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Cornell Notes


Big Ideas, questions, Notes, details, definitions, answers to your

main Ideas, vocabulary questions, examples, sentences, pg. numbers…
Unlimited Government Characteristics: Power to one person or small group of people
Citizens Freedoms are eroded or taken away
ruler abuses power
no controls over a ruler's power
different set of rules for the ruler and the people
Examples Hitler's Germany
Stalin's Russia
Kim Jong Un North Korea
Saddam Hussein's Iraq
Limited Government Leaders are elected by the people and they vote leaders out of office
Citizens can form political parties
freedom of speech and religion
free press
own property
private ownership

Themes I see in the information:

Limited Government and Unlimited Government

Please list 3 things you learned today:

There are unlimited govern Ea

There are limited governme Each government plays a. role in people's freedom
Please explain how one thing you learned today relates to you:
Without limited government I wouldn't be free
Notes Continued….
of office

e's freedom

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