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Home exam “Module 1”

The importance of sleep SB. P.6

1-Write two of the benefits of sleep?
2-Complete with the correct stage of sleep:
a-Our eyes move very quickly beneath our eyelids……………
b- Heartbeat and breathing become slower………………….

c- 5%of a young adults sleeping time……........
3-Find a word in the text that have a similar in ending:
b- Extremely important ………………..
B-The protection system in the body…………………..
c- Deeply and peacefully…………………………….

Reading SB. P.8.

1-Write the sentence that shows her mum s patience with her.
2-What does Zainab do to relax?
3-What is the most tiring thing in Andy’s job?
4-Waleed love his job. Explain this statement, justifying your answer from the text
5-What causes stress to doctors according to the text? Do you agree with this? Explain your point of view in
two sentences.

Reading WB. P 8.
1-write two causes for insomnia.
2-It is important to treat the cause of insomnia instead of using medicine. Explain this statement justifying
your answer from the text.
3-What effects does insomnia have on people? Express your opinion in two sentences.

Complete the following sentences with words from the box. One word is not needed.
( grateful - jogging - stressed - what about - why don't we - brain waves)
1-I feel very ----------- when I go to a job interview.
2-Students are always ------------ to their teachers.
3-Scientists have already identified many neural diseases by studying -------------.
4--------------- is a great form of exercise.
5-A: I feel bored.
B: ------------ go shopping?

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb:
1-If we meet at 9:30, we -------------- (not,have) plenty of time.
2-If you spoke louder, your classmates --------------- (understand) you.
3-The door will unlock if you ------------- (press) the green button.
4-Fatima ----------- (arrive) safe if she drove slowly.
Rewrite the following sentences:
1-Your sister is very tired, she can’t go to work.
If ----------------------------
2-the weather is very cold and heavy rain has just started. You are very wet.
If --------------------------------
*Choose the correct relative pronoun then rewrite the sentence:
3- I dropped a glass. The glass was new. (which, when)
I -------------------------
4- The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper (whose, who)
The man -----------------------

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