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Review of Related Studies

Local Studies

It explores the effects of the endorser type (celebrity anonymous) and endorser credibility
or consumers’ attitudes and purchase intention. It explores the moderating effect of culture on
the influences of the spokesperson credibility on attitudes towards the advertisement of Filipino
consumer. The data indicate that the higher the celebrity status of the endorser features in the
advertisement, the higher the purchase intention of the consumer. The spokespersons credibility
characterizes the significant influence on purchase intention are: experienced, knowledgeable,
qualified and trustworthy. In addition, the power distance and collectivism seem to have the
substantial moderating effects on the relationship between spokesperson type and credibility and
attitude towards the advertisement.


Since Youtube is one of the end social media platform that received minimal research
related to consumer purchase behavior. According to (Yuksel, 2016) the aim of their study is to
identify the factors that affect purchase intention of consumers who watch product related
Youtube videos. They will conduct tests like survey and interview to know if does Youtube
product videos affect the buying behavior of the co-customers.

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