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I can’t quite put a finger on where my desire to fight injustice was born.

This passion has

been stirring within me ever since I can remember, but it wasn’t until recently that God sort of
took me by the shoulders and shook me until I realized that this is what I am supposed to do with
my life. I want my life to be a living pursuit for those who need saving. If I desire to reflect the
image of Christ in the steps I take, then I must push to save those who He has already died for to
be free. Whether or not you’re like me and hold such deep zeal to stand against slavery, you are
needed in the fight.
Human trafficking is not an issue we can simply mourn, despise or disagree with. If we
all find the events of human trafficking in our world today to be tragic and wrong, but aren’t
moving, what good does that do? It is not enough. Human trafficking is a cause to be passionate
about, because if we’re not putting action to our opinions, then we merely allow it to happen. Let
us sit back and watch as our lack of effort is used to enslave more and more people. Has human
trafficking become a universally accepted issue? Has it just been thrown into the pile of other
evils in this world that we dare not touch? I will not accept it. I will not settle until justice is
restored. I will not rest until every single captive is set free. The horrific circumstances of this
illegal enterprise will not end until we take a step past solely hating the issue and fight for each
individual who is trapped.
I cannot stand myself knowing that I am free when there are girls just like me and boys
my age in bondage. Who am I to be set free and others not? Jesus died for us so that we all may
experience freedom. Let us not stop until His gift is granted to every single person He died to
give it to. Part of our mission as disciples of his Kingdom is to help put the world back to its
original form in which God intended for it to be-on Earth as it is in Heaven. How can I soak in
the bath of freedom knowing that God didn’t just draw it for me but for all His children? How
can I rest when the world is without peace? I pledge to never stop fighting for justice as God
never stops fighting for us.
There is no room to not be all in. There is no time to not be passionate. There is no space
to merely agree that it is wrong, that it is despicable. We can all be involved in the fight, and we
all must be if we want to see justice restored. As a college student without the funds to be able to
donate, God has still given me a voice to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.
He has given me a heart full of passion and hatred for injustice. He is allowing me to be His
hands and feet to reach out to His children both in sin and living in bondage because of sin. He
has given me a network of people who need to hear the message, just as He has given you all of
This is not something that is only happening on the other side of the world, but on the
other side of your door as well. May we have eyes to see the brokenness in the streets we live on,
and in the eyes of those we pass by. May we step out of our comfort zones into the realm of the
wicked. Let us not force the captives to fight alone. Let us bring justice to this world, before the
evils reach our friends, our peers, our family and our children. I want every girl to know her
beauty, her abilities, her worth. I want every boy to know his courage, his strength, his value. I
want every procurer to see the value of life, and the value in himself/herself. I want Jesus to be
seen by those who do harm just as much as by those who are harmed. Evil has enslaved this
Earth and I will not rest until the darkness is overcome by the light of love, passion, and action.

This is why I fight.

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