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Violencia en Colombia

Over time, our country has presented social problems such as lack of political
participation, inequality, lack of access to land, the international context; There are many
reasons that explain the emergence of political violence. Just beginning the new
millennium and we touched the brunt of the historic violence that besets our country.
Colombia is a country that has endured many types of violence, however, in the 20th
century, and so far in the 21st century, conflicts related to political violence have
On August 13, 1999, Jaime Garzon was assassinated in Bogotá by two hitmen near the
studios of the station where he worked. At 5:45 in the morning on Friday, August 13, when
Garzón was heading to the Radionet studios in his truck, he stopped at the traffic light. He
was then intercepted by two individuals who were riding a white motorcycle with hidden
license plates and, after calling his name, shot him five times causing the journalist to
accelerate his jeep, crashing it directly into a street light pole. On different occasions,
Garzón had expressed that he was the victim of death threats.
Despite the peace efforts of President Andrés Pastrana, Colombia broke all its records for
violence in 2000, recording more than 38,000 violent deaths, 205 massacres, and more
than 3,000 kidnapped people, including 35 foreigners. In addition, an increase of 78.5%
was denounced in plagiarism of minors in relation to last year.

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