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JCPT94-02-04 Adsorption of Foam-forming Surfactants in Berea Sandstone K. MANNHARDT, J.J. NOVOSAD Petroleum Recovery Institute K. N. JHA CANMET/Energy Research Laboratories Abstract Adsorption measurements carried out with representatives of four classes of surfactant suitable f(>r foam flo(>ding (alpha olefin sulphonate, internal olefin sulphonate, linear xyle,, sulphonate, and betaine) on Berea sandstone at different conditions of temperature and salinity are, described@ Adsorption of the anionic surfactants from a low salinity b e is low, but increases substantially at moderate
salinities. L' 'ted solubility of the anionic surfactants in aqueous media tends to drive these surfactants to the solid/liquid interface and can also lead to increased surfactant loss through precipitation. The taine is highly soluble, but adsorbs very strongly on sandstone. Adsorption of this surfactant can be reduced by mixing it with an anionic surfactant. Introduction EOR production in North America is dominated heavily by gas or vapour flooding. Out of a total of 371 EOR projects, '-)94 involve injection of steam, CO,, or hydrocarbon solvent(l). Because of the low
density and viscosity of the injected fluid, gas and vapour flooding processes tend to suffer from poor sweep efficiency. This problem may be alleviated through the use of mobility control foaMS (2,3). While the mechanisms of lamella generation and collapse are crucial to foam performance and propagation, the maximum dis- tance that a foam will travel is dictated by surfactant losses in the reservoir, caused by adsorption at the solid/liquid interface, pre- cipitation, chemical degradation. and partitioning into an immo- bile oil phase. This paper deals with the la,,,t, and frequently
inost important, of these mechanisms. Surfactant classes most commonly applied in laboratory studies of EOR-foams and in field applications include alkyl aromatic sulphonates and olefin sulphonates. Since niuch of the IEOR-foam literature deals with steam-foams, surfactant selection has often been determined by the requirement of chemical stability at steam flood temperatures. The fotlowin- rankin,, has been assigned to several surfactant classes in terms of their thermal stability(4): alkyl aryl sulphonates > olefin sulphonates > petroleum sulphonates > ethoxylated alcohols and
ethoxylated sulphates. The surfactants that have been found the most thermally stable are also the most likely to precipitate in the presence of inorganic electrolyte. Surfactant solubility has been found to decrease in the following order(41: ethoxylated alcohols or sulphates > olefin sulphonates > petroleum sulphonates = @ilkv] aryl sulphonates. A characteristic of the surfactants most comml)nly described in con- nection with EOR-foams is thus their Iiiiiited solubility in brines. 34 _ 0 2- - O@ The high molecular weight surfactant homologues suitable for steam-foanis have very limited
solubility in aqueous media and are expected to have a higher affinity for the solid/liquid interface than lower molecular weight homologues. Steam flood tempera- tures will I'avour low adsorption levels and increased solubility. During ste,,im flooding, a surfactant encounters salinity and tem- perature aradients, and a knowledge of the dependence of surfac- tatit hehaviour on both parameters is required. SLirfactaTits suitable for the extreme conditions of salinity and hardness encountered in many Alberta reservoirs have been iden- tified(51. Dt-,tailed measurements of the
adsorption properties of' these surfactants have been previously described(6-8). By contrast. reported adsorption data for surfactant classes commonly used for steain flocid applications are rather limited(9-15). This paper attempts to add to the knowledge of the adsorption properties of these surfa(@tants, and also demonstrates the potential of using sur- I'act@int mixtures to lower adsorption. Specifically, adsorption measurements were carried out at different salinities and tempera- tures with an atpha olefin sulphonate (AOS), an internal olefin sulphonate (IOS), @i linear xylene
sulphonate (LXS), a betaine, and a bet@iiiie/IOS mixture. Experimental Materials CO-, Berea sandstone cores [specific surface area by N2 adsorption: 0.91 tn2/g(-,)] were supplied by Cleveland Quarries (Amherst, Ohio). Core properties are listed in Table 1. Brities Three brines were used in core floods: 0.500% w/w (mass %) NaCl. 2.32(1% w/w NaCl, and 2.274% w/w TDS brine containing 2.192@,/( w/w NaC] and 0.082% w/w CaC'2. The latter two brines have the satne ionic strength. Surfactant solubilities were assessed in brines containing 0 to 5% w/w NaCl, or NaCl and CaCi, at dif-
ferent ratios and constant ionic strength (Table 5). One ai-nphoteric and six anionic surfactants listed in Table 2 were Llsed. Surfactant Solubility Measurements In ot-der [o ensure complete solubility of the surfactants to be used in core floods, the solubility of the surfactants listed in Table The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology
• !ih.
-1CPT91- o z- af
Adsorption of Foam-forming
SlLlrfactants in Berea Sandstone
Petroleum Recovery Institute
CANMET/Energy Research Laboratories

The hi!!h molecular wei!!ht surfact'LIlL homollll!l1CS SUitable ror

Abstract steam-foams have very limiLed solubilllY in aq7tCo'LL~ LIledia mnl
Adsorption measurements carried ont with representatives of arc expected to have a higher aflinity fur Lhe ~oltd/liqllid intet facc
four classes of surfactanl. suitable for foam flooding (alpha Lhan lower molecular weight hOlllologues. SLeam l1om1 LCLllPCnL'
olefin sulphonate. internal olefin sulphonate, linear xyLene ture~ will favour low adsorplion levcJ:.. and im:reased sollihility.

sulphonate, and betaine) on Berea sandstone at different During steam nooding. a surfacliJllL encountcr....~aliniLy ami ICI;l'
conditions of temperature and salinity are described. Adsorption perature gtatJienLs. and a knowledge of rlll: dependence of'illrrac·
of (he anionic surfactants from a low salinity brine is low, but Lant behaViour on hOlh parameLers i~ reqUIred.
increases substantially at moderate salinities. Limited solubility Surfactants suitable fOi the e"lreme comJitLO[l!-. or :-.alinilY and
of the anionic surfactant.<> in aqueous media tends to drive these hardness encounLercu in many Albet1a reservoir'i have hecl! idctt·
surfacranrs to the solid/liquid interface and can also lead to rified l51 . Detailed measuremenls of the aJwrpLiutl propl.!rlic . . llr
increased surfactant loss through precipitation. The betaine is thc.'ie .HlrfacLanls have been pre\'iomly t1e...,cribed(r,.HI. (3)' COtlttil.... l.
highly soluble, but adsorbs very strongly on sandstone. reported all'iorption data for .o.urfacLant clas!-lc'" comlllonlv LI~etl 1'01
Adsorption of this surfactant can be reduced by mixing it with steam fluod applicatLofHi are rather limLLed,·!·I'iI. Tllis paper
an anionic surfacmnt. auempls to ndu to rhe knov.'ledge of the adsorplillll propCt lic!'. or
these surfacLants. and also ueLllons[ratt:~ the potenLial or lIsitl!!- Mtt-
factant mi"(tures to luwer adsorprion. Specifically. ad'iorptioll
mcasurements \verc caiTieu ouL aL tlLffcrenL salinities and tempe-t;t-
Introduction lUre'i with an alpha olefin sulphonate (AOSI. an inLernal oll.!rin
~ulphonale ([OS). a linl.!ar x:ylene ~ulphonate (LXS). a helainc. :lnd
EOR production In North America i.~ duminated heavily by ga::; a hetainellOS LIli"(lure.
or \apour tlaoding. Out 01" a loral of 371 EOR project.~. 294
involve injeclion of 'iteam, CO:!. or hydrocarbon solvelll(l).
Became of lIle low densiLy and viscosity of rhe injecred tluid. gas
and v'lpour nooding processe::; tend to suffer from poor sweep Experimental
efficiency. Tllis problem may be alleviated through the u ... e of
mobiliLY conLrol foams (~.ll.
While the mechanism ... of lamella gencnHion and collapse are
crucial LO foam performance and propagation. Lhe maximum dis- Core:)
Lance thar a foam will tmvel is dicLaLed by surfactaflt los!-les in the Berca ~:Ltld:-.Lone cores [specilic MLrraCL.: iltt";L by N! ilt.l~otpril1n:
rC!-Ien·oLr. c.Hlsed by adsorption [It the !-Iolid/liquid inLerface. (Jrc- 0.91 m~/g'/'l were supplicd by Cleveland Quarries tALIlIH:r:.1.
cipiraLiun. chemical degmdation. and parritLonin2: into an immo· Ohto). Core propertie.~ are lisLed in Table I.
bile oil pha!-le. This paper d~als with thc la!-lt. and~fre4uenlly mOSl
inlponanl. of Lhese mechanisms. Brim's
Surfactant cla!-l ... e:-. IllO.o.l commonly applied in labotatory sludies
uf EOR-foams and in field application!:. include alkyl aromatic Threc brine!-l were lt~ed Ln core tloou'i: O.500r:+ w/w (mil:." r:r)
'iulphonates and olefin suI phonates. Since much of Lhe EOR-foam NaCL 2.320% w/w Nae!. amI 2.:n·.J~c ,. . /w TDS bnnl.! conlaining:
hLeraLure deals with steam·fOlllm, .'wrfacLam selection has often 2.192% w/w NaCI ;mJ 0.082% wlw CaCi,. Thl.! laIlcr LWO hritle~
hcen determincd by Lhe requirement of chemical stability aL have the ~atl1e LonlC 'itrength. SurracLanL soiubililies wetl.! il~.~l.!s:.ed
tloud temperarures. The following tanking ha~ been a ... "igncd tu Ln brines containing: 0 LO St:;'}. w/w NaCI. Ot N:LCI ami cae!' al tlil·
... c,'eral "urfacmnt cla~se.o. in Lerms of their therm:LI .~tabiliL\,'.Jt: fetCIl[ ratim and COnSlall( ionic strengLh (Table 51. -
:L1kyl aryl suI phonates > olefin ... ulphonatc'i > petrol~um
sulphonalc" > ethoxylaLeu alcohol ... Llnd crhoxylated sulphaLes. SwfueJllIll.\
Tile surfactants dmt have been found Lhe most [herrnall\' stable are One amphOlenc anu !-lix anionic ~urlacLanL!-I li.~tl.!d itl Tallie 2
also [he mosL likely to precipitate in the pte.~ence of Lllom:anic were ust!d.
e1eeltuIYle. Surfactant wlubiliLy hil~ been found to decrca~e ~l the
following OIJel,.JI: elhoxylaLed alcohoL~ or ~ulphales > olefin
Suriactant Solubility Measurements
.~ltlphonaLes > perrolc:ulTl slilphonates = alkyl aryl .mlphonates. A
characleristic of the surElctimLs mosL commonly de~cribed in con- In order ro ensure .:mnplete ~()llIbilily or the 'iLtrractatll:. III hI.!
nectiun with EOR-foams i" thus theil lillILled ~olubLlit)' in brine~. used in cnrc tloous. rlle ~olubility or thl.! surfacL;um li:.ll!u ill Tahle

34 The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

TABLE 1: Core and displacement data.

Core ID 0<-2 0<-' Qi-12 0<-3 Qi-lO Qi-l1 0!-13 0<-. 0<-6 0<-7 Q{-14

Surfactant AOS AOS ADS lOS lOS lOS I.XS I.XS Step 60 Step 60 lOS 1518/
1416 1416 1416 1518 1518 1518 810 .'0 Step 60

BrIne O.S~ 2.J2~ 2.27Y. 0.57- Z.~2~ 2.27:': 0.51- O.SY. 0.5Y. O.S:<- O.SY.
NaCl NaCl IDS NaCl NaCl IDS NaCl NaC! NaCl NaCl NaCI
:,·..'.,.:.'.·.·i.·_ ~:~:-.. r-~
Temp. (oC) 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 75 23 75 23

.! Length (em) 9.86 10.12 9.34 9.72 9.75 9.67 51.44 9.65 9.510 9.65 10.17
Cross-sictlon 11.22 11.20 11.18 11.21 lL17 11.20 11.20 11.2J 11.21 11. 22 11. 21
Pore yolo (mU 24.9 25.9 24.4 26.5 23.6 23.6 24.2- 25.1 26.1 23.6 24.8
PorcEilty (frae.) 0.225 0.22.8 0.234 0.243 0.216 0.21B 0.229 0.232 0.235 0.218 0.218
Dry weight (gl 232.45 2.:39.02. 220.52 228.48 229.90 228.35 2.22..60 227.2.6 233.45 228.14 2.<10.38
Abs. perm. ("'"

Injected surfac.
5 ••
, 2<5
•• 2
19. 183 ,
••• 517
••• '67

cone. (gIl) 10.015 10.009 10.045 10.432 10.105 10.010 10.017 10.016 10.005 10.011 10.024-
Slug vol. (ml) 50.Z 49.4 48.5 52.4 49.8 45.6 47.9 50.0 49.8 47.6 49.5
(PV) ·Z.02 1.91 1.98 1.98 2.11 1.93 1.98 1. 99 1.91 2..0Z 1.99
Flow rate (c.l/h) 1.98 2.02 1.96 2.00 2.05 1.98 1-99 Z.Ol ].97 1.96 2.00

• 3,015 g/l Step 60, 7.009 gil lOS 1518

2 was measured as a function of salinity and surfactant concentra- TABLE 2: Surfactants.

tion by doing a salinity scan at consmnt surfactant concentration
and a surfactant concentration scan at constant salinity, ' ...
A=t!va canc~a' o

While it is realized that surfactants can exhibit complex phase

Trada N3J:IO o.c.lIl~l Hola=. vt.
plli '
behaviour and precipitation/dissolution properties(l6.lil). ,;irnple
'" to
Enordol MIS 141& C _ alpha ::19.0 :JZS ' 7.'
visual tests were taken as indicators of surfactant solubility in this 14 1EO
(Shdl Chaalca.l) ahrLn "'-Ilfanata
work. Surfactant solutions were prepared ill test tubes. and rhe sol-
ubility was detennined by visual inspection of the appearance of EIIord .. l MIS 1610 CLEO_Ie nLpha Z9.S ::156'0'

the sample. Samples showing any turbidity. a precipitate, or (Shall t:helllca.L) ahrLn sulCanate

phase-separation were denoted insoluble. These samples were

heated slowly to 85°C in a waterbath. The temperature at which EIlardet ICIS 151B CIS_IS Inlemal 25.2 '.0
(Shell 01=1 ..... 11 olefin ~lConate
the samples cleared was taken as the minimum solubility tempera-
ture, Some samples that were not soluble up to 85°C were heated EMrdet L'iS 1619 CI 6-18 lIne::r.r IS.Z 422.'·'
funher to 135°C in an oven. The calcium tolerance of two surfac- (Sh ... U t:he"lca.lI tolucna lOulfanate
tants (ADS 1416 and IDS 1518) was determined at 23°C by test-
ing rheir solubilities in brines of the same ionic strength as 2.32%
NaCl, but containing NaCl and CaCI:!. at different ratios (Table 5).
EIIarda 1 urs 910
(Shall 01",,10311
~-IO linear
lqrla]'\e sulConala
ZO.2 334'·' ,.. , l'~
~.. ,-: ,
EIIardat l.XS J.::I1G. C1::I_ 14 Ilnnr 19.5 .::197'·'
Core Floods (Sh,,11 Che!llicall :-oylana "ulf....... t ..
~:~.,' .'.
Adsorption was measured through single-phase displacement Shp:milo 60 AU::yl"",ldo- ::10.0 400'·' '.5
(Stc~"" ~pany) ""'talno of
tesrs in Berea sandstone. The core floods were modelled using a co""nul 011
one-dimensional convectton-dispersion equation '\'ith an adsorp- EIIard .. l 105 1519/ 5.5
tion term that uses the surface excess formalism, as described in Ste~arU'lo 60 ah:tura
(7,:] by J:III .. s)
detail in previous publications(6,1,'9). The model parameters allow
calculation of adsorption isotherms. (3.) S~cltlad bYa3.flufncturcr
(b) £'ilth,ated troll synlliatlc rout .. &uppU ..;I by aanufactw-cl'
Adsorption of four surfactants selected on the basis of the solu- (e) Average pI!. or solutions tor core t!Gods

bility measurements (ADS 1416, [aS 1518, LXS 8lD, Stepan flo
60) and one surfacrant mixture (IDS 151S/Stepanflo 60) was mea- positions of the tracer and surfactant effluent profiles give a direct
sured in Berea sandstone 3t different conditions of temperature visual indication of adsorption. The pressure drop across the core
and salinity (Table I). A new core was used for each adsorption was measured in all floods to detect core plugging by surfactant
measurement. Cylindrical cores (3.SxlO cm) were cut to size and precipitation. This allowed additional assessment whether the
dried at 110°C for several hours. They were mounted in a lead measured surfactant los,; was adsorption or a combinarion of
sleeve inside a high pressure core holder at an overburden pres- adsorption and precipitation. All core floods were run at atmos-
sure of 6.9 MPa (1000 psi). The pore volume was determined pheric pressure and conditions specified in Table I.
using gas expansion, and the absolute permeability to air was
measured. The core was filled with CO:! and saturated with brine Effluent fractions were analysed for surfacrant and tracer con-
by flooding with approximately 15 pore volumes (PV) of brine centrations. The anionic surfactants were determined by two-
against a back pressure of 0.2 MPa (30 psi). The absolute perme- phase titration with Hyamine 1622 (BOH Chemica1)cZO), and the.
abiliry to brine was measured. amphoteric surfactant by back titration with Hyamine 1622(21),
A measured volume of surfactant solution (2 PV, lO gil active both in chloroform/water with mixed indicator at pH 2. Chemical
concentration) was injected into the brine-saturated core. followed analysis of each component in the surfactant mixture
by brine of the same composition, all at a constant flow rate of (anionic/amphoteric) involved titrating each sample twice, once at
2 mUh (20 em/d). A non-adsorbing tracer (tritiated water) was pH 2 and once at pH 10, A[ pH 10, the anionic surfactant can be
injected with the surfactant sohnion, and served as a check on rhe titrated wirhout interference from the amphoteric. At pH 2. the
material balance. The pH of the injected surfactant solutions is two surfactants form a complex. and the titration yields the excess
included in Table 2: no buffering agents were used. The relative anionic or amphoteric not bound in the complex. The amount of
February 1994, Volume 33, No.2 35

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