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You will be divided into 4

E4ch group will h4ve 4 block
The blocks 4re:
1- Medicine
2- Surgery
3- Gynecology 4nd
4- Community medicine/

So, obviously, 4ll the

courses will be 8 weeks
(h4mu block4k4n pek4w4
xl4s d4bn u pek4w4
d4stped4k4n l4g4l
group4k4ni di)

Logbook,L4 gyne u surgery

t4slim d4k4y
L4 medicine b4s t4m4sh4
L4 community, l4jy4ti
logbook, rese4rch h4y4,
d4bi 4wi t4slim bk4y


The course will be 7 weeks,

plus 4n 8th week for 4 few
lectures on ethics in gyne,
4nd 4 pr4ctic4l ex4m.

Everyd4y, except Frid4ys,

you will h4ve 4 pr4ctic4l
session from 8Q30-11Q30.
At 8Q30 you h4ve to t4ke
history 4nd l4ter on do
ex4min4tion on inp4tients.
At 9Q00 or 9Q15, you h4ve to
present your c4se (or other
students will do) 4nd the
doctor will discuss th4t with
your subgroup (15 students)
in the presence of the
p4tient. This will usu4lly
extend until 10Q30 or 11Q00,
4ccording to the doctor.

You h4ve 4 logbook, you will

h4ve to fill it with c4ses (10
long det4iled ones, 4nd 10
short ones). These c4ses
4re t4ken during the
pr4ctic4l sessions or during
your on-c4ll duty*.

Theory lectures 4re 4ll SGL.

They st4rt 4t 11Q30 4nd
continue for 1.5 or 2 hours.
There usu4lly will be 4 quiz
per SGL.

*One d4y per week, you will

h4ve 4n on-c4ll duty. You
will be 4t the outp4tient
clinic 4nd see c4ses with the
resident for 3 hours. You
should record some of the
"interesting" c4ses.
For the pr4ctic4ls, you will
see the things yourself.
There isn't re4lly much to
do. You just h4ve to be
there. And try to be 4n
4ctive person. Ask
questions, 4nswer their
questions. Impress the

You will h4ve m4ny skills

rel4ted to gyne/Obstetrics in
this course. Attend them 4ll
4nd pr4ctice them yourself.

End of block: 30%
End of ye4r: 45(theory)

End of block:
10 d4ily p4rticip4tion

5 quizzes

5 4ssessments in SGLs (you

c4n impress them in the
pr4ctic4ls 4nd get good
4ssessment even if you
h4ven't studied)

10 for end of block pr4ctic4l

ex4m (3 for logbook; 4nd 2
for dressing, white co4t,
4ttire, ethics, Stethoscope,
thermo, t4pe me4sure,
h4nd-w4sh gel, b4dge; the
rem4ining 5 for history 4nd
ex4min4tion t4ken from 4
p4tient plus the questions
th4t the doctor will 4sk you)

End of ye4r:
45% for the 120 question
ex4m. It will be from the

25% for the pr4ctic4ls of 4ll

the blocks together.

Obstetrics by Ten Te4chers
Gynecology by Ten

They will 4sk you to study

on books. But m4ny
students will switch to the
lectures. If you w4nt to
study now, study on the
books (just re4d them
quickly, not 4ll of them,
select the import4nt
During the course, you c4n
depend on the lectures only.
I h4ve 4ll the lectures on 4
drive. For the fin4l, the
lectures will be enough.

Study on 4 d4ily b4sis.

There will be no end of block
ex4ms. If you don't study
d4ily, it will 4ll 4ccumul4te
for the fin4ls!!! It will be 4

Gyne doctors 4re re4lly
friendly 4nd good with
students. They liter4lly love
the students 4nd 4ct like
moms 4nd 4unts if no one
pisses them off... be their
friend, it will be mutu4l!

H4mu rozhek n4z4ri h4y4 (2

hours, from 11Q30-1Q30)
H4ndek rozh 2 n4z4ri h4y4
(4 hours, 11Q30-1Q30, then
1Q30-3Q30) but they usu4lly
combine the the two SGLs
on such d4ys 4nd you will
finish 4t 2Q00...

The course will be 7 weeks,

plus 4n 8th week for 4 few
skill sessions, 4nd 4
pr4ctic4l ex4m.

S4turd4ys through
Tuesd4ys, you will h4ve 4
pr4ctic4l session from
At 8Q30 you h4ve to t4ke
history 4nd l4ter on do
ex4min4tion on inp4tients.
At 9Q00, you h4ve to present
your c4se (or other students
will do) 4nd the doctor will
discuss th4t with your
subgroup (15 students) in
the presence of the p4tient.
This will usu4lly extend until
10Q30 or 11Q00, 4ccording to
the doctor.

You h4ve 4 logbook, you will

h4ve to fill it with c4ses (10
long det4iled ones, 4nd 10
short ones). These c4ses
4re t4ken during the
pr4ctic4l sessions or during
your on-c4ll duty*.

Theory lectures 4re 4ll SGL.

They st4rt 4t 11Q30 4nd
continue for 1.5 or 2 hours.
There usu4lly will be 4 quiz
per SGL.

*One d4y per week, you will

h4ve 4n on-c4ll duty. You
will be 4t the outp4tient
clinic 4nd see c4ses with the
resident for 3 hours. You
should record some of the
"interesting" c4ses.

On Wednesd4ys 4nd
Thursd4ys, the session
times 4re simil4r, but you will
study r4diology inste4d of
surgery. For r4diologyʼs
pr4ctic4ls, you will st4rt 4t
8Q30 without t4king c4ses.

For the pr4ctic4ls, you will

see the things yourself.
There isn't re4lly much to
do. You just h4ve to be
there. And try to be 4n
4ctive person. Ask
questions, 4nswer their
questions. Impress the

You will h4ve m4ny skills

rel4ted to Surgery in this
course. Attend them 4ll 4nd
pr4ctice them yourself.

End of block: 30%
End of ye4r: 45(theory)

End of block:
10 d4ily p4rticip4tion

5 quizzes

5 4ssessments in SGLs (you

c4n impress them in the
pr4ctic4ls 4nd get good
4ssessment even if you
h4ven't studied)

10 for end of block pr4ctic4l

ex4m (3 for logbook; 4nd 2
for dressing, white co4t,
4ttire, ethics, Stethoscope,
thermo, t4pe me4sure,
h4nd-w4sh gel, b4dge; the
rem4ining 5 for history 4nd
ex4min4tion t4ken from 4
p4tient plus the questions
th4t the doctor will 4sk you)

End of ye4r:
45% for the 120 question
ex4m. It will be from the

25% for the pr4ctic4ls of 4ll

the blocks together.

B4ily 4nd Loveʼs pr4ctice of
surgery (you donʼt re4lly
h4ve to study on this)
They will 4sk you to study
on books. But m4ny
students will switch to the
lectures. During the course,
you c4n depend on the
lectures only. I h4ve 4ll the
lectures on 4 drive. For the
fin4l, the lectures will be

Study on 4 d4ily b4sis.

There will be no end of block
ex4ms. If you don't study
d4ily, it will 4ll 4ccumul4te
for the fin4ls!!! It will be 4

Surgery doctors 4re re4lly
friendly 4nd good with
students, but 4lso very
sensitive. You 4re good 4s
f4r 4s you donʼt pl4y with
their sensitivity. Do ex4ctly
wh4t they s4y. No
4rguments with them... And
t4ke c4re of your looks 4nd
the m4ke up... be4utiful girls
h4ve 4n unf4ir bonus with


The course will be 7 weeks,

plus 4n 8th week for 4 few
skill sessions, 4nd 4
pr4ctic4l ex4m.

S4turd4ys through
Thursd4ys, you will h4ve 4
pr4ctic4l session from
At 8Q30 you h4ve to t4ke
history 4nd l4ter on do
ex4min4tion on inp4tients.
At 9Q00, you h4ve to present
your c4se (or other students
will do) 4nd the doctor will
discuss th4t with your
subgroup (15 students) in
the presence of the p4tient.
This will usu4lly extend until
10Q30 or 11Q00, 4ccording to
the doctor.

You h4ve 4 logbook, you will

h4ve to fill it with c4ses (10
long det4iled ones, 4nd 10
short ones). These c4ses
4re t4ken during the
pr4ctic4l sessions or during
your on-c4ll duty*.

Theory lectures 4re 4ll SGL.

They st4rt 4t 11Q30 4nd
continue for 1.5 or 2 hours.
There usu4lly will be 4 quiz
per SGL.
You will study the
c4rdiov4scul4r, endocrine,
respir4tory, 4nd GIT
ch4pters on D4vidson. St4rt
re4ding 4 few topics from
those ch4pters from now

*One d4y per week, you will

h4ve 4n on-c4ll duty. You
should record some of the
"interesting" c4ses.

For the pr4ctic4ls, you will

see the things yourself. You
just h4ve to be there. And
try to be 4n 4ctive person.
Ask questions, 4nswer their
questions. Impress the
doctors. Use M4cleod 4s 4
resource. They love it when
you s4y I re4d it from
End of block: 30%
End of ye4r: 45(theory)

End of block:
10 d4ily p4rticip4tion

5 quizzes

5 4ssessments in SGLs (you

c4n impress them in the
pr4ctic4ls 4nd get good
4ssessment even if you
h4ven't studied)

10 for end of block pr4ctic4l

ex4m (3 for logbook; 4nd 2
for dressing, white co4t,
4ttire, ethics, Stethoscope,
thermo, t4pe me4sure,
h4nd-w4sh gel, b4dge; the
rem4ining 5 for history 4nd
ex4min4tion t4ken from 4
p4tient plus the questions
th4t the doctor will 4sk you)

End of ye4r:
45% for the 120 question
ex4m. It will be from the

25% for the pr4ctic4ls of 4ll

the blocks together.

D4vidson's principles 4nd
pr4ctice of medicine
(newest edition), for theory
M4cloed for pr4ctic4l
ECG m4de e4sy (for

They will 4sk you to study

on books. But m4ny
students will switch to the
lectures. During the course,
you better re4d on D4vidson
4nd the h4ve 4 quick look 4t
the lectures. I h4ve 4ll the
lectures on 4 drive. For the
fin4l, the lectures won't be
enough, but you c4n't do
much, 4s re-re4ding the
book is 4lmost impossible.

Study on 4 d4ily b4sis.

There will be no end of block
ex4ms. If you don't study
d4ily, it will 4ll 4ccumul4te
for the fin4ls!!! It will be 4
nightm4re!!! P4rticul4rly
with medicine!!!

Community , Psycho &

For psycho, You will study

4round 15-20 topics
They 4ll h4ve their own
You MUST study on their
lectures 4nd try to memorize
They 4re very sensitive to
time. If you go 4t 8Q32 AM,
expect them not to let you
The lectures 4re on sever4l
drives. I c4n send you 4 link.
It it will be good if you re4d
the lectures quickly. They
4re 4ctu4lly fun for people
like you to re4d...
Psycho b4s theory'4,
pr4ctic4l'y ny4
But for forensic, you don't
need 4nything 4he4d
The doctor h4s 4 book
written in Kurdish
You will just re4d the book.
Th4t is 4ll

Forensic, d4bi 5-10 report'y

lo bnusi, w4chi 4w4n4y l4
t4w4ri d4y4nnusin

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