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One of the crimes that shook Colombia in the late 1990s was the death of a great Colombian journalist and humorist,
who carried out investigations and staged delicate and often controversial topics of interest in
the country. Jaime Hernando Garzón Forero was born in Bogotá on October 24th, 1960, and died in Ibídem, on
Augustc13th,c1999. He was acColombiannlawyer, pedagogue, humorist, activist, actor, announcer, journalist and m
ediator of peace.

On August 13th, 1999, in Bogotá near the studios of the Radionet station where he worked, he was assassinated by
two assassins who were riding a high-cylinder white motorcycle with the license plates hidden, and
after calling him by name, he was shot six times at the journalist. Four of the shots targeted his head and
two closer to his neck, causing the journalist to accelerate his jeep, crashing it directly into an electric lamp
post. Garzón died on the spot. On different occasions, Garzón had expressed that he was the victim of death
threats for his work as a journalist and activist, which is why they ended up assassinating him. During the judicial
process, the defense argued that there were deviations in the investigation by the Administrative Department of
Security (DAS), the former state security agency, in convenience with renowned politicians and members of the
Military Forces. Jaime Garzón's death is another case of a state crime in Colombia that remains unsolved. For the
murder of Jaime Garzón, until 2017, only the paramilitary commander Carlos Castaño has been
convicted (paramilitary, intelligent, cunning, murderous and gangster, he was of medium height, light-skin, dark
hair and brown eyes), while the former DAS deputy director, José Miguel Narváez, was linked to the investigation in
2011. More than 20 years have passed since Jaime's death, the search for justice has been a failure, the case
continues,cunsolvedmandmisclikelycto remain in impunity.

This was the second murder that occurred in the country and to this day remains unpunished,
as justice was not efficientcand Jaime's murderer was not foundceither, Jaime was an important person in
the country,va fighter, activist and interested person in improving the country, characteristics that led to his deat
h, like all those who want to end corruption in Colombia.

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