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The 7 Steps To Buying A Profitable Revenue Stream Course - Step 2 – Motivation

How do you get and stay motivated? Good question.

I covered this in the step 2 video I hope you watched. If you haven’t watched it yet please do.
Motivation is an important step.

I mentioned in the video how the line below affected me and it still is very motivational to me.

Imagine if Hell was having to watch an endless

video of what your life could have been
had you made the effort to make it so!

I don’t know about you but that thought gets my attention.

Keeping your mind and body strong is critical to being and staying motivated. That means good
nutrition and exercise.

I interact with some people that suffer from depression. I am not a medical professional. If you
have problems with mental illness it is a reason to seek out a professional to help. I did find this
short video, by Dr. Michael Greger, below very interesting on the affect exercise has on
A lot of “demotivation” can occur because of who you “hang around” with. Less successful
people will usually not be a fan of your success sadly. Like the crab who tries to climb out of the
bucket the other crabs will try to pull him back in.

It is true that you become the composite of the five people you spend the most time with so
please pick your friends and colleagues carefully.

Planning is critical to keep your goals in front of you and focus on those things that move you
closer to those goals. In the step 2 video I talked about the Self Journal. It has helped me to
focus a lot. If you’d like to learn about it here is a link to how it works.

It will serve you well as you build a team to remember not everyone is motivated by the same
thing. Many are motivated by money. Some by recognition, praise, loyalty and even fear.

A lot of motivation is habit and discipline. Inky Johnson recorded a powerful video on this.

And lastly, Zig Ziglar said it well:

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last.

Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

So now that we’re motivated let’s move on to Step 3 – “Board of Directors”

To Your Quantum Leap,


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