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Emily Abbatacola

News Writing & Reporting

April 30, 2020

Final Story

The COVID-19 pandemic has swept the globe and affected all areas of life around the

world. It is the issue that is constantly on everyone’s minds right now no matter their beliefs or

opinions. Two individuals, Dave Catcher and Adam Jonak, with completely different

perspectives on the international emergency expressed their concerns.

Dave Catcher revealed his cautious approach to the situation and the density of the global

issue. “It’s crazy how abruptly things happened, and how every single person on this planet is

being impacted. We are all being affected so we all must take part in the solution,” said Catcher.

On the opposite end, Adam Jonak feels a bit more relaxed about it all. “It’s made out to be a

much larger issue than it should be. For all we know, we don’t even have the truth as to how it

started!” Jonak said.

COVID-19, otherwise known as the coronavirus has been pinpointed to be birthed from

Wuhan, China. The current starter source is said to be caused by the consumption of a bat-like

animal who had been a carrier of the illness. Where the virus came from is all across the board

and has not been truly verified, however this is the most common conclusion. The outbreak can

be dated back to last fall, with the first known reported death in January, and the number of cases

around the world has spread like a wildfire ever since. With over 1 million cases in the United

States right now, and numbers growing every day, there has been immediate action taken to try

and stop the spread of the virus. All non-essential businesses have shut down until further notice.
Food services have resorted to take-out options only and gatherings of 10 or more have been

restricted. Businesses are facing a monumental financial crisis with the inability to operate.

Nearly 6 million United States citizens per week are filing for unemployment with the inability

to work and pay necessary bills. Mask and gloves have been recommended and required in some

areas, as different state governmental officials are taking precautions needed to stop the spread of

the virus in their state.

“I have been taking all the necessary and recommended steps. I want to protect my family

and keep them healthy and as safe as possible during this time,” Catcher told. He is focused on

being updated with new information, tips, guidelines, precautions, and actions surrounding the

global pandemic. Catcher is one of the many American citizens who are taking the virus very

seriously, as he believes it is the only way to end it all. “I want everything to go back to normal

more than anything, but that doesn’t mean I am going to act like it’s back to normal. I’m not

even sure than it ever will be” he stated. With much discussion over how this virus has damaged

the U.S. economy, experts aren’t sure how deep the lasting cut will be, but they are preparing for

the worst. It’s gone as far as to say that the United States is on the verge of entering a second

“Great Depression.” “I mean, I don’t know for sure if it’s going to get that bad, but I don’t know

how the U.S. and all of the businesses are going to make a comeback after this. I think it will

take a while, unfortunately” Catcher said. A few different researchers have said that they believe

the United States will not go back to its ‘normal’ state (how it was a few months ago) until at

least the year 2022. “It’s wild just how quickly things changed. I mean we heard about it, but

then it hit us like a bomb. It wasn’t a gradual impact, it was like, one day everything is fine, and

the next we are in an international emergency” said Catcher. The worst part, for many, is the
uncertainty. The mystery of it all is where fear has developed for people like Catcher. “I

understand that it’s a virus, and there are much worse viruses out there, but this is a virus we

know nothing about. The best thing to do is just follow the advice of the experts who at least

know more than I do about this kind of thing. And the only way we are ever going to get through

this is if everyone does the same thing” Catcher believes. This is why he is content with the

media’s response to COVID-19. Catcher stated that the media is doing a “good job” at giving

constant updates, which is “what we all need to try” whether or not they are working.

Jonak had a very different approach to the concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rather than fearing safety, his major concern is that things have been blown out of proportion.

“Yes, the coronavirus is a big issue, and the rate at which it is spreading is crazy, and the lives it

has taken and the financial burdens it has caused is all horrible. However, I think a big factor in

why it has caused so many problems is that we have made it into such a big deal” Jonak said. His

perspective is that the media is doing a “bad job” at reporting the “right” stories. Jonak feels as

though there are “many other things going on around the world,” and “everyone is only

concerned with this virus because that is the only news we are being fed.” Jonak is one of many

who have taken a deeper look into the ‘conspiracy’ theories of it all. “Most believe it started

from a bat, but some think it was created intentionally. I’m not saying I believe it, but I wouldn’t

be so quick to believe everything that is being said in the media right now. I wouldn’t be

surprised if it was intentional” Jonak said. “I hope it wasn’t, but it could have been,” he


The global pandemic known as COVID-19 has impacted every individual in the world.

The detriments of the coronavirus may even lead into the years to come. Where/how it started,
what actions and precautions should be taken, and when it will end are all up for debate amongst

many. But the one thing both Catcher and Jonak agree on, is that the world after this virus may

never be the same.

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