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Dissolved-air Flotation As Applied to the Treatment

of Oil-production Water and of Refinery Wastes .i


The process principles of dissolved-air flotat~ona r e . is given describing the process p r ~ n c ~ p l of

e s thls method.
tlescr~bed a s they a r e a p p l ~ e d to t h e treatment of Some of the ploblems a p p l y ~ n gflotat~onto the renioval
oil-contammated water. The process is a means of of 011 from water a r e also discussed. Chemicals, such
removing suspended m a t t e r fiom water by a t t a c h ~ n g a s alunilnum sulfate, may be used to achieve a greater
small a l r bubbles to the suspended mattei. The method degree of tieatment than t h a t obtained using flotatlon
w ~ t h o u tchemical aids. The chem~cal dosage w h ~ c his
1s a s u ~ t a b l emeans f o r treatment of 011-well w a t e r
reqt!~red 1s related to the quantlty of 011 in the waste
prlor to ~ n j e c t ~ o na ,s well a s a means of secondary water, the physio-chemlcal s t a t e o f , the 011, and the
clarificat~on of refinery wastes. A d e t a ~ l e ddlscusslon degiee of removal needed t o meet the treatment goals.

INTRODUCTION spcc~ficgiavlty causes the particle to separate a t a

D~ssolved-airflotation 1s used 111 the 011 fields and oil ' higher veloc~tyin a n upward dliect~on.Emuls~fiedoils
refineries a s a means of removing 011 and other sus- and soluble 011s a r e not removed by t h ~ smethod unless
pended matter from water T h ~ sflotatlon method most cheni~caltreatment can convert these 011s t o a suspended
. commonly uses a i l a s the g a s to facilitate separation. state. The use of chemicals also a d s In flocculat~ngf r e e
011-field natural g a s IS used a s the n i e d ~ ain some field oil globules whlch a r e very small In slze. Stokes' Law
installations. The leasons foi the removal of 011 and ( a mod~fication of Newton's Law f o r laminar flow)
other matter f i o m water a l e 1 , c o n d ~ t ~ o m nfgo r ~ n j e c - tlescl:~bed the factols a f f e c t ~ n gthe r a t e of s e p a r a t ~ o n
tlon ~ n t oa n 011 sand In secondary-iecoveiy projects; of a p a r t ~ c l eniovlng through a fluld, v~z.:
and 2, treatment f o r d ~ s p o s a leither In a recelvlng body
of w a t e r or ~ n t oa d ~ s p o s a lwell (In the f o l l o w ~ n g
d ~ s c u s s ~ o ndissolved-gas
, flotat~onw ~ l lbe used ~ n t e r -
changeably w ~ t hdissolved-a~rflotat~on.)In general, the D = dlametei of the p a r t ~ c u l a t emattei.
use of t h ~ sprocess In i e f i n e l ~ e sI S conceined with the g = gravity constant.
removal of pollutants to render the waste water ame- pl = d e n s ~ t yof t h e 11qu1d.
nable to d ~ s c h a r g eto a recelvlng body of water. When p, = tlens~tyof the p a r t ~ c l e .
used to t r e a t refinery wastes, d~ssolved-ail flotat~on p = v ~ s c o s ~ oft y the I ~ q u ~ d .
usually follows a g i a v ~ t y011-water separator w h ~ c h 71, = r a t e of rlse of the p a r t ~ c l e .

removes the bulk of the f r e e 011.' Dissolved-a~r flotat~on I t may be seen t h a t the r a t e of rise 1s t l ~ ~ e c t lpropor-
may be used with chem~calsin oldel to f a c ~ l i t a t eh ~ g h e r tional to the d~fferenceof the density of the 11qu1dand
degrees of removal. I t I S the purpose of thls discuss~on t h a t of the particle. A f t e r s e p a r a t ~ o n of the a l r -
to detail the piocess prlnc~plesa s well a s some of the suspended p a r t ~ c l eh a s occurred, t h e floated m a t e r ~ a lis
problems a p p l y ~ n gthls method to the tieatment of iemoved by a propelly deslgned scum collector.
011-beaiing waters. The mechanism a t t r a c t ~ n gand h o l d ~ n gthe a l r bubble
Physical Factors Affecting the Process to the suspended globule o r p a ~ t ~ c may l e be cons~dered
D ~ s s o l v e d - a ~flotat~on
r 1s a process f o r removlng sus- a s am adsorption phenomenon. The surface character-
pended matter from water usnlg m ~ n u t ea l r bubbles 1st~ of the particle 1s a primary fact01 ~nfluencingthe
whlch have a diametei of 100 microns o r less The operation of the flotation process. Surface-actwe agents
m ~ n u t ebubbles a r e attached onto the suspended matter, may be added t o alter t h e adsorption c h a r a c t e r ~ s t ~ c s ,
thereby r e d u c ~ n gthe effectwe specific gravity t o less a s is done In ore beneficiation. I n waste treatment,
than t h a t of w a t e r The reductlo11 of t h e effective however, t h e use of surface-active agents m a y be
economically proh~bltlve.
*Cham Belt Co . M~lwaukee.Wle
+Presented nt the sprlna-'meet~ng of the Pacific Coast D ~ s t r ~ c t , The r a t e of separation also may be increased by
D ~ v ~ s r oof
n Product~on,Los Angeles. C a l ~ f May
, 1960.
'References are at the end of the paper Inc?easlag the slze of the suspended particles. According
to Stokes' Law, the rate of separation is a f u n c t ~ o nof
diameter size raised to the second power. One of the
purposes f o r using chemical flocculants is to increase
the p a ~ t i c l eslze. The suspended matter 1s adsorbed,
trapped, 01 chemically united by the precipitated chemi-
cal coagulant. One o r more of the preceding attachment
mecha~lisins may contribute to the coalescence of sus-
pended mattel 111, w a t e ~ .Aluiii, ferrous sulfate, ferric
chlo~lde,and coppel Sulfate a r e commonly used floc-
culants. Alum IS, however, the most popular of those
Chemical Aids
When chemlcal flocculattng agents a r e added, pl:ec;pt-
tat1011 of soluble, colloidal, and e-mulsified matter may
be effected. The degree of removal of these materials
depends upon envr~onmentalfactors a s well a s the type
of floccularit used. Generally, the use of chemical floc- AVERAGE PARTICLE SIZE
- culants will not facilitate removal of soluble organic

material othei than oil. Biological treatment 1s needed Fig. 2 - Effect of

Average Particle Size
to accompl lsh the removal of d~ssolvedorganic sollds. on Rate of Rise
Flocculation a s a means of promot~ngparticle growth 100 Ppm L~rne- 20 Ppm Bentonite
~ ~ ~ e c e c l tflotat~on
ng may contribute to the effectiveness 20-percent Recycle
of the flotat~onprocess where flocculants a l e used. The inc~easecl with mixing tlme to a constant value. I n
term flocculation implies a means of paiticle growth summaly, flocculation serves two purposes when chem-
uslng cont~olledagitation f o r a sufficient length of time lcal flocculants a l e used to treat water. The first is t o
t e sepalation. It h a s
to obtaun a n opt~nlump r e c ~ p ~ t a for inclease particle size to f a c ~ l i t a t ea more rapid separa-
been shown"11at a s the flocculation time is increased, tlon. The second 1s the maximum use of flocculants
the particle size of the flocculant was also increased resulting In lowel chemical dosages and, therefore,
(see Fig. 1). It was also demonst~atedt h a t the rate lowel. piocesslng costs.
of rise Increases with partlcle size a s shown in F i g 2.
T ~ I experimental
S work was carried out on a bench
- scale model under controlled condlt~ons a s noted in
Fig. 1 and 2. I t is also shown t h a t to obtaln maxlmum
1 1 Kay.
A h Dosage
blbHy Bentonite
usage of flocculant (alum), suffic~entflocculation time
must be provlded (see Fig. 3 ) . It may be noted t h a t f o r
a constant chemical dosage, the alum flocculant removal I


Fig. 1 - The Effect of Flocculation Time on (minutes)
Average Particle Size Fig. 3 - Effect of Flocculation Time on Removal of
125 Pprn Alum - 10 Ppm Bentonite a n Alum-bentonite Flocculant by Flotation
dlssolved increases with the cluant~tyof w a t e r recycled
I )IEMER a s well a s t h e process pressure. With a process pressure
of 40 psig, 1 0 to 1.3 std cu f t of a i r 1s used pel 100 gal
of recycle flow. (Saturation f o r a i r a t 40 pslg and 64 F.
is approximately 0.95 cu f t per 100 gal F o r t h e same
condition the saturation value of CH, IS 70 percent
h ~ g h e r . )A~f t e r the inlection of a i r the air-water nilx-
AIR SUPPLY t u r e flows t o a t a n k where the a i r is d~ssolvedin the
water. Valious pressure-tank deslgns a r e used. A pres-
s u l e tank provid~ngmeans f o r c r e a t ~ n gmore air-water
~ n t e r f a c e~ 1 1 1inclease the a~r-solution rate. The a l r
SCUM COLLECTOR requ~renientf o r t h e f o r m a t ~ o nof a i r bubbles will depend
upon the method of a l r ~njection, t h e pressule-tank
design, effective holdmg time in the pressure tank, the
process pressure, the dissolvecl s o l ~ d scontent of the
water, and the temperature of the water
From the plessule tank, the recycle stream whlch
c o n t a ~ n sthe dissolvecl a i r flows through a pneumatic -
Fig. 4'- Flow Diagram of a Dissolved-air control valve w h ~ c hh a s three functions, viz:
Flotation System 1. Controls process pressure.
Process Elements , 2. P r o v ~ d e splessule drop to facilitate the formation
of a i r bubbles
Basically, tlie process elements 01 flow diagram of
3 P i o v ~ d e stulbulence necessary to c ~ e a t eminute a i r
dissolved-air flotation is a step-wise plocess. These
stations a r e pressurized a e l a t ~ o n ,foimation of a i r (or
Not only is a reduction In pressure necessary to form
g a s ) bubbles of suitable size, attachment of tlie bubbles
the a l r bubbles, but turbulence 1s also necessary.
on the partlculate matter, and the s e p a i a t ~ o nof t h e
The a~r-cliaigedstlearn (recycle) flows through a clis-
suspended m a t t e r f l o m waste watel. In commercial
t ~ i b u t ~ oheader
n and nilxes w ~ t hthe lncomlng waste in
~ ) l a nunits
t thele a r e two metl~odsby which g a s bubbles
the nlising zone Here the mlnute bubbles a r e attached
a r e i n t ~ o d u c e dto the water bearing suspended matter.
to the suspended mattel. The d e t e n t ~ o n time in the
I n one system, a i r IS intioduced and dissolved In the
lnlxing zone langes from 30 to 60 sec.
waste stream A g l e a t e r volume of ail can be dissolved
in the water by utihzing this method. I n tlie othei The flotation basin design, a s indicated in F l g 4,,
follows the plocedure suggested f o r gravity-type oil-
system a portion of the cla~ifiedwaste watel in whlch
w a t e ~separatols in Vol. I, APZ dlanztul 011 Dzsposc~l of
a i r IS dlssolved 1s reintroduced to the flotation tank.
Rcfij~eqy1'I:astes.G The r a t e of rise of p a r t ~ c l e sis deter-
The second n~etllocl (recycle) iequiies less pump
mined by labolatory tests' and with proper application
c a p a c ~ t yand h a s a lower o p e r a t ~ n gcost T h ~ smethod
of the tuibulence and short-circu~tingfactors, a proper
a v o ~ d saddit~oilalpumping of the 011-bea~ingwaste to
tank slze may be calculatecl
f a c ~ l i t a t ebubble f o r m a t ~ o nPumping may tend to eniul-
As with all plocesses, flotat~oil is not universally
sify t h e 011"s well a s bleak up flocculants A floccu-
appl~cable Howevei, where it 1s aclvantageously used,
l a t ~ o n basin p r e c e d ~ n g flotation may be used more
the l e t e n t ~ o n times a l e less t h a n those f o r gravity
advantageously when a iecycle system is used
sepalatois to obtaln equivalent results. Generally, the
A flow diagram of a flotation system using ~ e c y c l e
designed holding tinie f o r flotation ranges from 10 to
effluent a s a means of intiociucing all is shown in
20 min G r a v ~ t yseparators a r e designed w ~ t ha deten-
Fig. 4 The waste water may be treated with chem~cals
tion t ~ m evai ying from 40 to 90 nun
followed by a period of flocculat~on01 tlie waste w a t e r
A second advantage of this inetliod is t h a t tlie
may be subjected t o flotation d ~ r e c t l y ,w ~ t h o u ta d c l ~ t ~ o n
s e p a ~ a t ~ ocharacteristics
n of the suspended m a t t e r a r e
of cl~e~nicals. In t h e mixing zone of the flotation basin,
s t a b ~ l ~ z e Chemical
d flocculants assoc~atedwith varying
the waste w a t e r 1s mixed with a n all-charged stream
amounts of oil may have widely d ~ f f e r e n tseparation
(iecycle). Here the minute a i r bubbles a r e attached to
v e l o c ~ t ~ e sSome
. particles niay settle, some m a y float,
tlie suspended m a t t e r This mlxture flows through a
distribution baffle ~ n t othe s e p a l a t ~ o nzone. The sus- and some may have a zero s e p a ~ a t ~ ov~~?l o c i t y . By
attaching a n a i r bubble, ~t niay be a n t ~ c i p a t e dt h a t all
pended m a t t e r moves t o the top of the tank whele a
of tlie paiticles ~ 1 1 1float. A tllild advantage may be
s u ~ t a b l eremoval means 1s plovided The clarified water
the lowel chemical dosages ~ e q u i r e d Chemicals need
flows underneath the scum tlough and out of the
not be added to Increase the specific gravity of t h e
flotation basin
flocculant a s m a y be necessary in a g r a v ~ t ys e p a r a t ~ o n
Application basin to achieve sufficiently h ~ g hs e p a l a t ~ o nlates.
F o r oil wastes, a recycle l a t e of 20 to 33 pelcent of Dissolved-air flotat~oncan be used in the preparation
the waste flow 1s generally used The recycle flow 1s of watei f o r injection into the pioducing strata. Flota-
piessurized to from 30 to 50 p s ~ gwith a centrifugal tion in co~nbinationwith che~nicalt l e a t ~ n e n carries
t out
pump. The amount of a i r (01 g a s ) which may be the following functions.
1. Removes 011. SIiatz, W. J. and Wullsclileger, R: Studles of Some
2. Removes other suspended matter. Variables W h ~ c hAffect Chemlcal Flocculation When
3. Alds In tlie removal of ferrous Ion. Used wltli Dlssolvecl-Air Flotation, Proc , P?tv(hie
I t 1s also necessary t o n i a l n t a ~ n a proper caibonate Tl~lelftltItttlttst~sctl Ii'ctstes C o ? l f t , v ~ ~ ~May
c t , , 1957
balance to prevent prec~pitatlonnl the sand a s well a s -'Eldrldge, E . F I~rtlicstv?ctl117ciste Trecctnrel~tPrrtc-
f o r C O ~ O S I O I I control. The use of n a t u r a l g a s In flotatlon tlce, 1' 317, McGiam-H111, Inc., New York, 1942.
~ n h ~ b l tthe s pleclp~tatlon of ferrous Ion, a s well a s 1st Edn.
corroslon. Ferrous Ion 1s precip~tateda s ferric hydroxide Wougen, 0 A. ancl Watson, K M : Chet~~lcnl Process
when oxldlzed by oxygen If a l r 1s used In flotat~on,it Prl~tclpleb,p 117, John Wiley & Sons, Inc , New York,
may be necessary, when Iron 1s present, t o o s l d ~ z ethe 1046.
11on by aeration prlor t o s e p a r a t ~ o n111 the flotatlon unit. 6hIn~ll~ctl 071 I)tspvsnl of Refitlevy TVctstcs, Cliapt. 2 ,
A f t e r F e ( O H ) 3 1s formed by a e r a t ~ o n a, chelnlcal such Vol. I, Amellcan Petloleuni Instrtute, New York, 19.59,
a s alum may be added t o form larger flocculant p a r t ~ c l e s 6th Ecln.
to a ~ dIII separation. When n a t u r a l g a s is used, the ;nIttt~itrtl Dtupu\~il ot Refi~lvryTl'(t~tt,,s,Chapt. 3,
~nstallatlon of the treatment system becomes more Vol. I , Amellcan Petrole~umI n s t ~ t u t e ,New Yolk, 1959,
costly because ~t should be deslgnecl to plovide a n 6th Ecln.
explosion-proof system. The flotatlon t a n k must be
covered and prov~cledw ~ t hthe necessary safety clevlces. I \

The v a r l a t ~ o n sin the charactei ~ s t ~ of c sthe 011-bear 111g

waste water, a s well a s the conditions f o r the cllsi~osal.
of the waste water, wlll result nl v a r ~ a t l o n s In the
I C. F P a r e n t (Petloleum D l v , Long Beach Harbor
Dept , Long Beach, Ca!if.) (wiltten) : Thls paper 1s a
complel~enslvetieatlse on the latest theory and appll-
degree of treatment. F o r example, the presence of c a t ~ o nof flotatlon ;s a means of cleamng waste water
to increasingly i l g ~ dstandards -
sulfide In refinery waste water may Increase the reclulred
chemical dosage. The optimum p H f o r cheni~caltreat- Natural g a s is b a n g used In tlie Wllm~ngtonFleld
ment may vary. Bench scale tests a r e necessary before because ~t loweis costs thlough e l ~ m l n a t ~ o nof a l r
it 1s posslble t o p r e d ~ c tt h e t r e a t a b ~ l l t y of a waste complessols ancl ieductlon 111 corroslon Added expense
water. These tests should be conducted w ~ t l isuficlent to provide a n explos~on-ploof system 1s 11n11ted to the
frequency and cluratlon to observe the optimum treat- s l ~ g l i te x t r a cost of a n esploslon-proof e l e c t i ~ cmotor
ment f o r the results deslred. This approach 1s par- fol the s k ~ m m e r Calbon dloxlcle In the form of engliie
ticularly necessary f o r refinery waste water. F o r the exhaust g a s 1s bemg coiis~clerecla s a n addltlve to the
study of 011-field w a t e r a lesser program of testing 1s flotatlon cell effluent to plevent scale forniatlon, but ~ t s
requlred Bench scale test equipment is available fr0.m extreme corios1r7it.y l)recludes use In t h e flotatlon cell
manufacturers of flotatlon equ~pment.When bench- scale lndected water f o r the W~lnimgtonflood 1s sea water
tests ~ n d l c a t et h a t chemical treatment 1s necessary, tlie obtamed floni shallow source wells. When thls 1s pro-
most effectwe chemical, chemical dosage, and o p t ~ m u m duced m combination wlth connate ivater, ~t IS harder
pH may be determlried through these tests. to clean because of the different cliem~calcomplex. -4
Pllot-plant tests a r e helpful III t h e deslgn of large- slow increase in lion sulfide IS symptomatic of sulfate-
scale plants based on a flow-through capaclty. P a r t ~ c - reduclng bacteria ~nfestatlon,and 1s b e ~ n gtreated by
ularly a r e these tests helpful when considering the preveiitatlve bacteilc~des l a t h e r than curative meas-
treatment of a refinery waste. It is poss~bleto predict ui es In the flotation cell.
more a c c ~ ~ r a t e tlie l y degree of varlatlon of performance Clarlty of cell eflluent 1s almost n dlrect f u n c t ~ o nof
of a prototype u m t because of the usually large varla- p a r t s per mlll~onof mflux. F o r example, suppose wash
tlons w h ~ c hoccur In t h ~ stype waste water. tank water l u n s over 200 1)pm; a f t e r the gravlty skim
pits thls would be ieclucecl t o 50 pl>m; then cell effluent
CONCLUSIONS would a p p r o u ~ m a t e17 ppm Should cell niflux Increase
I n summary, d ~ s s o l v k d - a ~flotation
r 1s a means f o r to 100, effluent would Inclease proport~onatelyto some
the removal of suspended m a t t e r from water. F r e e 011 31 ppm Voluliie of thoughtput seems t o have llttle
may be removed w ~ t h o u tthe use of chemlcals I n order effect on clailty until t h e cell 1s overloaded, although
to remove emulsified o r soluble oil, chemlcals a r e thls may take place well below rated capaclty if severe
lequlred to convert these constituents t o particulate scallng has occulled. Another vltal factor 1s a reason-
matter. When chemicals a r e requlred, flocculation a s a ably steady influx l a t e , usually effected by a surge tank.
step preceding flotation appears t o be advantageous. Use of flotatlon cells t o acli~evethe final clanficatlon
Universal a p p l ~ c a t ~ o1sn not ~ n d l c a t e d ;each waste must t o a n acceptable c o n d ~ t ~ ohas n the d ~ s t l n c tadvantages
be examined on ~ t own s merits. of low cost, compactness, and rellab~llty;and t h e elmi-
~ n a t l o nof the escelsloi plol)len!s galns the deep g l a t -
REFERENCES itucle of opeiatlng men
lRohl~cli, G. A . A p p h c a t ~ o n of Alr F l o t a t ~ o n to Waste cl~sposal of all kinds 1s a serlous econonnc
Refinery Waste Waters, Ind. ctntl Eng. Clienz., 46, ploblem foi many ~ n d u s t l ~ eand s tlils paper delineates
F e b 1954. a n excellent solution to the c l a r ~ t yfactor *
Qrown, G. B : Utlit 0 p e v a t i o . t ~John
~. Wlley & Sons, Howarcl F. Kellel, Jr. (Jones & Keller, Iiic., Long
Inc., New York, 1950. Beach, Callf.) (written) : We w ~ s hto thank th.e author
f o r a n excellent presentation of the dissolved-a~rflota- Mr. Katz (written): With reference t o Mr. Keller's
tlon treatment of waste waters. I t was very interesting first question, the tests would best be carried out In
to note the difference in overall treatlng econommcs and the field because there 1s the possiblllty of the test
effectlveness wlth unlts w111ch use recycle water f o r samples changlng during transportation to a laboratory.
solutlon of gas rather than solutton of gas 111 the full This characteristic IS common in lnany olly waters.
stiealn Because we a r e mterestecl In knowlng more of I n regard to the second quest~on,I do not believe t h a t
the efiect~veness of laboratory evaluatlon of waste the Ilmitlng factor on the degree of treatnlent 1s neces-
waters, we submit the following qnest~ons. sarlly a functton of the quantity of g a s bubbles formed.
1. I s evaluatlon of waste waters best done with Rather, the physical state - suspended, collo~clal, o r
dissolved-wlll determlne the degree of treatinent whlch
samples of the wateis taken to a laboratory or IS the
evaluatlon best calriecl out 111 the field? will be obtained without the addltion of chemicals. If
the quantity of oil III soluble or collo~clalstate exceeds
2. Woultl the additional amount of methane whlch 1s the concentration \\.hich IS deslrecl a f t e r treatment, ~t
soluble 111 water effect greater removal of oil and sus- wlll be necessary to use chemlcal atds to achleve satls-
pended sohds o r IS ~ t solub~lity
s too great t o form an factory treatment
addlttonal quantity of bubbles? The method f o r d e t e r m ~ m n ga rate of rise vla obser-
3. Would ~t be possible to clescrlbe more fully the vatlon of a n Interface, a s quest1011 3 mentions, IS .
method of deterin~nlng"rate of rise"? . described In reference 'iof this paper.
In answer to quest1011 4, flocculating agents generally
4 I s ~t iecommended that f o r removal of oil to below required where 011-field waste'waters niust be
5 ppm 111 011-field waste waters that flocculating agents treated to below 5 ppin of oil I would assume t h a t there
be a general rule?
wlll be esceptlons 111 some waste waters where the oil
We wlsh to agall; thank the author for the tlme and content can be redaced to below 5 ppm wlthout t h e use
e f f o t~ he put into the preparation of thls paper. of chemicals.

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