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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Samar
Tagapul-an, Samar

Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section_________________________

Subject: MUSIC 10 Teacher: Arlyn V. Tan (09361458243)

3rd week
Worksheet No. 1
MELC: a. Explains the performance practice (setting, composition,role of composers/performers, and
audience) of 20th century music; MU10TC-Ib-g-4
Test 1. Multiple Choice Direction: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

______1. Who was the primary exponent of the impressionist movement and the focal point for the
other impressionist composers?
A. Claude Debussy B. Joseph Maurice Ravel C. Arnold Schoenberg D. Igor Stravinsky
______2. Who among the musicians below was born in Ciboure, France to a Basque mother and Swiss
A. Claude Debussy B. Joseph Maurice Ravel C. Arnold Schoenberg D. Igor Stravinsky
______3. Who was born in a working class suburb of Vienna, Austria on September 13, 1874.
A. Claude Debussy B. Joseph Maurice Ravel C. Arnold Schoenberg D. Igor Stravinsky
______4. Who among the following 20th century music artist was born in Oranienbaum, Russia on June
17, 1882?
A. Claude Debussy B. Joseph Maurice Ravel C. Arnold Schoenberg D. Igor Stravinsky
______ 5. Which of the following work of Ravel contained rhythmic diversity, envocation of nature and
chorale ensemble?.
A. La Valse B. Daphnis et Chloe C. Miroirs D. Gaspard de la Nuit
______6. Which of waltz below contains a frightening undertone suitable for ballet as well as for solo
and duo piano?
A. La Valse B. Daphnis et Chloe C. Miroirs D. Gaspard de la Nuit
______7. Which of the following factors influenced the impressionism music?
A. Anti-establishment B. Anti-structure C. Anti-reform D. None of the above
______8. What style of music uses computers in synthesizing or producing digital audio signals?
A. Electronic Music B. Chance Music C. Synthesize Music D. Dance Music
______9. What do you call the style of producing sound out of range of traditional musical instrument
and creating other sounds from nature and environment?
A. Electronic Music B. Chance Music C. Synthesize Music D. Dance Music
______10. Which of the following type of music is also called aleatory music derived from the Latin
word ”alea” which means dice?
A. Electronic Music B. Chance Music C. Synthesize Music D. Dance Music
______11. Which of the following movement in music capture images through the use of bold colors?
A. Expressionism B. Impressionism C. Chance Music D. Electronic Music
______12. Which of the following music styles in the 20th century contains irregular rhythm in its
A. Expressionism B. Impressionism C. Electronic Music D. Chance Music
______13. What music style in the 20th century uses the whole-tone scale, uses the 9th chord, and
modality and exotic scales?
A. Electronic Music B. Chance Music C. Expressionism D. Impressionism
______14. He was born in Oranienbaum, Russia on June 17, 1882.
A. Claude Debussy B. Joseph Maurice Ravel C. Arnold Schoenberg D. Igor Stravinsky
______15. A style of music that process of creating music is using computers in synthesizing or
producing digital audio signals.
A. Electronic Music B. Chance Music C. Synthesize Music D. Dance Music

(Please do not forget to write your name above and write directly your answer on this worksheet)
Stay safe. God bless

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