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Makena Gulnac

8 September, 2020

Privilege Walk Essay

In this activity called the Privilege walk, it made me feel all kinds of different feelings. Some of
the feelings were surprised, some of the feelings were grateful, and some of the feelings were
unexpected. I have these feelings because my final score was 15 out of 38.
I feel that I am very privileged and humble, but when we did this privilege walk It made me
think maybe I'm not privileged in some areas, and in other areas, I am very privileged but overall
I'm happy with my score.
in the privilege walk, it definitely changed my view of what privilege really means. I used to
think being privileged was if you had a certain amount of money and if you had a nice house or
nice belongings. but now I know that privilege is more than that,
Privilege also your mental well-being. it's not just if your parents have a higher income than
most people. it's how you were treated and how you treat others. I really liked this privilege walk
activity because I feel that it made lots of us thankful.
If I were, to be honest, the answer is yes, sometimes I do feel that some people may have
higher privileges than me. For instance, when I was in 3rd and 4th grade , I got bullied because
my teeth were not straight and , because I used to be shy. I used to sit at a Cafeteria table all
alone and I would have no one to play with at recess.
So sometimes I would become a little sad and feel like other people had more privileges than
me. Now I look back at that and realize that I've learned to grow from that and that it's really
made me a stronger person. This privilege Walk activity helped me learn a lot and I enjoyed it.

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