's men and he could not
leave the place. Some villagers informed Das Ganu about the movement of the bandit which
he communicated to the police. The police came and put a cordon round the hill in which
Kans Bhil was hiding but he escaped after a fierce exchange of fires in which a number of
policemen were killed.
Later Das Ganu hell sick and got himself
removed from the detective duty. Next, a trial
began on the villagers of Loni Varni for giving
shelter to the bandit. At that point, Das Ganu
Maharaj without applying for leave and taking
permission from his superiors visited a holy
place and returned to Godavari and there he
prayed and vowed to Baba holding Godavari's
water in his hands that if Baba would save him
from the predicament, He would give up
service. Later Das Ganu caught a gang of
thieves with some booty and was able to
explain his sudden disappearance from service.
Thus he was miraculously saved form the
charges of dereliction of duty.

After this incident Das Ganu forgot about his vow and continued his profession with an
ambition to become a fouzdar and appeared for a department examination. Meanwhile,
Baba continued to coerce him to give up his service and told Das Ganu that he is not going
to get the fouzdar position. Once Das Ganu Maharaj met Baba accidentally on his way back
from an official Duty. Omniscient Baba reminded Das Ganu Maharaj about the vow he took
with a palmful of Godavari water. Again, Das Ganu Maharaj convinced Baba that he is going
to resign from his service soon. In reply Baba told him: "Wait ! You will not listen till things
are running smoothly".



Finally, Das Ganu Maharaj gave up his service and devoted the rest of his life in Baba's
service in 1903 after he was saved from another trouble: A convict's fine of Rs.32 was
collected and sent to his police station to be credited to Govt. One of his assistant in his
absence quietly pocketed the money. Later, the accused not being released, a complaint was
made against Das Ganu and an inquiry followed. He was suspended and punishment seemed
imminent. Again Baba miraculously saved Das Ganu from being punished. Later on the
advice of Baba Das Ganu Maharaj retired from service and went and settled at Nanded in
Nizam States and spent his time in performing Kirtans, and received supplies thereby.
Following were the conversations between Baba and Das ganu Maharaj before he left:
Baba: "Go and settle at Nanded".
Das Ganu Maharaj : "Which Nanded?"
Baba : "Nanded in Nizam States".
Das Ganu Maharaj : "How am I to get bread?"
Baba : "I will provide to you"


Shri Guru Bhagavat

Vol. 5



News and Events

Dr C. B. Satpathy ji’s visit to Moradabad

Dr. C. B. Satpathyji visited Moradabad on 26 September,2020. He spent some quality time in
the School campus, took a round of the school building and discussed the functioning of the
school in the changed Covid-19 scenario. In the evening, he visited Shri Sai Karuna Dham
temple. After offering prayers at the feet of Shri Sai Baba, he took a round of the Temple and
gave instructions for its improvement.

Guru Purnima Celebration, Sai Ka

The auspicious Guru Purnima was
celebrated at Sai Ka Aangan on
5th July 2020 by the resident
priests, amidst the pandemic
restrictions. The rituals began
with Shri Sainath’s Mahabhishek,
followed by the hawan conducted
amidst chanting of mantras. Palki
was taken out in the evening. Dr.
Satpathyji visited the Temple to
pay respects to Shri Sai Baba and
see that COVID 19 guidelines are
aptly followed.



Sai Ka Aangan, Gurgaon

An adorned palna of Shri
Krishna was placed in the
Dwarkamai on the occasion
of Janmashtami on 12th
August 2020. Dr. Satpathyji
visited the Aangan on this
day and offered prayers at
the shrines. He also
examined the
implementation of COVID
19 guidelines..





Sai Ka Aangan, Gurgaon

Sai Ka Aangan reopened its doors to devotees for darshan during special timings on 1st
September 2020. Keeping in mind the safety of the visitors and staff at the Temple,
guidelines have been implemented for all, in accordance with Government norms. Sensor
taps and a gong have been installed to minimize touch areas. Dr. Satpathyji visited Sai Ka
Aangan for darshan and inspected the preparations for reopening of the Temple on 3rd
September 2020.

Sai Ka Aangan, Gurgaon

6th October 2020, marked the completion of twenty years of the Aangan’s Bhoomi Pujan.
The priests performed a hawan in commemoration of the same. Weekly Palki on Thursdays
and the monthly Shri Satyanarayan puja are conducted on a regular basis by the priests.
Devotees have been requested not to participate in the pujas in order to prevent the
chances of contamination.




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