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Appendix 1


Year Level: multi age group Time:9:30-9:45 Date: 17/6/16 Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Learning Area: Movement (Health) Follows instructions

Can play safely

Strand/Topic from the ABLEWA – Stage A:

Experience their body moving in relation to effort, space,
objects and people (VCHPEM011)
Cooperate when experiencing physical activities and
movement (VCHPEM012)
Experience body movement and demonstrate some basic
movements (VCHPEM013)
Engage in physical activities (VCHPEM014)
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Plays independently and with peers
 Shows safe behaviours in the playground
 Follows instructions to stop or start

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

Ensure the playground is safe and all gates have been All students are assisted by an education assistant
locked. Students may be shown flash cards with the the words
Ensure each education assistant knows who they are start and stop on them
responsible for (Duty of Care)

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the
9:30 Tell students: “Once everyone is ready, we are going to in the playground” segment where they will
and inform them they must listen to instructions or they will have to go back be introduced.
Playground access
Teacher and education assistants help students to line up and get hats ready
to play.
When walking to the playground make sure each student is holding an adults
hand (adult must have duty of care).

Tell students “we must play safely” explain what ‘safely’ means.
9:33 Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

Demonstrate how to climb on the monkey bars. Play area flash cards
Teacher to assist students to climb on monkey bars.

Ask education assistant to demonstrate how to climb the ladder in the Start and stop cards
Education assistant to assist student to climb up the ladder in play area.

Ask education assistant to demonstrate sliding down the slide.

Education assistant to assist student to slide down the slide.

Ask two education assistants to demonstrate the concept of chase while

another education assistant says to start or stop.
Students to play chase while an education assistant tells them to start and

Students to rotate around all equipment so that each student has a turn on
every station.
Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
Ask all student to run to teacher (myself) and once they are halfway there say
Line up and walk back to class Assessment checklist

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

Have students sit at their desk for the next lesson.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
Each student:
Can the Yes, Yes, with No

student…? independently assistance
Use equipment for
intended purpose
Responds to the
word start and stop
Shows safe
Plays with peers

Whole class:
How many students could follow at least two directions?
Successful Needs improvement

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