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European Journal of Operational Research 58 (1992)3[)1-317 301


Invited Review

Maintenance management decision making

L.M. Pintelon and L.F. Gelders
Katholieke UniL~ersiteit te Leut:en, Department of Industrial Management, Celestijnenlaan 300A, B-3001
LeuL,en, Belgium

Received June 1991

Abstract: Maintenance management of industrial equipment is an important but still relatively neglected
business function. This paper identifies and discusses the most important elements of its decision making
environment. As such the paper contributes to the structuring of the maintenance management area and
it provides a frame of reference for further research in maintenance policy optimization. The paper starts
with a brief description of maintenance management in a business context. In the remainder of the paper
three parts may be distinguished. The first addresses the system design aspects of maintenance
management in the broader operations management environment, the second examines the most
important issues in maintenance decision making and the last part reviews the managerial tools available
for decision making in this area. An extensive list of references is provided.

Keywords: Maintenance, management, manufacturing industries

1. M a i n t e n a n c e management as b u s i n e s s func- logical skills in order to provide the best possible

tion preventive maintenance, repair and overhaul of
the ever increasing automatically-controlled pro-
1.1. The importance of maintenance duction equipment. Maintenance can actually be
a profit producing activity rather than merely an
unpredictable and unavoidable cost of doing busi-
Maintenance of industrial manufacturing e-
ness. The effectiveness of maintenance directly
quipment may be defined as:
affects the following important elements (Van
Rijn, 1987):
"all activities necessary to restore equipment to, - Capacity and production volume, by ensur-
or keep it in, a specified operating condition". ing the required availability and reliability of pro-
cess equipment and installations.
The objective of maintenance is to maximize - Fixed costs, the maintenance labour force
equipment availability in an operating condition being part of the fixed costs over short and
permitting the desired output quantity and qual- medium term.
ity. This must be realized in a cost effective way - Operating cost, the maintenance operating
and conform to safety and environmental regula- budget containing such items as spares and con-
tions. In order to fulfil the maintenance objective, sumables and outside or contract service.
the enterprise needs management skills to inte- - Environmental and employee safety, one of
grate people, policies, equipment and practices. the tasks of maintenance in most companies be-
It also needs adequate engineering and techno- ing to ensure that equipment is safe for operators

0377-22t7/92/$05.00 © 1992 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved

302 L.M. Pintelon, L.F. Gelders / Maintenance management decision making

and that no environmental damage (e.g. leakages) and recent ones should be mentioned: Mann
occurs. (1983), resulting from seminars for practitioners
The impact of maintenance on a company's in the US, Kelly (1984a), illustrating maintenance
profit may be important. This may be illustrated management principles with a lot of case studies
with numbers colIected from both European (e.g. from industry in the UK, Niebel (1985), taking
Geraerds, 1989; Kruyt, 1990; MalmhoIt, 1988; the industrial engineering point of view, and Pat-
Pintelon, 1990a) and US industry (e.g. Basta, ton (1980), focusing on the interaction between
1985, 1988; Brazenor, 1984 and Hickman, 1986). maintenance and reliability & maintainability.
Another category of maintenance books, such as
1.2. Maintenance management in time perspective Barlow (1967, 1975) and Gertsbakh (1977), dis-
cusses mathematical models for establishing opti-
The perception of maintenance has changed mal maintenance policies.
considerably during the last decades. Until three Armstrong (1987), Kelly (1980), Tombari
or four decades ago, maintenance was simply (1982), Pottinger (1983) and Wilkinson (1968)
regarded as an unavoidable and difficult-to-con- provide a general descriptive introduction to
trol part of production. This view on maintenance maintenance management. However, little atten-
slowly changed and maintenance became the re- tion has been paid to its structuring, and no
sponsibility of a separate department. This de- generally accepted framework can be found in
partment was very technically oriented with em- the literature. Books on the subject typically pre-
phasis on specialization and efficiency. The de- sent a 'maintenance model', but these models are
nearly always administrative, showing information
velopment and introduction of maintenance work
and work order flows. Some authors, however,
studies and standards is typical for this period.
present maintenance models with more emphasis
About two decades ago, companies began to
on management. Alcalay (1973) draws an inte-
realize that engineering qualities alone were no
grated production/maintenance model that goes
longer sufficient for supervising the maintenance
beyond the administrative models, but still does
department: maintenance management was born.
not include all aspects of maintenance manage-
It was also felt that the interrelationships with
ment. Blegen (1968) lists a series of hypotheses
other business functions could no longer be over-
linking maintenance effectiveness with produc-
looked. Maintenance became part of the integral
tion decisions and provides insight in the interac-
business concept. Some of the important reasons
tion between production and maintenance man-
for this fairly recent interest in maintenance man-
agement. Geraerds (1988) describes the TUE
agement as one of the key support functions of
model, where maintenance is placed in a broader
production are: a growing competitive pressure
engineering context. The emphasis of the model
that necessitates stringent cost control, a trend
is on technical aspects. Organizational issues are
towards further automation that calls for highly
reliable production equipment and the recent not considered.
Maintenance management is still a fairly un-
interest in Japanese management philosophies
structured area. Pintelon (1990a) discusses the
emphasizing production process improvement.
impact of this on maintenance literature and de-
This evolution of growing awareness of the im-
scribes a framework that helps to evaluate the
portance of maintenance management still con-
weaknesses and the strengths of maintenance
tinues today.
management research.
The fact that maintenance management has Use of O R / M S techniques
only recently been recognized as a real business One of the aims of research in maintenance
function is also apparent from the academic in- management is to provide decision making tools
terest in this area (see, e.g. Amoaka-Gyampah, for the maintenance manager. Operations Re-
1989; Chanin, 1979 and Ford, 1987). No real search/Management Science techniques are
'classics' on maintenance management have been among the tools which can help maintenance
written yet, but a few valuable books on the decision making. They allow subjective decisions
subject can be found. Among the most complete to be replaced by objective decisions, taking into
L.M, Pintelon, L.F, Gelders / Maintenance management decision making 303

account accurately formulated objective functions increases. Traditional inspection and preventive
and a complex set of constraints. O R / M S tech- maintenance is replaced more and more by com-
niques have long been used and appreciated in puter-controlled condition-based maintenance.
areas like production and inventory management. These trends are expected to continue in the
Although the need for such decision support future (Dekker, 1989, Geraerds, 1989, Gilbert,
models is also felt in maintenance management, 1985, and Smit, 1988).
little use is made of O R / M S techniques in this
field (see e.g. Ford, 1987). Slowly, however, 1.3. Maintenance management framework
O R / M S techniques are also being adopted and
One of the objectives of this paper is also to
implemented in maintenance areas as reported
discuss the broader context of decision making
by several authors (Chanin, 1979; Christer, 1987a;
for equipment maintenance, refering to the vast
Dekker, 1989; Jardine, 1970 and Turban, 1967).
but unstructured literature available. Figure 1
Other implications shows the most important aspects of maintenance
The role of maintenance in e.g. quality im- management (Pintelon, 1990a). This framework
provement programs still increases. The mainte- may also be useful in determining the important
nance market is discovered by consultants and trade-offs for any practical situation in hand.
software firms. More and more maintenance tasks The building block 'Operations Management/
are carried out by outside contractors, who pro- Maintenance Management: system design as-
vide specialized services or simply help to solve pects' places maintenance management in a
temporary peak work loads. As equipment be- broader business context. The success of any
comes more sophisticated, additional training for business depends on the performance of at least
maintenance personnel is necessary (especially three basic functions: marketing, finance and op-
for diagnostic skills). Now that maintenance is erations or production, which interact very
regarded as an important business function, the strongly. In order to avoid each function's at-
maintenance manager is given more career op- tempting to achieve its own limited objectives at
portunities than in the past. The use of comput- the expense of the overall objectives, their activi-
ers for administrative and management purposes ties must be coordinated by top management,
i i ill| limB


• Type of industry
(process focus, product focus, other)
• Organizational responsibilities
(organizational chart, decentralization, contracting)
• Maintenance management philosophies
(terotechnology, total productive maintenance, other)
• Production control systems

• Management policy and objectives ~ ....
• Decision levels
(strategic, tactical, operational) • Techniques
• Resource management (failure modeling, OR/MS)
(personnel management, repair shop, • Computer support
MRO store, documentation)
• Performance reporting
mw |ll

Figure l. Maintenance management framework

304 L.M. Pintelon, L.F. Gelders / Maintenance management decision making

which develops a strategy and policies aimed at ventive maintenance is typically performed on a
the success of the entire organization. One of the component base (work station). Since equipment
areas of the operations function is maintenance is more general-purpose, jobs often can be
management. The block 'maintenance manage- rerouted to another piece of equipment. Dis-
ment decision making: planning and control' de- abling one work station does not halt the entire
tails the planning and control decisions the main- line.
tenance manager should make. The more techni- Conversely, with line processes, failure at one
cal maintenance theories and methods like main- operation can quickly shut down the entire line.
tenance technology (studying technical issues that This not only idles the work force but could also
can help improve maintenance such as new repair cause material losses and lost business opportuni-
or monitoring techniques) and maintenance de- ties. Preventive maintenance here is typically of
sign theory (trying to incorporate new technologi- the shut-down type (the whole line). Dedicated
cal achievements in equipment design in order to continuous production lines in the chemical pro-
improve its maintainability and failure behaviour) cess industries and highly automated car assem-
are not considered here. The focus is on the bly lines are well-known examples of such line
management aspects of maintenance, not on processes. As a safeguard against breakdowns
technical issues. The last block 'managerial tool redundant standby equipment is often installed.
kit' describes the decision aids available to the Making the main equipment more reliable
maintenance manager. through a more efficient maintenance program
could decrease the need for investments in costly
standby equipment. The popular Japanese ap-
2. System design aspects for maintenance man- proach for such lines is to spend considerable
agement effort on minimizing frequency and duration of
breakdowns through well-designed and techni-
The scope of maintenance may be different cally improved equipment, routine maintenance
according to the operations management environ- tasks carried out by production workers and peri-
ment. Therefore it is interesting to briefly exam- odic preventive maintenance in-between shifts.
ine some different manufacturing situations from Introduced in the late seventies as a means to
the maintenance management point of view. improve productivity of small and medium vol-
ume production, FMS's (flexible manufacturing
2. I. Maintenance issues and work flow patterns systems) have become increasingly popular. Here,
the need for reliable and well-maintained equip-
In manufacturing industry corporate strategy ment is very high. As the equipment is very
connects with Operations Management (OM) expensive, it is not possible to build in much
through work flow pattern decisions (e.g. Hayes, redundancy (Herring, 1986). As a safeguard
1984 and Silver, 1985): against breakdowns expensive buffer stocks are
- A process focus strategy means jumbled flow used (Andreasen, 1988). Many FMS's are modu-
of products through the system. Flexibility is max- lar which means that in case of breakdown, the
imized by organizing resources around the pro- failed module can be quickly removed and re-
cess. placed by a good one. The failed module is then
- A product focus strategy is just the opposite, repaired off-line (Owen, 1984). Preventive main-
sacrificing flexibility to achieve standard routings, tenance is either of the shut-down type or per-
line flows and resources organized by product. formed in extra shifts (according to the Japanese
Managers are generally less concerned about example).
equipment failures when there is a process focus.
2.2. Organizational environment
A typical example is a mechanical job shop: there
is generally less automation than in a product Although this aspect of maintenance manage-
focus environment and the cost of breakdowns is ment does not belong to the focus of this paper, it
lower. Work stations tend to be decoupled from is interesting to point out a few characteristics
one another because of larger capacity cushions here since they contribute to shape the environ-
and substantial work-in-process inventories. Pre- ment in which maintenance operates.
L.M. Pintelon, L.F. Gelders / Maintenance management decision making 305

Organization chart however since they reflect the managerial view-

The problem of finding the best place in the point on maintenance.
organization chart for maintenance is addressed
by Higgins (1977) and Patton (1980). These au-
In the seventies the 'terotechnology' concept
thors discuss some alternative structures, each
was developed in the context of government sup-
with a different responsibility for production and
port for industry in the UK (Dept. of Industry,
maintenance. The question 'to whom should
1978). Terotechnology offers a view on mainte-
maintenance management report' is difficult to
nance engineering which is a combination of
answer. Maintenance management should report
management, financial engineering and other
to a level responsible for most other plant groups
practices applied to physical assets in pursuit of
served by the maintenance department. This may
economic life cycle cost (Checkland, 1979). Al-
be the plant manager or the production manager.
though a very interesting concept which regained
popularity recently, it has not been taken up on a
large scale in industry. This lack of response was
The issue of decentralization is closely related
primarily due to the fact that there was no sup-
to the organization chart. The type of mainte-
port from practical methods and techniques
nance centralization most effective in a compact
(Geraerds, 1989 and Smit, 1988). Terotechnology
plant must be modified considerably to handle a
received almost no attention in the USA, al-
dispersed plant. However, to decide on decentral-
though the idea of life cycle costing is well known
ization is not easy and a large number of factors
(Blanchard, 1979 and 1981). The life cycle philos-
must be taken into account: plant size, number of
ophy fits in the logistics engineering context;
subplants, shop space allocation, tool and skill
maintenance is considered as a major area of
requirements, size of the maintenance force, size
attention in integrated logistics support.
and distribution of crafts, skill orientation of su-
pervision, numbers of supervisors, corporate or- Total productit~'e maintenance
ganizational concept and cost of down-time (Hig- Total productive maintenance (TPM) is a
gins, 1977 and Patton 1980). In practice often a Japanese maintenance philosophy but it derived
hybrid organization form, trying to combine the the greater part of its substance from a variety of
advantages of both centralization and decentral- non-Japanese management structures and prac-
ization, is found (Husband, 1978). tices, adapted by the Japanese to their long-
established culture (Takahashi, 1981 and Mort-
Contracting den, 1986). The goal of TPM is to maximize
Another fundamental issue is when to use equipment effectiveness through improved avail-
outside contractors, in particular the decision to ability, through more assured quality and through
permanently assign well-defined tasks to contrac- labour saving as a result of plant modification. In
tors. The contracting decision can be taken be- order to achieve that goal, investments in human
cause the tasks are too complex or too specialized resources are preferred over capital investments.
(e.g. medical equipment) or are expected to be TPM tries to eliminate the different losses that
done better or cheaper by outside contractors interfere with the effective operation of the sys-
(e.g. piping or insulation in the chemical process tem (Monden, 1985): down-time losses (failures,
industry). The degree of contracting differs from set-up and adjustment), speed losses (idling and
industry to industry and from firm to firm (Corder, minor stoppages, reduced speed) and defect losses
1976 and Mann, 1983). (defects in process, reduction in yield).
The publication of the Japanese Institute of
2.3. Maintenance management approaches Plant Maintenance (1986) describes the different
steps in a successful implementation of TPM.
During the last two decades different new TPM is a big success in Japan and has also
maintenance management approaches have been received considerable interest elsewhere, espe-
developed. These maintenance approaches do not cially in connection with the JIT (just-in-time)
explicitly prescribe any maintenance policy. They manufacturing philosophy (Nakajima, 1989a and
may have a considerable impact on that policy b).
306 L.M. Pintelon, L.F. Gelders / Maintenance management decision making

Other philosophies JIT philosophy

Two other maintenance concepts should be Successful JIT implementation will reduce in-
mentioned here, namely reliability-centred main- ventory and work-in-progress and therefore the
tenance and asset management. The concepts are manufacturing system becomes more vulnerable
not as well-spread as the previous two and will to breakdowns. When a machine breaks down
not be discussed in detail. Reliability-centred subsequent machines rapidly become starved of
maintenance (e.g. Redmill, 1989 and Anderson, work. Improvement of the production process is
1990) originated in the US Air Force and is nearly always required and maintenance becomes
applicable to industrial equipment in slightly very important. The JIT philosophy tries to solve
adapted form. The method identifies mainte- technical or organizational problems instead of
nance requirements using specific decision dia- camouflaging them under large safety stocks. A
grams and then tries to establish the appropriate 'classic' example to illustrate this is the 'river of
maintenance policy. Asset management (Anlagen inventories'. The traditional approach, like MRP,
Wirtschaft) was developed in Germany and Aus- has been to hide machine reliability problems by
tria and takes a life cycle approach to equipment. building buffer stocks. JIT is more concerned
Unlike terotechnology and TPM it is not engi- with solving these fundamental problems. A pre-
neering-oriented but rather emphasizes economic ventive maintenance program aiming at improv-
and financial aspects. ing the machine reliability can contribute to that.
This approach is often referred to as total pro-
2.4. Interaction with production control philoso- ductive maintenance (TPM), as discussed above.
phies Voss (1989) and O'Grady (1988) indicate some
changes in the role of maintenance management
Since maintenance is a support function to during a JIT implementation.
production and operations management, it is in-
OPT philosophy
teresting to look into the interaction between
The OPT approach and the related constraint
production control systems and maintenance.
theory (Fox, 1982; Goldratt, 1986a and b, 1988
Based on a critical literature review, the view-
and Koziol, 1988) is a blend of MRP and JIT.
point of popular production control systems like
OPT identifies the bottleneck resources through
MRP (manufacturing resource planning), OPT
a computer analysis rather than a trial-and-error
(optimized production technology) and JIT (just-
process on the shop floor. Resolving these bottle-
in-time) is discussed. For the concepts MRP, JIT
necks can be accomplished by eliminating the
and OPT the reader is referred to e.g. McLeavey
problem (JIT) or camouflaging it (MRP). Both
these alternatives can be modelled with OPT so
that management can access their impact and
MRP philosophy
select the most appropriate course of action. In
The original MRP concept does not explicitly
addition, OPT focuses on actions that improve
consider maintenance issues. The MRP philoso-
the entire system: total throughput, total inven-
phy tries to cope with uncertainties, such as 'his-
tory and total operating cost.
torical' throughput times, scrap and breakdowns,
The bottleneck focus of the OPT philosophy
by building buffer inventories. Preventive mainte-
can easily be extended to maintenance. For re-
nance receives no attention, probably due to the
pairing breakdowns as well as for planning pre-
fact that MRP was developed for job shop envi-
ventive maintenance, priorities should be devel-
ronments where breakdowns are less disruptive
oped making a clear distinction between bottle-
than in product-focussed continuous environ-
neck and non-bottleneck resources.
ments. MRP claims to be an integral production
control system, hence the integration of mainte-
nance with MRP systems seems necessary. 3. Maintenance management decision making
Different types of contribution in that area,
often very much case-oriented though, can be 3.1. Management policy and objectives
found in the literature (for a more detailed dis- In order to avoid suboptimization, mainte-
cussion see Pintelon, 1990a). nance management objectives should be derived
L.M. Pintelon, L.F. Gelders / Maintenance management decision makotg 307

from the company's objectives. Maintenance important to have a thorough insight in all main-
management objectives should be realistic and tenance costs and their impact on company profit
specific, so that they can be used for guidance (Hora, 1987 and Woodhouse, 1985). Armstrong
and target setting. The realization of the objec- (1987) pictures the total maintenance costs as an
tives can then be evaluated easily. iceberg (Figure 2). The maintenance costs on the
An important task is to set the maintenance top of the iceberg are recognized by everyone and
budget for the coming year. Often this budgetting therefore taken into account. Managers, however,
is done by taking last year's budget minus un- often forget about maintenance-related costs, the
usual costs plus e.g. 5% for the increase in overall under-water part of the iceberg. These costs may
price level. Although this is common practice in be as large or even larger than the maintenance
industry more sophisticated budgeting methods, costs (Smit, 1988 and Geraerds, 1985).
like zero base budgeting, can provide a more
balanced budget. Higgins (1977) discusses some 3.2. Decision leuels for equipment maintenance
issues specific for establishing a maintenance management
For setting the budget as well as for making Management decisions concerning equipment
other maintenance management decisions it is maintenance can be long-term (strategic), me-

(maintenance costs)
• manpower
• materials
• tools
• overhead


(maintenance related costs)
• equipment
• accellerated wear because of poor maintenance
• excessive spare parts inventory
• unnecessary equipment redundancy
• disproporionate energy consumptiom
• production
• rework because of badly aligned equipment
• excessive scrap and material losses
• idle workers due to breakdowns
• late shipment because of unplanned down-time
[] products
• quality and reliability issues
• lost sales because of long down-time periods
• warranty claims from dissatisfied customers

Figure 2. The maintenance total cost picture

308 L.M. Pintelon, L.F. Gelders / Maintenance management deciswn making

dium-term (tactical) or short-term (operational) (e.g. Christer, 1987b, Tapiero, 1979, and Ver-
decisions (Anthony, 1965). heyen, 1979).

Strategic planning Tactical planning

Strategic planning is concerned with providing Tactical planning addresses the problem of ef-
the production resources to ensure the company's fective resource utilization. Appropriate mainte-
competitive capabilities. The equipment replace- nance helps to ensure available and reliable pro-
ment decisions are obviously not the responsibil- duction equipment (Gelders, 1988). Tactical
ity of the maintenance manager alone but main- maintenance planning consists of finding the op-
tenance costs and expected down-time do play an timal, i.e. cost effective, maintenance policy.
important role in these decisions as shown in a
recent survey (Hsu, 1988). Along with these main- Basic concepts in tactical planning. Two old
tenance aspects capacity considerations, techno- maintenance concepts are still popular: pure
logical changes (Jones, 1987), economic factors 'emergency' maintenance (operate equipment un-
(Tanchoco, 1987) and investment criteria are til it is inoperable or pure corrective mainte-
taken into account. These decisions are studied nanc.e) and what could be called 'loving care' (the
in engineering economy models. Fraser (1989) belief that reliability is directly proportional to
and Luxhoj (1986) present a framework for a the frequency and amount of maintenance or
structured approach to these models and their preventive maintenance). Performing too much
assumptions. Leung (1987) and Stinson (1987) preventive maintenance may lead to high mainte-
study the equipment replacement problem in a nance costs and may cause capacity shortages
multi-machine environment. Most of the papers because of too frequently planned maintenance
on equipment replacement address the one-mac- interventions. On the other hand, performing no
hine probIem and are based on Thompson (1968) (or almost no) preventive maintenance, may lead

Table 1
Basic maintenance policies

Failure-based maintenance (FBM): FBM prescribes maintenance to be carried out only on occurrence of failure or break-
down. Hence, FBM is corrective maintenance. In case of purely random breakdowns and
low breakdown costs (e.g. no down-time), this may be a cost effective policy.
Use-based maintenance (UBM): UBM prescribes maintenance to be triggered by the event that a specified number of units
of use or time is reached. The latter case is also called fixed-period maintenance (FPM).
UBM assumes that the failure behaviour of the equipment is known and is of the IFR type
(increasing failure rate type, i.e. the probability of failure increases with the time since last
maintenance) and that preventive maintenance is more economic that corrective mainte-
Condition-based maintenance (CBM): CBM prescribes maintenance to be activated when the value of a given system parameter
reaches or surpasses a preset value. CBM thus assumes that there exists a system
parameter that can be used to predict the failure behaviour. Again preventive mainte-
nance is assumed to be more economic than corrective maintenance. The traditional
inspection rounds in the plant (inspection-based maintenance, IBM) are in fact a primitive
form of CBM. Recently CBM became quite popular. Kelly (1984b) lists some of the most
used CBM techniques. Baldin (1979) describes a step-by-step plan for implementing CBM.
Opportunity-based maintenance (OBM) : When a plant component fails the opportunity may be taken during the ensueing shut
down to carry out preventive maintenance on other components which have not yet failed.
The choice of components for this opportunity maintenance depends on the probability
distribution of their residual lives which may, in turn, be influenced by the process
operating conditions (e.g. Vanneste, 1991).
Design-out maintenance (DOM): The focus of DOM is on improvements in the equipment design in order to simplify
maintenance operations and to increase reliability (e.g. Gelders, 1988).
L.M. Pintelon, L.F. Gelders ,/Maintenance management decision making 309

to high maintenance-related costs due to fre- maintenance policies. The first maintenance opti-
quent unplanned down-time. Optimizing the mization models appeared in the sixties. Since
maintenance policy means finding the optimal that time several papers have been published in
(lowest) amount and mix of maintenance inter- that field. Most models focus on specific aspects
ventions needed to ensure the desired availability of the maintenance concept and are restricted to
and working quality for each part of equipment. simple systems. Gallimore (1988) and Gits (1984)
Using the two generic types of maintenance present a methodology for establishing a mainte-
interventions - corrective maintenance (CM), nance policy for a realistic plant. The approach of
which restores the equipment in its desired oper- Gits has already been implemented in several
ating condition after a breakdown or failure, and cases in Dutch industry.
preventive maintenance (PM), which is carried Maintenance policy optimization in its sim-
out in order to decrease the failure probability - plest form could be described as follows:
four basic maintenance policies can be formu-
lated. These policies are called failure-based, "Given continuously working, single-unit equip-
use-based, condition-based and opportunity- ment with a known failure behaviour and given a
based. Failure-based maintenance is purely cor- maintenance policy concept, determine the optimal
rective, the other types are preventive but correc- ealue for the model parameters; (e.g. determine
tive maintenance is needed to complement these the optimal length of the PM interval for an age-
policies in case of unexpected breakdowns. The based replacement model (GeMers, 1988)."
fifth policy, design-out maintenance, is of a It is assumed that the equipment can be in only
slightly different nature but was added to the one of two extreme states: working OK or failed
table for the sake of completeness. The policies completely. Maintenance restores the equipment
are described in Table 1. in its working condition. Preventive maintenance
The evolution in 'popularity' of the mainte- is assumed to be cheaper than corrective mainte-
nance policies discussed above also illustrates the nance. The objective function will typically mini-
evolution of the recognition of the importance of mize total equipment operating cost per unit of
maintenance. Some decades ago failure-based time or maximize equipment availability. Opti-
maintenance was well spread, maintenance was mization is carried out over an infinite horizon.
looked upon as an inevitable and uncontrollable The first of these models appeared in the
correction of breakdowns. In the sixties and early sixties with the book by Barlow (1967) and Mac-
seventies use-based maintenance was frequently Call's paper (1965) being the standard references.
advocated as being a relief to all corrective main- Other excellent basic books are Barlow (1975)
tenance (e.g. Lewis, 1973). As it was very difficult and Gertsbakh (1977). Pierskalla (1976) and Sherif
to predict failures from the insufficiently recorded (1981, 1982) provide excellent and well structured
history, much of the introduced use-based main- overviews of the extensive work done since that
tenance later appeared to be ineffective against time. Valdez-Flores (1989) and Cho (,1991) survey
preventing failures. In the seventies several meth- recent research models for single-unit systems
ods for measuring the actual state of equipment and for multi-unit systems, respectively. Pintelon
and predicting failures became available, and (1990a) classifies maintenance models according
therefore use-based maintenance was largely re- to the complexity of the production environment
placed by condition-based maintenance. This in- considered.
creasing use of condition-based maintenance is
expected to continue (Dekker, 1989, Geraerds, Operational planning
1989 and Smit, 1988). But some part of mainte- Operational planning deals with day-to-day op-
nance will remain use-based maintenance since it erational and scheduling decisions. Maintenance
can be planned in advance and therefore allows scheduling addresses the problem of arranging
more effective management. the sequence in which the work orders will be
executed and by whom. It is necessary to consider
Optimization issues in tactical planning. Main- job priorities and the availability of workers, spare
tenance optimization models provide a quantita- parts, tools and the equipment to be maintained.
tive balancing of costs and benefits of alternative Maintenance scheduling is complex due to the
310 L.M. Pintelon, L.F. Gelders / Maintenance management decision making

stochastic nature of maintenance jobs and the In the past maintenance managers have not al-
interrelationships with production. ways been given many career opportunities. This
The maintenance scheduling problem is men- should change in order to foster interest in man-
tioned in almost every book on maintenance aging maintenance and to clear the maintenance
management, but almost none attempts to struc- function of its low esteem image (Hora, 1987).
ture this complex problem. Generally they do not
go any further than listing all indispensable data Repair shop
for good planning or describing the organisa- In the repair shop powered machine tools such
tional information flow maintenance work orders as drilling machines, welding equipment and elec-
should follow from request to execution. How- trical test instruments are used to repair defective
ever a few papers in the literature address main- equipment parts or to manufacture or modify
tenance scheduling problems (Pintelon, 1990a). some specialty spares (Corder, 1976). Repair shop
planning (Kuipers, 1985, Poulsen, 1984 and Srikar,
3.3. Resource management 1989) is very similar to production job shop plan-
ning. Graves (1988) and Kharola (1986) present
Sound resource management (Cowick, 1988, models for the simultaneous optimization of
Mann, 1983 and Patton, 1980) is indispensable spares inventory level and staffing level for a
for effective maintenance management. Re- repair shop.
sources to consider are personnel, materials, re- M R O store
pair shop and information. These are briefly dis- The MRO (maintenance, repair and operating
cussed below. For each resource one can choose supplies) of industrial plants require many differ-
between internal and external sources. The desir- ent spare parts and consumable goods. The MRO
ability and mix of internal/external resources will materials management has to guarantee their
depend upon the situation at hand (the most availability. It includes the management of spe-
important elements of contracting were already cial tools, materials requests, materials deliveries,
discussed in Section 2.2). supply requests, price and lead time inquiries and
order and materials receipts (Mercelis, 1989).
Personnel management Spare parts inventories may be large and some-
As the leveI of sophistication of equipment times constitute a considerable capital immobi-
technology advances and the impact of break- lization. In order to optimize investment in spare
downs increases (more automation, less work-in- parts, it is important to choose the right re-order
process inventory), the need for highly trained policy. Numerous models for these decisions can
maintenance technicians grows (Finch, 1986 and be found in literature. Spare parts are classified
Senker, 1985). Maintenance workers will need according to their rotation (fast, normal and slow
more diagnostic skills to cope with complex moving items) or on average time spent in the
equipment. They can rely on information systems MRO store. One may also classify spare parts
which provide technical and historical data. Dis- according to their repairability, criticality, etc.
cussions on the choice between a maintenance (e.g. Howard, 1984, Rosenblatt, 1981 and Silver,
crew with specialized skill groups or a multi- 1985). The problem of finding the right trade-off
skilled crew (according to the Japanese example) between stocking (how many parts do we need in
are going on (Basker, 1982 and Smit, 1988). Moti- stock) and stock outs (how to ensure a reasonable
vation of maintenance workers is an important service level) for slow moving items is a difficult
way to improve productivity (Candy, 1982 and but often encountered problem in spare parts
Edwards, 1987). The size of the maintenance inventory management (Gelders, 1978, 1985).
work force should be determined carefully, espe-
cially in environments where hiring/firing is not Documentation
easy (Mann, 1982 and Patton, 1980). Whereas Maintenance managers have developed meth-
some time ago the maintenance manager was ods, hired people and bought spare parts to sup-
typically an engineer, often burdened with addi- port their assets, but it is only recently that they
tional responsibilities, like e.g. safety, he now became aware that data should also be consid-
should be a good engineer and a good manager. ered an asset (Eason, 1984), There is a need for
L.M. Pintelon, L.F. GeMers / Maintenance management decision making 311

technical information (equipment parts, inter- In maintenance literature little is found on

changeability of spare parts, sequence of (dis)as- performance reporting (see Pintelon, 1990a, for
sembly, etc.) as well as for data on equipment discussion). Recently Pintelon (1990b) proposed a
failure history (Patton, 1980). For these purposes flexible MMT (maintenance management tool)
computerized maintenance information systems concept, which has also been implemented in
can be very helpful (Dekker, 1989). several Belgian firms. The MMT consists of two
Procedures are another important element, in parts: a control board (CB) and a network of
order to allow for smooth management there detailed reports (DR's). The periodically gener-
should be well-structured and efficient proce- ated CB helps to identify the potential problem
dures for all maintenance activities, like work areas of maintenance management and the DR's
order control and performance reporting. Every help the maintenance manager to make a proper
book on maintenance management has one or diagnosis of those symptoms. The functional link
more chapters on that subject (e.g. Higgins, 1977). between CB and DR's makes the MMT a unique
management information tool.
3.4. Performance reporting

Performance evaluation closes the manage- 4. Managerial tool kit

ment control loop. It is also an indispensable
element of maintenance management. Perfor- This section discusses the managerial tools
mance reporting not only reveals how well the available for maintenance decision making. Two
planned actions were carried out, it also allows types of techniques are distinguished: failure
problems to be anticipated and improvements for modelling techniques which transform failure data
the future to be made. into useful parameters, and O R / M S techniques

! I

I /
,t =, B •

/-" /

running-in /

useful life

Figure_3 The bathtub curve
312 L.M. Pintelon, L.F. Gelders / Maintenance management decision making

for decision support in policy optimization. The called the useful life) and the deterioration (also
section concludes with a paragraph on computer called wear-out period). The failure or hazard
support. rate represents the conditional probability of hav-
ing a failure in the incremental interval d t if the
4.1. Relevant techniques
part has already survived until time t.
Failure modeling techniques The bathtub concept has been both much used
Most maintenance optimization models pre- and much criticized. Ascher (1984) indicates that
sume availability of data. In many cases suitable the reason for this confusion stems from the fact
and correct data are not present (Dekker, 1989). that there are in fact two bathtub curves instead
Concepts such as failure and repair have a sub- of one. The bathtub curve as pictured in Figure 3
jective interpretation and are therefore difficult holds for a population of unrepairable parts. A
to measure. similar (but different!) curve can be drawn for a
The interpretation of events in the data set is repairable system. The curve then represents the
often primitive, making many data unreliable (e.g. rate of occurrence of failures versus the cumula-
did preventive maintenance on a given date re- tive operating time of the system. The estimation
place a given component or did it only check on of the rate of occurrence of failures can become a
it). Often a long time is needed to collect suffi- very complicated procedure.
cient data to make reliable estimates of failure In Figure 3 the impact of preventive mainte-
behaviour. Frequent system modifications can nance interventions (PM) every m periods of
make data obsolete. Data is usually scarce on the time is given for each part of the bathtub curve.
detailed component level. At a unit level there In a decreasing failure rate situation performing
may be many more data, but the problem then, is PM worsens the failure rate and in a constant
whether it is right to consider all failure modes as failure rate situations PM does not change the
being similar (Seidmann, 1989). A rigourous failure rate. PM obviously makes sense only in an
treatment of failure modelling is given in Gerts- increasing failure rate situation, because it re-
bakh (1969). stores the failure rate to its lowest level.
Setting up a sound data collection and process- This simple example clearly illustrates the im-
ing system requires careful attention (Patton, portance of the type of failure behavior in main-
1980). If no historical data are available one can tenance policy optimization.
start with 'expert' knowledge available among
maintenance workers and operators and replace O R / M S techniques
that expert data increasingly by measurements. O R / M S papers trying to optimize specific
Increased implementation of maintenance man- maintenance decisions are appearing more and
agement information systems (MMIS) allows data more frequently. Some describe case studies
processing and consulting to be done much more which report on the application of a given
reliably and more efficiently. The basic statistics O R / M S method to a specific case. These models
required to convert failure data into failure pa- provide some insight in the situation and the
rameters required in optimization models can be complexity of the maintenance decision, but they
found in the maintenance literature (Hookham, often cannot be generalized. Other models are
1981, Mann, 1983, O'Connor, 1991 and Winter, dealing with specific and narrow problems and
1984). More advanced techniques can be found in often focus on tractable mathematical formula-
literature on statistics (e.g. Gertsbakh, 1989). tions, rather than on realistic hypotheses. These
Failure distribution functions often used in the models provide an insight into the potential as
maintenance context are the exponential, gamma, well as the limitations of the techniques for mod-
Weibull and (truncated) normal distributions. elling maintenance decisions and help direct fur-
A popular concept in maintenance and relia- ther research. Their practical applicability is of-
bility studies is the bathtub curve (Jardine, 1970). ten rather limited.
This curve (Figure 3) consists of three distinct Despite the fact that the gap between O R / M S
regions: the running-in period (also called the theory and practice is slowly narrowing, it re-
burn-in or infant mortality phase), the normal mains very large in maintenance management
operation where failures occur randomly (also (Chanin, 1979 and Dekker, 1989). Several reasons
L.M. Pintelon, L.F. Gelders ,/Maintenance management decision making 313

can be found for this. First of all, there is a lack - Game theory and decision theory: can be
of awareness of available decision making tools used to decide between several alternative courses
due to the mostly exclusive technical training of of action in maintenance (e,g., Patton 1980).
maintenance managers. Moreover, the time pres- - Work study: UMS (universal maintenance
sure most maintenance managers have to face standards) were developed for more accurate es-
does not leave much time for additional training timation of job processing times (e.g. Mann, 1983).
in O R / M S techniques and their applications.
Maintenance problems have many aspects, there- 4.2. Computer support
fore no general models can be formulated and
model assumptions play a crucial role. Essential Investment in data processing equipment for
to making the appropriate model assumptions maintenance management may yield important
are: a sound engineering insight, a thorough un- benefits. Studies report that computerized main-
derstanding of the interaction between mainte- tenance management systems realize better
nance and other business functions and a clear labour productivity and better equipment avail-
view on the management trade-offs involved. The ability, better control of the MRO store (due to
stochastic character of maintenance activities more accurate and timely information on spare
(unexpected events, uncertainty about processing parts availability and to the possibility of parts
times) are an additional complication. Lack of cross-referencing which leads to reduced inven-
appropriate data is another problem. The grow- tory levels), better availability of technical data
ing number of well-designed MMIS (maintenance and maintenance history information, and easier
management information systems) introduced in performance reporting (Mann, 1983). Several au-
industry hopefully will solve this problem in the thors present models to justify computers for
future and promote the use of quantitative deci- maintenance management and give estimates of
sion techniques. expected savings (Mann, 1980, Mitchell, 1980 and
Many different quantitative techniques may be Pierce, 1986).
applied to maintenance management. The most The first MMIS (maintenance management in-
important of these techniques are listed below: formation systems) appeared around 1980, as only
(constrained and uncon-
- D e t e r m i n i s t i c then the importance of the maintenance function
strained) optimization techniques, like linear pro- was fully recognized, computers were cheap
gramming, integer programming, dynamic pro- enough and software firms had discovered the
gramming and non-linear programming: can be maintenance market. Initial applications were
used to establish optimal preventive maintenance limited to cost accounting and inventory control,
schemes (e.g. Jardine, 1970). thereby reducing administrative work. Gradually
- Markov decision theory and renewal theory: the MMIS packages contained more Decision
can be used to optimize equipment up-time (e.g. Support System features, e.g. for work order con-
Tijms, 1986). trol and scheduling. Almost none of the systems,
- Queueing: can be used to determine the however, can yet be called a Decision Support
optimal number of repair men in a repair shop System. The literature provides an abundance of
(e.g. Taha, 1982). papers on questions like make-or-buy the MMIS
- Simulation: can be used to determine the software and on hardware selection. Surveys of
behaviour of a production line subject to break- existing packages are given in Basta (1985), Kelly
downs (e.g. Phillips, 1976). (1984a), Martin (1989), Smit (1983) and Winter
- Inventory models: can be used for spare (1984), among others. Hickman (1986) and Mann
part inventory management (e.g. Silver, 1985). (1983) address the implementation issues of
- Reliability theory: can be used to compute MMIS.
and optimize the reliability of equipment under Apart from the typical MMIS systems, com-
different maintenance policies (e.g. Barlow, 1975 puters may have other applications in mainte-
and Gertsbakh, 1989). nance management. The above-mentioned condi-
- PERT (project evaluation and review tech- tion-based maintenance (CBM) is one of them
nique): can be used to schedule major overhauls (Dolny, 1985, Mann, 1985 and Seddon, 1984).
and shut-downs (e.g. Niebel, 1985). Artificial Intelligence and expert systems (e.g. for
314 L.M. Pintelon, L.F. Gelders /Maintenance management decision making

fault diagnosis) are others (Aghjayan, 1989, Ben- Basker, B.A., and Husband, T.M. (1982), "Simulating multi-
nett, 1985 and Richardson, 1985). skill maintenance: A case study", Maintenance Manage-
ment International 3, 173-182.
Basta, N. (1985), "Computerized maintenance management
offers dividends for CPI firms", Chemical Engineering
5. Conclusions 90/6, 14-17.
Basta, N. (1988), "Managers tackle maintenance problems",
Chemical Engineering 95/12, 30-33.
Although the impact of maintenance on the Bennett, K. (1985), "Expert systems in maintenance, 6th
company's financial results may be considerable, National Conference for Maintenance Managers, London,
maintenance management has been neglected for April 16-17.
a long time, both in practice and in research. Blanchard, B.S. (1979), "Life cycle costing: A review",
Terotechnica 1, 9-15.
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son to be confident that quantitative models and ment, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NY.
Decision Support Systems may make a consider- Blegen, H.M., and Nylehn, B. (1968), "Organizing the mainte-
able contribution to maintenance decision mak- nance function: An analytical approach", International
ing. These techniques help to replace subjective Journal of Production Research 6, 22-32.
Brazenor, R.G. (1984), "The 'M' in production is still silent",
judgement by objective, quantitative analysis. In
APICS Conference Proceedings, 46-50.
order to build the appropriate quantitative mod- Candy, W.L. (1982), "Maintenance groups make and imple-
els a sound knowledge of O R / M S techniques as ment own suggestions for improving productivity", Indus-
well as a thorough understanding of maintenance trial Engineering 14/2, 44-48.
practice and organization is required. The pur- Chanin, M.N. (1979), "Maintenance organization and mainte-
nance models: Bridging the implementation gap", annual
pose of this paper is to provide a solid framework
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