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NAME: Nevalga, Mark Kenneth L.


I. 10 Things I Would Do to Boost my Self-esteem

I would…

1. maintain a healthy and fit body. This is a usual thing a person does to gain back his confidence. I
wanted to do this as well because I believe to the impact of a fit and healthy body on how people
perceive me thus it boosts my confidence

2. maintain a competitive educational background. I observe that people with a competitive

educational background are getting the respect I have ever wanted so that I would study hard to be
confident enough in front of everyone especially in front of respected personalities

3. join sports. I would engage in myself into sports because I observe that athletes are confident enough
because people notice their skills in the game. Having a sport makes a person proud of what he/she can
showcase in the game

4. join pageants. Another method of boosting self-esteem is joining pageants like what I used to do.I
feel confident whenever I am able to express myself to public and they are notified with what I can do
and what advocacy I fight for in life.

5. join dance troupes. I am a dancer and I am always passionate about dancing so that whenever I lose
hope about myself, I dance.

6. finish all my school works and study the lesson. I feel down whenever I failed to comply to school
works or I haven’t studied a lesson thus I lose confidence and I question myself whether can I take the
works or not. I step aside self-interest and start finishing what is need to be done.

7. be active in class. By gaining at least competitive grades, I could help myself in providing its self-
esteem. Even though grades are just numbers, they still reflect your performance in school and how you
handle pressure and school works. Thus, I would perform in school to give myself extra credential for
good work active in community service. Self-esteem is a result of one’s assessment of his self in terms of what
good things he has done. If I would help in serving our community, I would be proud of it thus it would
help me boost my confidence because helping our community is something to be proud of.
9. reminisce my good deeds. In my 20 years of existence, I would be proud that I already helped others.
Thus, whenever I lack confidence, I remember the things I have done good. By doing this, I regain my
confidence because I reminds me of my value

10. pray. A prayer is too powerful as it gives you the strength every time you do not even believe in
yourself. For an example, before taking a major exam or competition, we always pray because we are
lacking of confidence in ourselves and suddenly we are loaded with energy nd self-esteem. Prayer is
our intermediate towards God. It helps us in everything.


The 10 things I would do to boost my self-esteem are all based o my experiences. Among those
ten joining sports, dance troupes and pageants are the only things that could lead me to being a
narcissistic. By joining contest and winning from those, it could lead a person to be too much confident
about his self that he has the victory among the contestants. Because, if a person who joins a contest
and sees it as a pure competition for the prize, he must be blinded by the true reason of such contest
such as promoting camaraderie. Thus, in joining contest, to avoid being narcissistic, always remind
yourself the true essence of the competition and a reason to express you talent not too impress alone.


When I was a kid, I have always love to dance. I was too shy to join dace groups in our school. I
used to watch my schoolmates who are the dancers from afar while practicing their dance piece. I
have always been dreaming of joining them since I believe I also got a talent in dancing. When I get
older, I took a step forward and I joined a dance group. By doing it, the girl I admired noticed me. She
sees the potential and passion in me. Aside from boosting my self-esteem, I also met the person I have
been with for almost 3 years now. On the other hand, When I was a kid and I was trying to be good in
class to at least I have something to be proud of and to tell to my mother, my classmates saw it as I was
trying to be teacher’s pet and I think that is a scenario where I was just trying to gain my self-esteem
but the people see it wrongly and therefore that move put me in a bad light.

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