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Ghayoor Zafar

BBA – 5B


Assignment 1
Career Exploring Management
Article used - How Coronavirus Will Change the Job Market Forever

Author - Bernard Marr

Article Info -


Review by – Ghayoor Zafar

Article Review
How Coronavirus Will Change the Job Market Forever
The article draws attention to the massive change in the job market in the whole world; in particular,
the author refers to the jobs that can be accomplished or worked on without being physically present in
the office or field. The article is rather expository than analytical or descriptive, and mostly uses data
from external sources and research, through which the author is trying to explain the Change that is
taking place. The article says that due to the implementation of the stay at home orders, organizations
had to find a way to keep the businesses operational, they had to implement the work from home. This
changed the perception of those organizations that opposed work from home and allowed us to see the
possibilities of working from home. The experiment forced innovation, growth, and new ways of
thinking. The author takes this experiment of change in the workplace and job requirement as the basis
of larger change in the market. He is trying to prove that these changes will last even in the post covid19
era, by showing the announcements of big companies like twitter, Facebook and Google allowing their
employees to work from home forever. Also the survey which shows that 75% of CFO’s to shift some of
their employees to remote work permanently is used as an evidence to prove his Statement of Change.
The article states that with this change people will face more competition in the job market as the
requirement of workplace attendance perishes the market for those jobs will become globalized as
nothing will stop applicants with the required skills from applying all over the world. A global job market
could mean that there could potentially be thousands of applicants, and they could be from anywhere in
the country, or indeed in the world.
Although we are still in amidst of the pandemic, we cannot truly say if this change will take place or not
or either the companies whose announcements are shown as an evidences to back the theory of
permanent change in workplace requirement will consider their announcements or not. So we can say
that yes if the change really remain permanent after the covid19, it will surely change the shape of the
job markets.

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