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Learning Enrichment Activity

Answer the following questions;

1. Narrate a summary of your favorite literary masterpiece and explain why it caught your interest.

 Four Sisters and a Wedding

The children of the Salazar family have been pursuing separate lives in the recent years. Teddie (Toni Gonzaga), the eldest, is
working in Spain; Bobbie (Bea Alonzo), the second child, is working in New York; Alex (Angel Locsin), the third child is a Manila-
based independent film assistant director; Gabbie (Shaina Magdayao) is a school teacher who lives at home; and CJ (Enchong Dee)
works as an IT professional in Manila. After a few years of not being together as a whole family, they find themselves reuniting when
CJ announces his plan to marry Princess, his girlfriend for three months. Much to their shock and dismay, CJ's sisters come together
for the wedding and have agreed to dissuade him from marrying his fiancée. As they interact with each other, they also face the
feelings and issues they've tried to hide. Teddie keeps the truth that she is far from the successful person her mom wants her to be;
Bobbie struggles saying yes to her boyfriend's marriage proposal as she confronts the rift she had with her sister Alex; Alex becomes
overly insecure and possessive of Chad, her long-term boyfriend, and Gabbie’s resentment about being left behind and being
unappreciated by their mom also surfaces. CJ tries to juggle his responsibilities to his family and his future bride. All siblings re-
examine how they were before, who they are now and face the ultimate test of their bond. This is a drama comedy of family
relationships; of siblings who have grown together, apart and what it takes to make them grow together again; of love and forgiveness;
and the acknowledgment of one's family.

 This is one of my favorite literary masterpiece because I can relate through this movie. Just like the characters in the movie, we
are also four girls and a boy and living with one of our parents which is our dad. We can see ourselves in each character, the
way we fight, our hidden heart issues to each other, our jealousy to the way our parent treat us, and the way we make it okay.
Beacause after all, we are just one family whose sides will never be easy to understand but also whose love are never be

2. Do you experience writing a prose or a poem? Narrate your experience. Did your masterpiece can be considered as a good
literary piece?
 Yes, I used to write poetry. In writing poetry, you can express your thoughts and emotions without hesitating and you’re just
being real to yourself, you are creating your own world where you are confidently know that no one will judge you.
 Did my masterpiece can be consider a good literary piece? Well, I don’t know, maybe. I’m just writing to express myself not
to impress others.

3. Cite the importance of the literature in the academe and in your personal life.
 Literature in the academe is important to my life because as a teacher, it is our bible, our guide to guide others. This is my
source of knowledge that I am going to share to my future students.

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