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Prompt #1: In Module 1, you watched "Invictus," a clip from the movie "Gandhi," and a 60 Minute

Segment on Mindfulness. The idea was to have you look at attitude and a mental model about conflict,
review the attitudes of two powerful leaders, and consider your own approach to conflict. Did this
Module help set a foundation upon which to develop the rest of the course? What worked and didn't

I felt well prepared for this course prior to this module; but for someone who did not, module one did
exactly what it needed to. I felt it did a great job setting the tone and gave fundamental skills and ideas
that were cornerstone to the exercises and principles we learned. I think the only thing I had a hard time
with this module (and really all of them), was figuring out how to just go about life with COVID. It was
particularly hard at the beginning though. I did appreciate the greater willingness to take late work this
semester. I have not needed to use it much, but it was deeply appreciated.

Prompt #2: In Module 2, you were introduced to the martial art, Aikido. The purpose of this module
was to use a martial art that deals with "physical conflict" in a different way, a way that provided a
metaphor for how to deal with conflict in the workplace. What did you take away from this Module?
Did you see a connection between the principles of Aikido and the principles of dealing professionally
with workplace conflict?

I learned and grew a fair amount from this module. I am surprised with how much, especially as I reflect.
This module sparked a very strong curiosity in many philosophical ideals, and that things that seemingly
have nothing in common can be very related. I see the principles of Aikido in conflict transformation.
There are effective principals in dealing with physical and verbal conflict using the Aikido way, center,
welcome, blend, and lead. I noted in my journal just after this module, that I felt a greater confidence in
myself to understand conflict.

Prompt #3: In Module 3, you were introduced to the first conflict transformation skill, "Spitting Out the
Hook." Did you learn the skill? Will it help you deal with conflict? Was this quiz (and were the quizzes}
fair, too hard, or too easy? Did the quizzes help you gain more from the text?

I loved this modules exercise, and I use it frequently now. I felt like I learned the skill when we originally
performed the exercise, as I use it, I find that it can go far deeper. I am trying to develop this skill a little
more, and truly learn what it means to be unhooked and spit out the hook. It helps me now when I use
it. The quizzes I felt like were easy but caused reflection and thought. The quizzes made me learn the
material because the questions made me think deeper. I especially felt that way about the multiple-
choice questions.

Prompt #4: In Module 4, you were introduced to the second conflict transformation skill, "H.E.A.R." Did
you learn the skill? Will it help you deal with conflict? Some of you already use an active listening skill;
was learning H.E.A.R. too redundant or was it valuable to review?

I do not think I learned H.E.A.R. during the module. After reflection and talking about the model, I feel
better prepared to try it out and with more confidence. Being able to better understand the other side
and person and communicate with them is critical to conflict transformation. I know that when I learn
how to better use this skill, it will allow me to deal with conflict in a much more productive way. I am an
active listener, but I think people who think this is the same thing are not quite getting the bigger
picture. I did not feel it was redundant, because I see the value in the added skills and structure.

Prompt #5: In Module 5, you were introduced to the third conflict transformation skill, "BURN CLEAN."
Did you learn the skill? Will it help you deal with conflict? Will it help you express your "wants" without
throwing out hooks?

I honestly am not sure about this one. I do not know if I learned it, which I assume means I have not. I
have never been good with confrontation and prioritizing my needs and wants. This exercise did not
quite resonate with me like the others, but I think it was due to preferred personality and behaviors. I
think it will once I feel more confident to use it.

Prompt #6: In Module 6, you were introduced to the fourth conflict transformation skill, "SAY YES." Did
you learn the steps in this skill? Will you be able to use it to help you transform conflict? How confident
do you feel about using the SAY YES Model?

I did learn the steps for this skill. I sadly did this work late and wish I had participated earlier to get more
out of it. I will use this often and am excited to see how I am able to develop this skill. I feel very

Prompt #7: Is there something you wish you had learned or some topic we needed to spend more or
less time on? Add any final thoughts you think would be helpful in improving this course. Overall, was
the workload fair and manageable, light or too much?

This was my favorite course for the whole semester. I got so much for both my personal and
professional life. I do not think anything felt too short or too long. I would have loved to see this course
spread over the length of a semester, with maybe a project or two. Maybe a semester long progress
project? I am not sure. I think it was very manageable. I would not have minded even a little more. I did
choose this special topic course out of curiosity and already knowing I would enjoy it.

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