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Imi Pono Project Details

1. What is the problem you are trying to solve? Be specific. (150 words) The problem we’re
trying to solve is the use of industrial sunscreen. Sunscreen is one of the biggest things
affecting our coral reefs, chemicals like oxybenzone go into the ocean from the
sunscreen on our bodies and get absorbed by the coral reefs. The substances that are
in sunscreen have nanoparticles that mess with the coral reefs reproduction system and
growth cycles. This then causes what we know as coral bleaching and harms other
marine wildlife. Coral bleaching is the result of us humans carelessness. A lot of people
don’t realize it but, the coral reefs provide about 80% of the oxygen we breathe. What
are we gonna do when the reefs are gone?

2. What is the innovative solution you are proposing to address the problem? (300 words)
We are going to ask vendor owners around the island and have them give out eco
friendly sunscreen with their customers orders. This is a great way to advertise and get
people more cautious about how they should treat the ocean. There will be little notes on
every bottle of eco-friendly sunscreen informing people about the harmful effects the
substances in sunscreen have on the coral reefs and other marine life.

3. Outline your execution plan and include an estimated timeline and budget. List specific
resources and strategies. (No word count limit.) First we will send out applications to
communities, and local companies/vendors around the island to get the community
interested and potential partners. After collecting and reviewing the applications we will
then begin the planning phase. The planning phase will cover: route plans, fleet
distribution, shift hours, headquarter designation, etc. related to this project.

● We have given a basic outline of what will be going into this project. The timeline is
directly based on the communities interest and companies help therefore, I don’t think
we can map out a timeline perfectly.

Staff Weekly Pay TBD

Vendor Carts $18,000 - $32,000

Permits TBD
Cart Decorations $10,000 - $20,000

Advertisements TBD

Staff Attire $700 - $1,600

Company TBD

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