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BY Dr. T.R. Sharma

1. In class, I would like to sit with a student who is:
a) Smart in studies b) my friends

2. During holidays, I want to ---------- with friends

a) Visit different places b) concentrate on my weaknesses in studies

3. I will be very happy if:

a) I get more marks in exams as compared to earlier
b) I get a lottery of Rs.10000/-

4) If I fail in exams, I will go to school

a) Only to work hard and get through the exams
b) because of parent’s compulsion

5) I like to
a) Answer easy questions as compared to hard ones
b) answer difficult questions as instead of easy ones.

6) My nature is
a) to study regularly b) to get good marks in any way.

7. I like to
a) Roam with friends b) help friends in their studies.

8. In exams, I always take an effort to

a) Write better answers as compared to earlier ones
b) answer all questions so that parents do not get angry.

9. I want to become a kind of a student who,

a) Can tell interesting stories b) can answer all questions posed by the teacher

10. I want
a) To get highest marks in all subject b) luck to be with me during exams.

11. I always see to it that

a) I do not upset my classmates in class b) I do not repeat my mistakes.

12. I would like to answer those questions

a) Which other students cannot b) which I remember

13. My wish is,

a) To search and rectify my weaknesses
b) to become a star in my friend circle.
14. Before starting difficult work
a) I always take help from others b) make my own plans for my work.

15. I always want

a) to become an important student b) to become everyone’s favorite student

16. I want to become so much capable

a) To be first in studies b) to make my parents happy.

17. I work hard so that

a) I can remember my lessons b) people consider me as a good student

18. My neighbor is very good because

a) He advises me to work hard b) he gives me interesting storybooks.

19. I like my school because

a) It has good infrastructure b) it has good library

20. When I lie down on bed

a) I remember about the days spent with my friends
b) I remember the questions asked during class by my teachers.

21. On radio I would like to hear

a) lecture given by great people b) movie songs

22. I go to school regularly so that

a) My teachers do not get angry with me b) it won’t effect my studies

23. I am of the opinion that we should always go for a morning walk

a) Morning atmosphere is pleasant b) it makes mind fresh.

24. I get up early because

a) My parents wake me up early b) morning time is good for study

25. While reading books, whenever I come across any difficult word
a) I find its meaning in the dictionary
b) I get upset and stop reading book

26. I go to school because

a) if I do not go to school my parents get angry
b) I want to improve my knowledge

27. When I grow up

a) I would like to work hard b) I would like to live happy life
28. If I were rich
a) There was no need for me to study
b) I would have brought good books

29. I believe that success,

a) Depends on luck b) depends on hard work.

30. I like the kind of teacher

a) Who solves all questions b) who makes fuss and give homework

31. I get afraid,

a) When I am not able to answer any question
b) when I get punishment on my mischief

32. Ss a student I,
a) Would like to become an obedient student
b) would like to become a hard working student.

33. I praise those

a) Who get awards in studies b) who get awards in good behavior.

34. I want to get good marks

a) By any means b) only through hard work

35. I like a city

a) Which has a university b) which has many theatres

36. I get upset

a) When I am unable to get good place in studies and other activities
b) When someone else takes my place

37. I would like to do all those things

a) Which are difficult for other students to do
b) what my friends would like to do

38. When I get my results

a) I rush/run to tell my parents
b) I wait to see marks of other students.

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