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Baldwin Panel Instructions

The following information has been assembled to help Set up and Program
the “New Style” Baldwin cabinet.

Section 1. Working with program editor.

1. Function selection 2. Program type


3. Return key

4. Function keys 5. Program select 6. Up – down scroll

7. Sideway scroll

The illustration shows the home screen. This is the default screen that
will be displayed on powering up each morning. This is also the screen that
you will come back to if you keep hitting key 3 (Return).
First, select the wash program to be altered by using the “+” or “-“ key
(Program select #5).
Look at the Program type indicator, #2 on the screen, to see which
program you are in.
ABC = Automatic Blanket Cleaner. This is for blanket washing.
IRC = Impression Roll Cleaning. This is for cleaning impression cylinders.
PRC = Plate Roll Cleaner. This is for cleaning the plate cylinder.
APW = Automatic Press Washer. This is for washing the ink rollers.
The “+” key will scroll you forward through these programs.
The “-“ key will scroll you backward through these programs.

When you have selected the program you wish to alter, then you can
select what on the program you want to change.

If you want to make a change to a program or write a new program, you

will have to select F1, “Editor”. (Function keys, Fig.1).

1. Program blocks 2. Program number 3. Program type


4. Insert blocks 5. Block description 6. Program selection

Fig.2 shows the screen that the previous action will bring up.

Scroll to the program you wish to alter by using the Program selection
keys (fig 2. #6). F4 will scroll backward, F5 will scroll forward. Watch the
indication on the screen (#2 Program number and #3 Program type), to make
sure you are altering the correct program.

By using the sideways scroll (Fig.1 #7), you can move the cursor through
the program blocks. By using the up-down scroll (Fig.1 #6), you can change
or select the program block that the cursor is on.

To insert an additional block into the program, scroll one space past the
position you want to add the block and hit the insert blocks (Fig.2 #4) key
F1. This will open a space in the program line, then by using the up-down
scroll key (Fig.1 #6) you can select the block that you wish to add.

Once you are satisfied with the alterations you have made, return to the
first screen (Fig.1) by using the return key (#3). Then the changes must be
saved and the memory must be rewritten. This is done by pressing save data
key (Fig.3 #3).

To create a new program, scroll through the program list till you find an
empty spot. This will have a program number displayed, but no blocks will
be displayed.

Start by selecting the first block of the program by using the up-down
scroll keys. Once you have selected the first block, move to the next position
by using the sideways scroll keys and select the second block as before.

Once you are satisfied with the program you have created, you must
return to the first screen (Fig.1) by using the return key (#3). Then the
program must be saved and written into memory. This is done by pressing
the save data key (Fig.3 #3).

1. Block scroll 2. Change time value 3. Save data

Section 2. Working with block parameters.

Starting with the home screen (Fig.1), you will first select the wash
program which the block parameters need to be adjusted. Use the Program
select key (Fig.1, #5). Press either the “+” or “-“ key and look at the
Program type indicator (Fig.1, #2).

When you have selected the program you wish to alter, you can select the
function you want to perform.

To make changes to block timers, you will have to select F2, “Block

Fig.4 shows the screen that the previous action will bring up.

1. Cursor position 2. Program indicator 3. Block indicator

5. Unit indication

4. Block scroll

Scroll to the block you wish to alter by using the block scroll keys,
(Fig.3, #1) as indicated on the screen (Fig.4, #3). F4 will scroll backward, F5
will scroll forward. Watch the indication on the screen (Fig.4, #2 & #3).

By using the sideways scroll, (Fig.1, #7) you can move the cursor
horizontally across the values. These values are for each individual unit, as
indicated by the number above each column. (Fig.4, #5). By using the up –
down scroll, (Fig.1, #6) you can move the cursor vertically up and down the

To change the values highlighted by the cursor, use the “+” or “-“ key
(Fig.3, #2) to raise or lower the value respectively.

Once you are satisfied with the alterations you have mad, return to the main
screen (Fig.1) by using the return key (Fig.1, #3). Then the changes must be
saved and the memory must be rewritten. This is done by pressing the save
data key (Fig.3, #1).

Section 3. Starting up the cabinet.

1. Water/Solvent info

2. Water/solvent indication 3. Cursor 4. Unit indication

When the cabinet is first powered up, the main screen (Fig.1) will come up.

First, select the wash cycle that you would like to start with by using the
program select keys. (Fig.1, #5). The “+” key will scroll forward, the “-“ key
will scroll backward.

In order to run the wash cycles for the first time, the air must be purged
out of all the lines. This can be done by doing a fill tubes. From the main
screen (Fig.1), select F3, Fill tubes.

The screen in Fig.5 will come up on the screen.

The cabinet will first run the cylinder pumps, and remove the air from the
internal cabinet. This is a predetermined cycle. To run this cycle you must
press F1 for water, F2 for solvent. After this is done, the lines to each
individual unit can be purged, both water and solvent. For this you may need
another person to watch the unit and tell you when the solvent reaches the
spray bar.
1. Start selected spray 2. Stop selected spray

3. Move cursor sideways 4. Move cursor up/down

First, select the unit you would like to start with by moving the cursor
(Fig.5, #3), to the appropriate unit with the move cursor arrows (Fig.6, #3).

Next, select the water of solvent by using the move cursor arrows
(Fig.6, #4).

Now the water or solvent can be purged through the tubes to the wash bar
using the Start spray key (Fig.6, #1). Once the water or solvent reaches the
spray bar, and your assistant tells you it is there, it can be switched off by
using the Stop spray key (Fig.6, #2).

Repeat this process till all water and solvent spray bar have been purged.
When finished, press the return key (Fig.1, #3) to return to the main screen.

The roller washers will be visible to see the solvent and water. The
blanket washers may have to be done by feeling the cloth for wetness.

Default wash programs for RA B500 V2.0

Program parameter RA74 / RA105

System Prog. Program structure Wash time (s)


Conventional 3 ACCCBCCCCYCCCCCC 103

1 (12C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y(12C) 127
IRC 2 (12C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y(12C) 148
Impact 3 (12C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y(12C) 169
4 (12C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y(12C) 190

1 A(2C)B(4C)B(6C)Y(4C)Y(6C)Y(14C) 136
IRC 2 A(2C)B(4C)B(6C)B(8C)Y(4C)Y(6C)Y(14C) 163
Conventional 3 A(2C)B(4C)B(6C)Y(4C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y(14C) 157
4 A(2C)B(4C)B(6C)B(8C)Y(4C)Y(6C)Y(6C)Y 184


Block time parameters RA74

System Block Pad(s) Dosage(s) Spray Interval(s)

A 6.0 0.7 2.5
B 6.0 0.5 2.5
ABC C 4.0
Z 6.0 0.7 2.5
Y 6.0 0.5 2.5
X 4.0

A Triggered 0.8 2.5

IRC B Triggered 0.7 2.5
Z Triggered 0.8 2.5
Y Triggered 0.7 2.5

A 2.0
B 2.0
C 1.8
APW D 1.8
E 20
F 10

Block time parameters RA105

System Block Pad(s) Dosage(s) Spray Interval(s)

A 6.0 1.1 2.5
B 6.0 0.8 2.5
C 4.0
Z 6.0 1.1 2.5
Y 6.0 0.8 2.5
X 4.0

A Triggered 1.1 2.5

IRC B Triggered 0.8 2.5
Z Triggered 1.1 2.5
Y Triggered 0.8 2.5

A 2.0
B 2.0
C 1.8
D 1.8

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