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On the basis of the diagram, basic assumptions can be made.

These assumptions are:

1. That teaching is goal-oriented with the change of behavior as the ultimate end;
2. That teachers are the ones who shape actively their own actions;
3. That teaching is a rational and a reflective process; and
4. That teachers be their actions can influence learners to change their own thinking or desired
behavior, thus teaching is a way of changing behavior through the intervention of the teacher.

To further clarify, what teaching is all about there are some indicators which you can use to guide in the
process of good teaching.

 Good teaching is one that is well planned and where activities are interrelated to each other.
 Good teaching is one that provides learning experiences or situations that will ensure
understanding, application and critical thinking.
 Good teaching is based on the theories of learning.
 Good teaching is one where the learner is stimulated to think and reason.
 Good teaching utilizes prior learning and its application to new situation.
 Good teaching is governed by democratic principles.
 Good teaching embeds a sound evaluation process.

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