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After a long day of hunting, a lion lay to rest under

a tree. When he was falling asleep, some mice dared
to come out of their burrow and began to play
around him. Suddenly, the most mischievous had
the idea of hiding between the lion's mane, with
such bad luck that he woke him up. Very grumpy to
see his nap interrupted, the lion caught the mouse in
his claws and said with a roar: How dare you
disturb my sleep, insignificant mouse? I'm going to
eat you so you can learn your lesson!
The mouse, who was so scared that he could not
move, said trembling:- Please don't kill me, lion. I
didn't want to bother you. If you leave me I will be
eternally grateful. Let me go, because one day you
may need me -- Hahaha! - Laughed the lion looking
at him - A being as tiny as you, in what way is he
going to help me? Do not make me laugh!. But the
mouse persisted over and over again, until the lion,
moved by his size and his bravery, let him go.
A few days later, while the mouse was walking
through the forest, it heard terrible roars that made
the leaves of the trees tremble He quickly rant the
place where the sound came from, and there he
found the lion, who had been trapped in a robust
net. The mouse, determined to pay his debt, said:
- Don't worry, I'll save you.
And the lion, without thinking, replied:
- But how, if you are so small for so much effort.
The mouse then began to gnaw on the rope of the
net where the lion was trapped, and the lion was
saved. The mouse said:
- Days ago, you made fun of me thinking that I
could do nothing for you in gratitude. Now it is
good that you know that little mice are grateful and
The lion had no words to thank the little mouse.
From this day on, the two were friends forever.

- No act of kindness goes unrewarded.
- It is not convenient to disdain the friendship of the

Questions for understanding t

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