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September 16, 2020


1. Why is critical thinking very important to media literacy?

Social media is the most prominent source of fake news as well as the most
popular source of news for children. Fake news and conspiracy theories can
be used by extremist groups to promote grievances and mistrust, ultimately
meaning that victims are more susceptible to their own extremist ideology.
On the other hand, teaching media literacy in the classroom can help
ensure that children are more resilient to extremism, by helping them look
more critically at imagery and stories which appear to be news articles.

2. Why is it important for students to develop their critical thinking skills?

The important for student to develop their critical thinking skills to develop
or enhance your academic performance , to know how to analyze critique
ideas are able to make connections across disciplines, see knowledge as
useful and applicable to daily life and understand content on a deeper,
more lasting level.

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